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City Mine(d)

City Mine(d)

Design Services

Sint-Gillis, Brussels Region 976 followers

Make urban development everybody's business. Blend innovative design with change towards a more sustainable & fair city.

About us

City Mine(d) operates at the nexus of architecture, urban development and urban activism. Since its creation in 1997, City Mine(d) blends innovative design with change towards a more sustainable and fair city in an inclusive and open way. In recent years City Mine(d) put in place a bottom-up approach to urban development. Its trajectories on concrete sustainability topics in a specific neighbourhood can run up to 5 years. They aims at bringing citizens together within their community, among communities, and between citizens and the different institutions that shape the city. In doing so it strengthens voices that often remain unrepresented in the public debate. Since 2010 City Mine(d) focusses on longer-term processes that combine local with sustainable development. It looks at global topics, like Employment (Micronomics), Water (Friche Eggevoort) or Electricity (La Pile), assesses their local impact, but more importantly together with local residents searches for the agency citizens can obtain in these topics.

Design Services
Company size
2-10 employees
Sint-Gillis, Brussels Region
urban development, transition, water, energy, urban micro-economy, governance, social innovation, social inclusion, collective intelligence, cocreation, and Process-based changemaking


Employees at City Mine(d)


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    An energy neighbourhood is not a technical appliance you install – it is a collective effort. Residents have a significant impact on the choice and functioning of energy measures in their neighbourhoods. If they pull out or miss the boat, targets are missed, private investments fall short, and the social divide deepens.  In Brussels' Northern Quarter, City Mine(d) sparked a dialogue with residents using the ‘rocket stove waffle iron’, showcasing the benefits of insulation in a playful, culinary and accessible way. A perfect illustration of Action 2 of Operation Energy Neighbourhoods.    Visit our exhibition until the end of March and explore the other proposed actions, each brought to life through an object. More info via the link in the comments.   Pictured: 1. ‘Rocket Stove Waffle Iron’ created by artist Daniel Parnitzke © City Mine(d) 2. The rocket stove exhibited at Operation Energy Neighbourhoods © Michiel De Cleene 3. ‘Laboratori di quartieri’: organised spaces for experimentation in Bologna 4. Eeklo's innovative scheme: empowering citizens affected by energy poverty to participate in an energy cooperation

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  • Autonomous practices and places embarking on a long distance journey ! 900 days—this is how long it took Magalhães’ crew to circumnavigate the globe and begin their final stretch from the Cape of Good Hope back home. 900 days—this is the time we grant ourselves to embark on a journey of discovery, exploring the past, present, and future of autonomous practices and places across Europe. Our voyage launched in Warsaw on December 1st with the unveiling of OASis—a Europe-wide collaboration linking partners from Armenia, France, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Ukraine. Five days later, we docked at our “port d’attache,” Brussels, where locals gathered to chart the course ahead. Who will travel where? And who will join the crew? The horizon stretches wide before us. Do you feel called to join this journey of exploration and connection? Message us—your place in the équipage awaits. Witek Hebanowski Lorenzo Verde Irakli Mikiani @andrea medvegy Cultivamos Cultura Gerador Julien Goret @Limit Stepanyan Olena Pravylo Anano Aprasidze Lorenzo Tripodi 

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  • Tonight's the night !

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    Are you still there too...?...after Brexit, Covid, energy/environmental/military crises, elections all over the place , and even maybe that little flu? Time to get together and celebrate! Join us on Thursday Dec 5 (start 17u > ...) L'Annexe Brasserie Fermenterie de Bruxelles, rue du Métal 17, 1060 Bxl (with DJ Eclecthib) We are putting heads together. Of doers, thinkers, practitioners and policy-shapers. Many are those for whom “what if” is an invitation or an inspiration. But we seem dispersed, distracted and at occasions even discouraged. Well, stop that! There are still many of us, why not share what we are doing, connect, compare, contrast and co-develop? Hence this invite: while we share what City Mine(d)¨ is working on and thinking of, we invite you to do the same: Pop in to say hello, share your thoughts, just listen, discover, propose, organise, display what you like to share, or just catch up. No formal meet, just an informal greet. -> space will be provided to share flyers, invitations, considerations or showcase publications SUDO what? We considered calling this get-together C:\Users\futur>systemreset.exe Because that says it all: C for City Mine(d) Users for our user-centred approach Futur, what we will be doing next Systemreset as its wants to be a re-boot after a year of bracing for impact And EXE as an executable: doing, rather than filing, But then it turned out that hardly anyone out there speaks C anymore (C the programming language, not C the New Beat hit single). What happens on the machine you spend most of your time on is now hidden by a GUI (A graphical user interface, not the bloke). You press buttons and things happen. Then we wondered that that is actually quite a shame: You press buttons and things are no longer in your hands: “Computer says no.” Your data are divulged. Daily disempowerment. So we thought, Might as well address that too ! Familiarise ourselves and those around us With what the computer does while we think it is thinking instead of us. Beginning with punch cards, because that’s where the magic starts. That’s where humans thought they could tell machines what to do. From the punch card we will see where it takes us. Maybe it will turn us all into SuperUsers. Hence the title: SUDO

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  • City Mine(d) reposted this

    View profile for Jim Segers

    development activist at City Mine(d)

    Over past days we helped draft this message of support to civil rights activists in Georgia. They are at a crossroads and just our thoughts mean a lot to them.

  • Are you still there too...?...after Brexit, Covid, energy/environmental/military crises, elections all over the place , and even maybe that little flu? Time to get together and celebrate! Join us on Thursday Dec 5 (start 17u > ...) L'Annexe Brasserie Fermenterie de Bruxelles, rue du Métal 17, 1060 Bxl (with DJ Eclecthib) We are putting heads together. Of doers, thinkers, practitioners and policy-shapers. Many are those for whom “what if” is an invitation or an inspiration. But we seem dispersed, distracted and at occasions even discouraged. Well, stop that! There are still many of us, why not share what we are doing, connect, compare, contrast and co-develop? Hence this invite: while we share what City Mine(d)¨ is working on and thinking of, we invite you to do the same: Pop in to say hello, share your thoughts, just listen, discover, propose, organise, display what you like to share, or just catch up. No formal meet, just an informal greet. -> space will be provided to share flyers, invitations, considerations or showcase publications SUDO what? We considered calling this get-together C:\Users\futur>systemreset.exe Because that says it all: C for City Mine(d) Users for our user-centred approach Futur, what we will be doing next Systemreset as its wants to be a re-boot after a year of bracing for impact And EXE as an executable: doing, rather than filing, But then it turned out that hardly anyone out there speaks C anymore (C the programming language, not C the New Beat hit single). What happens on the machine you spend most of your time on is now hidden by a GUI (A graphical user interface, not the bloke). You press buttons and things happen. Then we wondered that that is actually quite a shame: You press buttons and things are no longer in your hands: “Computer says no.” Your data are divulged. Daily disempowerment. So we thought, Might as well address that too ! Familiarise ourselves and those around us With what the computer does while we think it is thinking instead of us. Beginning with punch cards, because that’s where the magic starts. That’s where humans thought they could tell machines what to do. From the punch card we will see where it takes us. Maybe it will turn us all into SuperUsers. Hence the title: SUDO

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  • How do YOU move your goods around? Want to come and test our punched card machine named Logicienne? Come along 5/12* or give us a shout. We want to talk and listen. Collect stories and data. Find transporters, retailers, storers (warehousers, not storytellers)(also storytellers), and YOU who are using the logistic system every day! It is a quest for levers and inspiring alternatives… What works well and why, and what could suit us better and how? *Join us on Thursday 5/12 SUDO Drink start 17u > … L'Annexe Brasserie Fermenterie de Bruxelles - rue du Metaalstraat 17 - 1060 bxl More Soon !! #Machinelearning in reverse - NOT about a machine that learns BUT an excuse for many of us to learn by building analogue machines. #urbanlogistics - the networks that put food on our plates and goods in our closets

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    We were told that the #urbanlogistics system is the most UN-likely system for citizen involvement. They shouldn’t have told us. 😁 Granted, Urban Logistics -the networks that put food on our plates and clothes in our wardrobes - is the most hidden of all the systems that shape our lives: It does not even have its own infrastructure but piggybacks on others like mobility, public space, food and fashion. But we have trouble with ignoring a good challenge: Also granted: the system is increasingly #automated and de-humanised. But we’re not afraid of that either. Automation started with #punchedcards SO let’s take it back from there: we’re building a punched card machine named LOGICIENNE to help us translate our first encounters into punched cards #Machinelearning in reverse ; NOT about a machine that learns BUT an excuse for many of us to learn by building analogue machines. #mapping #toughissues for #agency #autonomy in #complexity #Flightradar #citymined

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    [Flight Radar] Found a new system to untangle! A new lens to look at how our city life is shaped: How do we move stuff around in our dense and diverse neighbourhoods? [a nut humans have been trying to crack for 50 (FIFTY!?) centuries (CENTURIES!?), ever since we've been bringing goods to markets (MARKETS?)(sorry) We want to find out what works well and why, and what could suit us better and how. So we want to talk and listen. Collect stories and data. Find transporters, retailers, storers (warehousers, not storytellers)(also storytellers), and YOU who are using the logistic system every day! It is a quest for levers and inspiring alternatives cartoon from the unbeaten #ourfutureinthefuture - #mapping #toughissues for #agency - #autonomy in #complexity #Flightradar #citymined #urbanlogistics

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  • there are many reasons to meet up for coffee - if this one's for you too, let us know ! Talking about Flight paths & Flight Radars. Or holding patterns? We wrote some lines … …about where we are NOW: Open design activism Participatory platforms Collective action complex social challenges and sustainable development beta-testing the current status quo identifying levers and feedback loops creating prototypes of more inclusive or robust solutions where a Can-Do spirit meets the social justice agenda …& asking questions about the YEARS AHEAD: How can we go from showing that the emperor has no clothes and hint at remedies to that nudity, to one in which design activists can do more? How can the ripple resonate? #ourfutureinthefuture #Flightradar #citymined

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  • City Mine(d) reposted this

    View profile for sofie van bruystegem

    urban micro-initiatives at City Mine(d)

    Les limites à la PEB - carte blanche à signer J’ai le plaisir de vous communiquer ci-après le lien vers un texte écrit à huit mains durant ces derniers mois. Il s'agit d'un commentaire sur la PEB, employée comme outil de politique publique pour réduire les consommations d'énergie primaire dans les bâtiments. Nous avons pu nous rendre compte que beaucoup pensent que cet outil, la PEB, est actuellement exploité de façon disproportionnée, bornée et parfois contreproductive. Si le texte vous parle, nous vous invitons à le signer à le diffuser largement à travers vos réseaux et parmi vos connaissances. Je reste joignable si vous voulez en discuter, et de tout façon une soirée-débat sera prochainement organisée pour échanger sur le thème. Merci d'avance pour votre intérêt ! Manon, Julien, Eric, Didier

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    [Flight Radar] Found a new system to untangle! A new lens to look at how our city life is shaped: How do we move stuff around in our dense and diverse neighbourhoods? [a nut humans have been trying to crack for 50 (FIFTY!?) centuries (CENTURIES!?), ever since we've been bringing goods to markets (MARKETS?)(sorry) We want to find out what works well and why, and what could suit us better and how. So we want to talk and listen. Collect stories and data. Find transporters, retailers, storers (warehousers, not storytellers)(also storytellers), and YOU who are using the logistic system every day! It is a quest for levers and inspiring alternatives cartoon from the unbeaten #ourfutureinthefuture - #mapping #toughissues for #agency - #autonomy in #complexity #Flightradar #citymined #urbanlogistics

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