Multikraft's Microlife Roots product in action! It's so great to see the impact we're having on these farms - well played Hunter Lowe 👏
Check out these incredible maize pastures at Murphy's Dairy Farm in Timaru, Canterbury, New Zealand. 🌏 After a season using Multikraft's Microlife Roots, the pictures alone show how impactful our solutions have been. 🌳 Picture 1 shows an untreated paddock. In picture 2, you can see a clear delineation between the pasture treated vs untreated. Picture 3 shows the maize growing to head height! The only difference being 5o litres of Microlife Roots per hectare! 🌽 With over half a dozen farms and 5,000 cows, Murphy's is a major dairy farming operation, and they're seeing great success with our products. From improved calving with Calf NRG to balanced dairy ponds with Microbalance+, their herds are thriving. 🐄 Great work, Hunter Lowe. Thank you for showcasing the power of Multikraft Probiotic Solutions in action! 👨🌾 #agriculture #dairyfarming #NewZealand #Multikraft #MicrolifeRoots #CalfNRG #Microbalance #sustainablefarming