Obstacle #5 Word Count Woes
Stressing over your word count can be paralysing. It doesn't matter if this word count is the 'magic number' for a particular genre, or just a goal you've set yourself (I will write 2,000 words every day no matter what) - if this stress is STOPPING you from writing rather than encouraging you, it's time to do something about it. But, what?
Try removing those Word Count Woes by:
a) shifting your focus back to 'the story': If you've started focusing on the words, there's a good chance your story is not fully-formed. Instead of asking yourself 'How many words do I have now?', ask yourself, 'What needs to happen next for the plot (or character arc) to develop?'
b) trusting in the editing process: Whether you will be self-editing or you have an editor, the structural edting stage is where it should all be happening. It's here that you can identify the gaps in plots or the flat characters who need some oomph. You may surprise yourself at how rapidly those words build up at this stage.
c) changing how you think about word count: If 'word count' is a dirty phrase or a hurdle, you're going to need to show it some love and give it another chance. Allow it to reinvent itself into a tool to help you understand your work. Also remember it's flexible - publishers change the parameters all the time and at the end of the day, it's all about the story.
d) creating a 'stress-free environment': make your writing space a place you love being in - background music, scented candles, bright colours ... whatever helps melt your stress. A relaxed writer writes.
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