We are proud to announce the official launch of our latest project, BRIDGEWAT – BRIDGing communities for sustainablE WATers 🌍🌊, under the prestigious iMERMAID EU project! 🌊 This initiative aims to raise awareness 📢, educate 📘, and engage stakeholders 🤝 in Bosnia and Herzegovina about chemical water pollution, focusing on sustainable solutions and innovative technologies. Through strategic communication, workshops, and collaboration with local communities 🏞️, we aspire to contribute to a zero-pollution future for our rivers and water bodies 💧. The Institute for Protection and Ecology of the Republic of Srpska continues its successful collaboration on EU-funded projects, working in the interest of sustainable development and environmental protection. 🌱🇪🇺 Stay tuned for updates as we work together towards cleaner and healthier waters! 🌟 #Sustainability #EnvironmentalAwareness #ZeroPollution #BRIDGEWAT #Innovation #IMERMAID
Institute for Protection and Ecology of the Republic of Srpska
Research Services
Banja Luka, Serb Republic 416 followers
Public scientific-research and project institution in environmental and safety. It has been established in 1976.
About us
- Website
External link for Institute for Protection and Ecology of the Republic of Srpska
- Industry
- Research Services
- Company size
- 11-50 employees
- Headquarters
- Banja Luka, Serb Republic
- Type
- Public Company
- Founded
- 1976
- Specialties
- Environmental Protection, Fire Protection, Safety and Health at Work, Laboratory for Waste, Water and Soil, Accredited Laboratories, Noise, Electromagnetic Radiation, Vibration, EIA study, SEI study, Environmental Permit, Emission, and Air monitoring
Vidovdanska 43
Banja Luka, Serb Republic 78000, BA
Employees at Institute for Protection and Ecology of the Republic of Srpska
Predrag Ilić
Director and Scientific Advisor of Institute for protection and ecology of the Republic of Srpska, Full Professor
Bogdanka Tubin
Expert associate at PSI Institute for protection and ecology of Republic of Srpska
Aleksandar Babić
Sandra Dakić
Master of Laws Environmental Legal Specialist for Environment Protection, Waste Management, Nature Protection, Air Quality and Climate…
🎉 Срећна Нова 2025. година! 🎉 Драги пријатељи, колеге и сарадници, Захваљујемо вам што сте били дио наше приче у 2024. години – години изазова, али и изузетних успјеха. 🌱💡 🏆 Шта смо постигли заједно? Реализујемо пројекте попут AllerShield, RES2FIRE, CircleAware, SuDe2Re, FireSafe Jezero, WATER-GUIDE и учествовали смо у различитим активностима, фокусирајући се на еколошку одрживост и ангажовање заједнице. 🌊 Успјешно смо унаприједили лабораторијске капацитете захваљујући POPs пројекту, уз подршку UNDP u Bosni i Hercegovini, што доприноси већој прецизности и поузданости наших услуга. 🧪 Организовали смо разне догађаје и активности, укључујући рад са привредом и локалним заједницама, чиме смо ширили свијест о заштити животне средине. 📚🌍 Јачали смо сарадњу са институцијама и партнерима широм Европе у оквиру иницијатива за заштиту животне средине, заштиту од пожара, заштиту на раду и циркуларну економију. 🤝🇪🇺 Година иза нас је била свједок вашег повјерења и наше посвећености да заједнички креирамо здравију и одрживију будућност. 🎯 У 2025. години спремни смо да идемо још даље! Наставићемо да радимо на иновацијама, подстицању еколошке свијести и јачању партнерстава. Ваше идеје, сугестије и подршка остају наш највећи ослонац. Хвала вам на сарадњи и вјери у нашу мисију! Желимо вам здравље, успјех и благостање у новој години. С поштовањем, Институт за заштиту и екологију Републике Српске 🎉 Happy New Year 2025! 🎉 Dear friends, colleagues, and partners, We thank you for being a part of our journey in 2024 – a year of challenges but also remarkable achievements. 🌱💡 🏆 What have we achieved together? We successfully implemented projects such as AllerShield, RES2FIRE, CircleAware, SuDe2Re, FireSafe Jezero, and WATER-GUIDE and participated in various activities focusing on environmental sustainability and community engagement. 🌊 Thanks to the POPs Project supported by UNDP u Bosni i Hercegovini, we enriched our laboratory capacities, contributing to greater precision and reliability of our services. 🧪 We organized diverse events and activities, collaborating with businesses and local communities to raise awareness about environmental protection. 📚🌍 We strengthened cooperation with institutions and partners across Europe in initiatives related to environmental protection, fire safety, workplace safety, and the circular economy. 🤝🇪🇺 This past year has been a testament to your trust and our dedication to jointly creating a healthier and more sustainable future. 🎯 In 2025, we are ready to go even further! We will continue to focus on innovation, promoting environmental awareness, and fostering partnerships. Your ideas, suggestions, and support remain our greatest asset.Thank you for your collaboration and trust in our mission! We wish you health, success, and prosperity in the new year. Sincerely, Institute for Protection and Ecology of the Republic of Srpska ✨🌍🍀
Visit to a Partner Institution as Part of the SuDe2Re-Sustainable Development through Responsible Research: Strengthening ORRI in SRB and B&H Project As part of their visit to the University of Banja Luka, Professors Dr. Ljiljana Nikolic Bujanovic and Dr. Sanja Mrazovac Kurilić conducted a working visit to the Institute for Protection and Ecology of the Republic of Srpska, where a meeting was held regarding future applications for Horizon calls. The Institute for Protection and Ecology of the Republic of Srpska was granted support for the development of this collaboration by the Ministry of Scientific and Technological Development, Higher Education, and Information Society. ♻️ https://lnkd.in/dX5sFrd4 #SuDe2Re #SustainableDevelopment #ResponsibleResearch #ORRI #OpenScience #EUProjects #ResearchCollaboration #EnvironmentalProtection #Innovation #Partnership #CapacityBuilding #Education #Ecology #ScienceForSociety #REINFORCING
Visit to a Partner Institution as Part of the SuDe2Re-Sustainable Development through Responsible Research: Strengthening ORRI in SRB and B&H Project As part of their visit to the University of Banja Luka, Professors Dr. Ljiljana Nikolic Bujanovic and Dr. Sanja Mrazovac Kurilić conducted a working visit to the Institute for Protection and Ecology of the Republic of Srpska, where a meeting was held regarding future applications for Horizon calls. The Institute for Protection and Ecology of the Republic of Srpska was granted support for the development of this collaboration by the Ministry of Scientific and Technological Development, Higher Education, and Information Society. ♻️ https://lnkd.in/dX5sFrd4 #SuDe2Re #SustainableDevelopment #ResponsibleResearch #ORRI #OpenScience #EUProjects #ResearchCollaboration #EnvironmentalProtection #Innovation #Partnership #CapacityBuilding #Education #Ecology #ScienceForSociety #REINFORCING
🌍✨ Successful Presentation of the SPRINGIS Project in Banja Luka! ✨🌍 At the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Banja Luka, Prof. Dr. Sanja Mrazovac Kurilić delivered a remarkable presentation of the project SPRINGS´ GIS BASED OPEN REPOSITORY AND AI-IOT MONITORING SYSTEM. This initiative focuses on creating an open-source database of springs and a monitoring system powered by artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things (AI-IoT). The project, co-funded by the Ministry of Scientific and Technological Development, Higher Education, and Information Society of the Republic of Srpska, was implemented by the Institute for Protection and Ecology of the Republic of Srpska. The aim is to establish new partnerships and apply for European funding opportunities. The presentation was held as part of the RISBriefcase project meeting. We extend our gratitude to Prof. Dr. Suzana Gotovac Atlagić for the invitation to present our idea in front of a large number of partners from the region and the European Union. The event was highly successful, attracting numerous interested contacts and paving the way for future collaborations. 📢 Thank you to everyone who attended and supported this significant step toward advancing science and technology! 🚀 Stay tuned for more updates on our journey! #SPRINGIS #RISBRIEFCASE #GIS #AI #IoT #Sustainability #Innovation #Collaboration
🎯 Participation of Institute for Protection and Ecology of the Republic of Srpska Representatives in a Roundtable on Fire Protection and Hazardous Materials Management On December 13, 2024, our representatives, Goran Šobot and Aleksandar Babić, actively participated in a roundtable organized by the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Srpska. The event focused on the following topics: "Fire Protection Law - Preventive Measures and Organization of Firefighting and Rescue Units in the Republic of Srpska," "Harmonization of Legislation on Explosive Materials Trade and Transportation of Dangerous Goods with EU Acquis." 🔍 Key contributions from our representatives included: ✅ Presenting their engagement and key information about two vital projects: RES2FIRE, funded by the European Union through the Interreg IPA ADRION Programme, and FireSafeJezero, funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), and coordinated by Farmahem from Skopje, North Macedonia, as part of the Landscape Fire Management in the Western Balkans (LFMWB) program. ✅ Proposing innovative solutions, including an initiative to integrate fire safety topics into the educational curricula of primary and secondary schools. This aims to equip young people with practical knowledge about fire prevention, fostering lifelong awareness and preparedness. This proposal has been highlighted as a key point for consideration in the new Fire Protection Law. ✅ Addressing the widespread issue of burning agricultural land during the summer months and advocating for the education of rural communities on sustainable land and forest management to prevent wildfires. This proposal has also been recommended for inclusion in the new Fire Protection Law. 🌐 The event also provided an opportunity to establish significant connections with representatives of various ministries and institutions, including the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Water Management of the Republic of Srpska, which is a partner in the LFMWB program. 💡 Education, collaboration, and the implementation of innovative solutions remain our primary goals in improving fire safety, preserving natural resources, and raising community awareness. 📌 We sincerely thank the Ministry of the Interior for organizing this significant event and for allowing us to actively participate in the development of fire protection policies and practices! #FireSafety #Resilience #Education #Prevention #Sustainability #WildfirePrevention #Collaboration #Innovation #RES2FIRE #FireSafeJezero