Blue Transition reposted this
How do you measure peatland #GHGs in the winter? Now the challenging season arrived with #CO2 measurement in #peatland. Loggers’ solar power system is totally down due to limited sunlight, sensors are exposed to frost. Similar to the site from Institut for Ecoscience - Aarhus Universitet, their equipment also face challenges of cold weather. Got power supply for my logger, and another comparative study is initiated. Thanks to Nichlas Hermansen, logger is running again. 🙌🙌🙌 Forskningscenter for byggeri, klima og vandteknologi,Consibio, Blue Transition Emil Hubbard, Majbritt Deichgræber Lund, Dominik Zak, Søren Jessen Kjær, Ilke Borowski - Maaser