Gary Hamel, today at WOBI Sydney on leading and purpose, talked about being ‘impactful’ and to take accountability for the outcomes and ‘not the process’. He encourages to ‘think like an activist’ as leading is not an administrative role. If you find roadblocks, try and find solutions based on evidentiary data. Compete to have impact with your peers but not to get ahead’. He is all about individuals in work, regardless of role or ‘title’ to have a self-awareness or awareness in the team of how much value they add. He believes in evaluation by peers and that transparency is a better way of developing optimal outcomes and with questioning each other he says as 'adults' i.e. peer-to-peer regardless of your level. He wants your own personal behaviour to be ‘debureaurcratised’ as we human beings are creative. It is the organisations that often stifle this creativity and innovation which leads to demotivated employees and companies that do not perform. I questioned him at lunch as he talked so much about ‘bottom-up’ micro-enterprises driving, but he said 'strategy isn't dead' as he has a “Northstar concept” which of course sets the direction. I think what Gary is encouraging is simply lean, fast decision-making collaborative companies rather than bloated, slow, siloed companies with a dictatorial leadership style. The description he gives seems very aligned with the Howwe ANZ Pty Ltd way of working combining a platform and a process. He wants to move from micromanaging to enabling the organisations. This is the second time I have seen Gary, and he retains his enthusiasm for the subject and passion for improving people and companies. #strategy #leading #accountability #WBFSYD