📣 The Clean Industrial Deal shows EU getting serious about becoming the Home of Cleantech 📣 Earlier today, the European Commission unveiled the Clean Industrial Deal (CID), a landmark initiative to scale up and accelerate the deployment of Europe’s cleantech manufacturing sector. The CID sets out a strategy to boost demand, de-risking and private capital for cleantech in Europe. Many tangible measures advocated for by over 100 cleantech leaders in an open letter sent to the Commission by Cleantech for Europe and its regional partners’ in January have been adopted into the EU’s plan. The CID delivers: 📈 Demand boost for EU Cleantech: the CID can create a strong demand signal through sustainability, resilience and EU preference criteria in EU public procurement, as well as incentivizing national and private procurement to use the same criteria. 💡 De-risking instruments: 3 new European Investment Bank (EIB) guarantee products announced: A Cleantech Guarantee Facility, a Counter Guarantee for SMEs to contract PPAs, and a Grid Manufacturing Counter Guarantee: Cleantech for Europe has long advocated for more public guarantees tools, and believe they can accelerate deployment of capital in the space 📃 New State Aid Rules will specifically target cleantech manufacturing, renewable energy and storage, offering more speed and predictability around authorized aid. It will also look specifically at speeding up de-risking tools by Member States such as cleantech guarantees. 💶 A top-up of Invest EU: the CID calls for increasing the EU guarantee facility, which the Commission projects could unlock up to EU 50 billion in private capital for cleantech scale-up. These funds will prioritize innovative companies, and particularly beneficial for cleantech start-ups and scale-ups through guarantee-type instruments. 🏦 A greater use of the EU Innovation Fund, and the creation of an Industrial Decarbonisation Bank. 🎯 A commitment that the upcoming Savings and Investment Union will focus on mobilizing private capital for decarbonisation and cleantech European cleantech leaders from our Scale-up and Investor coalitions shared their perspectives Clean Industrial Deal. Breakthrough Energy Ann Mettler Julia Reinaud Baseload Capital Alexander Helling cylib Lilian Schwich Energy Dome Claudio Spadacini Néolithe Quentin Laurens Nicolas Cruaud Planet A Ventures Lena Thiede REGA ENERGY Thomas Carrier Sunfire Nils Aldag Christopher Frey Stegra Henrik Henriksson Ola Hansén Xlinks Sven Heiligtag Cleantech for Iberia Cleantech for France Cleantech for Italy Tech for Net Zero Cleantech for Nordics Cleantech for Baltics Victor van Hoorn Jules Besnainou