Technology, Information and Internet

6G eXperimental Research infrastructure to enable next-generation XR services

About us

6G eXperimental research infRastructure to enable next-generation XR services (6G-XR) will develop an evolvable experimental infrastructure for the duration of the SNS programme that covers demonstrating the performance of key B5G/6G candidate technologies, components, and architectures to keep the infrastuctures valid now, in mid-term and in long-term. It will demonstrate technological feasibility of “better than 5G” KPIs, innovative radio spectrum technologies and the use and sharing applicable to beyond 5G and 6G spectrum, validate a representative end-to-end beyond 5G architecture (and later 6G) including end-to-end service provisioning with slicing capabilities, and at cloud implementation level (Open RAN). Furthermore, 6G-XR shall validate multi access edge computing scenarios and their integration into a complete cloud continuum, support innovative use cases with vertical actors, beyond 5G capabilities, and support showcasing events. In addition, 6G-XR demonstrates and validates performance of innovative 6G applications with a focus on demanding immersive applications such as holographics, digital twins and XR/VR. 6G-XR will support impactful contribution to standards and demonstrate the technological feasibility of key societal requirements and objectives such as energy reduction at both platform and network levels. 6G-XR project has received funding from the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) under the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 101096838.

Technology, Information and Internet
Company size
11-50 employees



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