Fantastic to see Egle Butkeviciene, Professor of Sociology at Kaunas University of Technology, featured in European University Association Expert Voices! 🎉 Egle is a driving force in ECIU University and SMART-ER, working with other experts on citizen science, co-leading pilots, and delivering a course on public engagement. She’s also part of the team shaping academic career assessment in CoARA - Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment. 🔗 Read her article: #ECIUUniversity #CitizenScience #HigherEducation #OpenScience #SMARTER #CoARA
How can universities overcome roadblocks to citizen science in academia? Egle Butkeviciene, Professor of Sociology at Kaunas University of Technology and a member of EUA’s Expert Group on Open Science, argues that the transformational pathway of the higher education institution towards the wider use of citizen science should include the entire academic community at research, education, infrastructure and policy levels. ✍️ Read her dedicated #EUAExpertVoices article at ECSA - European Citizen Science Association #CitizenScience #HigherEducation #OpenScience