Natural Intelligence Farming™️

Natural Intelligence Farming™️

Agriculture, Construction, Mining Machinery Manufacturing

Mollerin, Western Australia 1,022 followers

Nurturing microbiomes with heart

About us

Natural Intelligence Farming harnesses the dynamic, natural relationships that exist between all organisms in ecosystems, particularly the soil. These relationships are highly beneficial interactions between soil, plant seed and roots, microorganisms, and the ruminants that feed on the plants, cycling nutrients and microbes back to the soil. The key to Natural Intelligence Farming is that land stewards support, respect and appreciate these interactions and the powerful outcomes they create. Natural Intelligence Farming strives to help educate farmers around the world in NIF methods and bring this nutrient dense and diverse product to the world for everyone to enjoy.

Agriculture, Construction, Mining Machinery Manufacturing
Company size
2-10 employees
Mollerin, Western Australia
Privately Held
Natural Intelligence, Intuition, Nutrient Dense, Nutrient Diverse, Agro-ecology, Epigenetics, Sustainability , Restore ecosystems, and Community


Employees at Natural Intelligence Farming™️


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