We are very excited to be working with the Materials & Embodied Carbon Leaders’ Alliance to present on our low carbon specification guide for clay building products. If you want to learn more about the decarbonisation journey of clay bricks, as well as a few other construction materials, please register for this online MECLA Spotlight event. We look forward to sharing some insights from a manufacturing lens on the key challenges and opportunities to lead the brick industry towards a lower carbon future!
Over the past year MECLA Working Group 5d – Construction Materials and Assemblies (WG5d) has developed low carbon specification guides for a large variety of construction assemblies. These specification guides provide details on the emissions associated with various products in Australia, and the opportunities and barriers to decarbonising them. Each of the guides has been developed in consultation with peak bodies from each industry, and provide an industry-wide standardised approach. The specification guides include clay bricks and roof tiles, cement bricks and roof tiles, and piping. In this MECLA Spotlight representatives from WG5d will introduce their specification guides, where the products are at in their decarbonisation journey, and discuss how they can be used.
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