📢 COMMUNIQUÉ 📢| La SNCF réclame des “conditions égales” en Espagne – mais le seront-elles aussi en France? #sncf #france #spain #españa #rail #transport #train #renfe #tren #ferrocarril #ferroviaire #transporte
ALLRAIL, the Alliance of Passenger Rail New Entrants
Rail Transportation
Ixelles, Brussels Region 5,428 followers
Faster passenger rail market opening is the most effective way to achieve a modal shift to rail.
About us
ALLRAIL, the Alliance of Rail New Entrants, brings together non-incumbent companies from the passenger rail market comprising operators like European Sleeper, RegioJet, Transdev, WESTbahn, Leo Express, NTV-Italo, Flixtrain, multimodal journey planner and online booking platform Trip.com, rolling stock lessor Angel Trains, and infrastructure manager Getlink. All our members share the belief that further market liberalisation is the only way to achieve a modal shift to rail and help the European Union (EU) achieve the ambitious targets laid down in the 2016 Paris Climate Agreement. Around Europe, it has been proven that an open rail market leads to: - innovation and improved service - lower fares - passenger growth, and - new jobs. For example, since NTV-Italo began competing against the incumbent Trenitalia in the Italian high-speed market in 2012, average fares have fallen by 41% while demand increased by 101%. The incumbent is more profitable than before, and both operators have introduced new trains. In addition, wherever competitive tendering has been introduced for publicly-funded rail services, taxpayer cost has decreased, and quality has improved. While all stakeholders - passengers, taxpayers, the rail sector and legislators - benefit from liberalisation, over 80% of EU passenger rail does not experience any form of competition, so there is a lot of work still to be done. Four points are to address in priority to encourage market opening: 1) Lowering track-access charges, 2) Ensuring a vibrant market for new and second-hand rolling-stock, 3) Fixing ticket retail (availability of all data, transparent and impartial retail, FRAND conditions for independent ticket vendors), 4) Public Service Obligations as a last resort, and only through competitive tenders.
- Website
External link for ALLRAIL, the Alliance of Passenger Rail New Entrants
- Industry
- Rail Transportation
- Company size
- 2-10 employees
- Headquarters
- Ixelles, Brussels Region
- Type
- Nonprofit
- Founded
- 2017
Rue Washington 40
Ixelles, Brussels Region 1050, BE
Employees at ALLRAIL, the Alliance of Passenger Rail New Entrants
A few minutes ago, the 1st European Sleeper night train service direct to Venice departed from Brussels. An Open Access long-distance train, it will cross four internal EU borders in just one night, serving Belgium-Netherlands-Germany-Austria-Italy. In fact, it's the 1st direct passenger rail service between Belgium and Italy for many years. In addition, it is provided by an independent operator. Something for our team members Katharina D. & Salim B. to celebrate 👇
ALLRAIL Secretary General Nick Brooks will be at the Transport Ticketing Events Global Conference in London, UK, tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon. Please Direct Message (DM) us if you would like a meeting. Ticketing is a hot topic, and our priorities remain : - All rail tickets should be shown & sold at all rail ticket vendors, both independent 3rd-party owned and operator in-house - this is the most transparent solution for passengers - The fair and non-discriminatory combination of rail operator products. This notably means ensuring that technical specifications are under an EU governance. Only one technical standard enables this at present: Transmodel NeTEx Looking forward to attending #ttglobal25 tomorrow !
ITB, the world's largest tourism trade fair, is taking place in Berlin this week, and our member operator European Sleeper will have a stand there:
Good morning from Berlin! Just arrived at ITB after a #GOOD night ride on the European Sleeper from the Netherlands. Left in the evening, slept well, and woke up in the heart of Berlin—ready to dive into a week full of inspiring meetings and connections! Excited to catch up with familiar faces and meet new partners. Who else is here? Let’s connect! Find our booth at hall 4.1, stand 217a #ITBBerlin #EuropeanSleeper #theGoodNightTrain #SustainableTravel #TravelIndustry
Met GoVolta kun je wél voor €10 mee met de internationale trein naar Parijs, Berlijn of Kopenhagen. Maar nu nog even niet, vandaag in de Volkskrant. Na een traject van 8 maanden met Rabobank te hebben doorlopen blijkt dat men het toch niet zo voor heeft met duurzame ambities van ervaren ondernemers. Ook ASN Bank en ING Nederland hebben de mond vol over treinen, maar financieren doen ze niet. Waarom? Er is geen benchmark. Het is niet eerder gedaan. Is dat dan de reden om de kans om eindelijk betaalbaar treinvervoer naar Nederland te halen te laten schieten? De reizigers van ROVER zullen de rekening bij Nederlandse Spoorwegen voorlopig nog moeten betalen. Of ze gaan met het vliegtuig. Reisorganisaties van ANVR houden de focus liever op het oude verdienmodel. Vliegen: dat is waar het nu verdiend wordt, dus dat is waar we bij blijven. Als duurzaamheid werkelijk enige prioriteit had, dan had de branche zich wel wat toeschiettelijker getoond om de benodigde laatste €2,5 mln bij elkaar te krijgen. Onze boodschap: het kan wél, maar als je organisaties vraagt de daad bij het woord te voegen geeft niemand thuis. Stop dan met zenden van de duurzame boodschap. Er is grote vraag naar betaalbaar internationaal treinvervoer, nu nog partijen die ook bereid zijn de nek uit te steken om het prille begin een kans te geven. Meeprofiteren zodra het loopt? Deelnemen in een volgende groeifase? Leuk, maar daar hebben we nu niets aan. Na 3 jaar zelf nachttreinen te hebben gereden gaan wij over op het rijden van betaalbaar internationaal treinvervoer met dagtreinen van GoVolta. Nog wat meer geduld iedereen! Fijne vliegreis deze zomer 😉 .
We are excited that our member European Sleeper’s winter night train will be running from #Brussels through to #Venice, starting in March. The route will pass through the scenic Brenner Pass, with stops in Bolzano/Bozen, and other fascinating destinations in Italy, before reaching Venice. Departures from Brussels (via Netherlands and Cologne, Germany) are scheduled for 4th and 12th March, while departures from Venice will be on 8th and 16th March. This overnight cross-border journey offers a unique way to travel across #Europe. #ALLRAIL #EuropeanSleeper #NightTrain #SustainableTravel #BrennerPass
This week marks three years since our member operator RegioJet a.s. started the evacuation services between the Ukrainian/Polish border and Prague, after Russia's unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. RegioJet keeps serving this route for travellers to and fro, as a commercially driven night train service. Something born out of urgency has become something permanent:
Tři roky přímého spojení Praha – Přemyšl! 🚃 Před třemi lety jsme v reakci na válečný konflikt na Ukrajině vypravili první vlaky, které pomohly přepravit tisíce uprchlíků i humanitární pomoc. Dnes je naše linka nejen symbolem solidarity, ale i stabilním spojením mezi Českem a Ukrajinou. - Přes 500 000 cestujících - 85% obsazenost našich vozů - Návazné linky do Lvova, Kyjeva a dalších měst Děkujeme, že jsme součástí vaší cesty!
Far in advance - our member operator Snälltåget today opened bookings *already* for its domestic night trains within Sweden during the winter season 2025/26 This rivals the early booking windows of airlines, does it not?
📣 📣 Boka resan till fjällen vintern 2025/26 ⛷ Nu öppnar vi bokningen till Åre och våra andra destinationer i Jämtland Härjedalen vintersäsongen 25/26. Säsongens största nyhet blir att vi även kör mellan Göteborg och fjällen.😀 Vi kör till Åre 17 december 2025 - 3 maj 2026. Boka på Snalltaget.se
✨ Avec 9 000 recrutements prévus cette année, dont 5 000 CDI, Transdev est le 4ᵉ plus grand recruteur du secteur industriel en France selon le baromètre de L'Usine Nouvelle. Un classement qui reflète notre engagement fort en faveur de l’emploi et du développement des compétences ! Dans un monde où la mobilité se transforme, nous donnons à chacun les moyens d’évoluer et de construire son avenir avec : ✅ Un engagement à répondre aux enjeux de cohésion sociale grâce à des solutions de mobilité inclusive, responsable au service du bien commun 🛤 Des parcours de formation adaptés pour révéler les talents et réinventer nos métiers ⚡ Des opportunités de carrière dans les secteurs d’avenir : transition énergétique, digitalisation et innovation... Chez Transdev #CeQuiNousFaitAvancer, c’est permettre à chacun d’avancer. ➡ #TransdevRecrute, rejoignez-nous : https://lnkd.in/dNYbZPT #TeamTransdev #TheMobilityCompany Thierry Mallet Caroline Gonin Edouard HENAUT Anne Laure Nolleau Kim Beddard-Fontaine Charlotte PAJAUD-BLANCHARD
Greece | Today is a solemn day for the European rail system: the 2nd anniversary of the fatal rail disaster in Tempi. It's critical to do everything to ensure the safety of passengers now and in the future. What did the actors concerned do wrong? There must be an open and frank transparency about this, not least for the family and friends of the victims. Yesterday, the 178 page Rail Accident Report was released - click on this link: https://lnkd.in/e9C8BcYc