Clean Shipping Coalition reposted this New EU report on pollution by ships shows serious shortcomings in control and enforcement. #pollution #shipping #EU
Clean Shipping for People and Planet. The Clean Shipping Coalition is an international association of civil society environmental protection organisations, and the only one with a purely shipping focus.
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Clean Shipping Coalition reposted this New EU report on pollution by ships shows serious shortcomings in control and enforcement. #pollution #shipping #EU
Clean Shipping Coalition reposted this
Competitiveness, decarbonisation, environment protection - Blue Speeds has it all. Simply slowing down marine transport by only 10% would have significant benefits for industry, animals, people and the planet: ☑ Reduce ocean noise pollution by 40% ☑ Reduce the risk of ships colliding with whales by 50% ☑ Lower greenhouse gas emissions from shipping by 13% and less air pollution. ☑Is immediately applicable in the current fleet without any need for investment. ☑ depending on fuel prices, the total benefits of Blue Speeds in Europe are estimated to be between EUR 3.4 billion and 4.5 billion per year. How can we help protect our big ally against climate change, whales, and marine biodiversity and gain money for investments for competitiveness? Slowing down provides an easily applicable solution. Still possible to support the campaign at
'Enormous amount of work' left to agree details, but backing for IMO GHG levy and fuel standard grows
Delaine McCullough, the Ocean Conservancy’s shipping emissions policy manager and president of the Clean Shipping Coalition, described the new voices calling for the levy at the IMO this week as “one of the bright spots”. “It was particularly encouraging to see Mexico and Panama act as regional leaders in this crucial discussion – we now need a rallying call by IMO member states to agree on strong global fuel standard and greenhouse gas levy as the best way forward for reducing emissions from the shipping sector,” she added in a statement.
As a crucial International Maritime Organization (IMO) meeting on reducing the shipping sector’s climate heating emissions closes with little progress made, the Clean Shipping Coalition expressed dismay at the lack of action and demanded greater ambition ahead of a looming April 2025 deadline. During the Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions from Ships (ISWG-GHG 18) IMO member states faced the task of resolving differences on hundreds of details within the technical and economic policies on lowering shipping’s climate impact, to be approved at MEPC 83 in April 2025, and adopted by the IMO at an extraordinary MEPC in October 2025. While this week’s deliberations touched on most of these points of disagreement, none that will drive the shipping sector to achieve the goals of the 2023 IMO Strategy were resolved, leaving an enormous amount of work to be done over the next five weeks if countries are to agree upon a final legal policy document that can be approved at MEPC 83. During the meeting, significant focus came on the GHG emission pricing mechanism, in particular the flat GHG emissions levy that analysis shows supports the lowest cost maritime energy transition and ensures that developing countries, especially SIDS and LDCs, will not be left behind. Notably, the number of countries calling for inclusion of a greenhouse gas levy has now grown to over 60.
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“With 2024 marked as the hottest year on record, capping a decade of ‘hottest years’, there’s no more room for delay, yet this week IMO member states ignored a looming April deadline, making little progress on the a global fuel standard and greenhouse gas levy that would reduce emissions and the shipping sector’s impact on the climate and would ensure a just and equitable transition to zero emission shipping, including wind power”, said Delaine McCullough, Ocean Conservancy’s Shipping Emissions Policy Manager and President of the Clean Shipping Coalition. “Although there continues to be obstruction and delay, these priority policies are still on the table for ISWG-GHG 19 and MEPC 83 in March-April. There have been some initial moves by states to broker agreements, but much hard work remains to be done. Countries must demonstrate leadership by agreeing on ambitious, enforceable fuel standards and a greenhouse gas levy that slash shipping’s impact on the climate, and which cannot be watered down in last minute compromises.”
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Econowind raises €1m to develop sail tech for deep-sea shipping
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Want to know what happened at the IMO? We're back with our highly informative readout of the meeting, which shows that support is growing for the GHG levy, as more countries see it as a viable measure to meet climate and equity goals of the IMO. Our analysis of the participation at the meeting shows that 66% of the MARPOL signatories now support the levy, including countries from Africa, Latin America, Caribbean and Pacific region. Read more:
“With 2024 marked as the hottest year on record, capping a decade of ‘hottest years’, there’s no more room for delay, yet this week IMO member states ignored a looming April deadline, making little progress on the a global fuel standard and greenhouse gas levy that would reduce emissions and the shipping sector’s impact on the climate and would ensure a just and equitable transition to zero emission shipping, including wind power”, said Delaine McCullough, Ocean Conservancy’s Shipping Emissions Policy Manager and President of the Clean Shipping Coalition. “Although there continues to be obstruction and delay, these priority policies are still on the table for ISWG-GHG 19 and MEPC 83 in March-April. There have been some initial moves by states to broker agreements, but much hard work remains to be done. Countries must demonstrate leadership by agreeing on ambitious, enforceable fuel standards and a greenhouse gas levy that slash shipping’s impact on the climate, and which cannot be watered down in last minute compromises.”
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"If done justly and equitably, a shipping levy could provide a lifeline for urgent climate action." 🚢🌍 Maritime Policy Advisor, Eldine Glees, shares on African Arguments why "Africa cannot wait on climate finance. We need a global shipping levy now" and how countries can raise their collective voices at the International Maritime Organization this April to support an ambitious levy. 👏🏼