ASPIRE Australian Social Prescribing Institute of Research and Education reposted this
Health announcements are swirling pre-election with measures to incentivise more bulk billing, to boost the future GP workforce and to create more urgent care centres. These have all been generally welcomed by health commentators although there are cautions and caveats. Clearly, access to GPs is the first step. Accessible primary care is the backbone of a high performing health system. If that's not assured for those who need it most, our health system is on a road to nowhere. But it is important to see additional measures geared to creating greater public value and responsiveness to contemporary needs in our health system. Part of this agenda is to 'put the social into health care' as Paresh Dawda and I wrote in this blog: Clinicians and consumers know only too well that life circumstances such as poor housing, financial distress and loneliness can have a negative impact on health outcomes and that, conversely, participation in community activities, acess to nature parks and social connection can help maintain health and wellbeing. A practical way to do this is a national roll-out of social prescribing, nesting it in primary care. The ASPIRE Australian Social Prescribing Institute of Research and Education submission to the 2025 Federal Budget outlines a pragmatic roadmap for making this happen: ✅ Invest in a MRFF research stream to evaluate models and build the evidence for integrated health and social care ✅ fund an independent national centre to support social prescribing service development and delivery, curate evidence and support translation into action ✅ fund a national online community assets directory to support social prescribing referrers ✅ Make provision in the Medicare Benefits Schedule health assessment and other relevant items to encourage and remunerate for the formulation of social care plans as integral to chronic disease and mental health plans and make social prescribing referrals ✅ Support primary health care services with access to validated screening tools to assist them to triage and target social prescribing services ✅ Fund PHNs to commission and place link workers in suitable settings and locations to provide a social prescribing referral pathway ✅ Build social prescribing workforce capability and capacity with education, training and professional networking for link workers. #integratedcare #socialprescribing #PrimaryHealthNetworks #multidisciplinaryteams #linkworkers #healthpolicy ASPIRE Australian Social Prescribing Institute of Research and Education Prestantia Health Dr J.R. Baker Paresh Dawda Yvonne Zurynski Rosemary V Calder Genevieve Dingle Jeffrey Braithwaite Walid Jammal Tracey Johnson