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Our last event of the year is in full swing now: The 2024 Euro NCAP UpDate. Two days packed with the latest infos on the Euro NCAP rating. #euroncap #ncap
The European New Car Assessment Programme (Euro NCAP) is a European car safety performance assessment programme founded in 1997 by the Transport Research Laboratory for the UK Department for Transport and now the standard throughout Western Europe. Euro NCAP is backed by the governments of UK, France, Germany, Sweden, The Netherlands, Luxemburg and Spain, as well as insurance, motoring and consumer organisations. Euro NCAP publishes safety reports on new cars, and awards 'star ratings' based on the performance of the vehicles in a variety of crash tests, including front, side and pole impacts, and impacts with pedestrians. Furthermore it promotes Electronic Stability Control, Seat Belt Reminders and Speed limiters. The top overall rating is five stars.
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Euro NCAP - For Safer Cars, Vans & Trucks reposted this
Our last event of the year is in full swing now: The 2024 Euro NCAP UpDate. Two days packed with the latest infos on the Euro NCAP rating. #euroncap #ncap
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🚨 Sicherheit geht vor: Kennen Sie schon die Rettungskarte? 🚗🛠️ Die ADAC Rettungskarte kann Leben retten! 💛 Denn bei einem Unfall zählt jede Sekunde, und diese Karte hilft den Rettungskräften, schnell und sicher vorzugehen. 🔎 Was macht die Rettungskarte so wichtig? ✅ Zeigt, wo Ihr Fahrzeug sicher aufgeschnitten werden kann. ✅ Beschleunigt die Rettung von Fahrzeuginsassen. ✅ Kann kostenlos heruntergeladen und genutzt werden. 📌 So nutzen Sie die Rettungskarte richtig: 1️⃣ In Farbe ausdrucken und prüfen, ob sie Ihrem Fahrzeugmodell entspricht. 2️⃣ Hinter der Fahrersonnenblende aufbewahren – dieser Ort ist international bekannt. 3️⃣ Mit dem ADAC-Aufkleber an der Windschutzscheibe kennzeichnen: „Rettungskarte im Fahrzeug“. ⚠️ TIPP: Sie haben noch keine Rettungskarte? Holen Sie sich Ihre jetzt! ℹ️ INFOS RETTUNGSKARTE 🚒🧑🏻🚒TIPP: Die Euro-RESCUE-App von Euro NCAP - For Safer Cars, Vans & Trucks liefert den Ersthelfern wichtige Informationen für die Befreiung. 👉 Google Play 👉 iOS App Store #Sicherheit #ErsteHilfe #ADACTipp #Rettungskarte #Lebensretter #Feuerwehr Bilder: ADAC/Ralph Wagner, Rettungskarten Beispiel smart #1
Euro NCAP - For Safer Cars, Vans & Trucks reposted this
Commercialisé par Stellantis en #Europe, le C10 est le #SUV du chinois Leapmotor positionné sur le segment D. D'après les derniers tests de l'organisme Euro NCAP - For Safer Cars, Vans & Trucks, ce modèle électrique remporte les cinq étoiles.
Euro NCAP - For Safer Cars, Vans & Trucks reposted this
Commercialisé par Stellantis en #Europe, le C10 est le #SUV du chinois Leapmotor positionné sur le segment D. D'après les derniers tests de l'organisme Euro NCAP - For Safer Cars, Vans & Trucks, ce modèle électrique remporte les cinq étoiles.
Euro NCAP - For Safer Cars, Vans & Trucks reposted this
Next week, I’ll talk about Euro NCAP On-road Evaluation protocol, in the carhs training gmbh Euro NCAP Update 2024 conference in Germany, highlighting: - Advancing Safety with Euro NCAP On-road Evaluations - The first real-world impact: Success with Speed Limit Information Function (SLIF) evaluation - Insights & Vision: Paving the way for even safer roads ahead I’m incredibly proud that the IVEX team is closely collaborating with Euro NCAP - For Safer Cars, Vans & Trucks to make these on-road evaluations a reality. By leveraging our advanced data analytics platform software and AI models, we’re unlocking the potential of massive data streams from real-world campaigns to enhance road safety for all. Check it out here: #ADAS #automotive #testing #speaking #automotiveengineering
Euro NCAP - For Safer Cars, Vans & Trucks reposted this
Euro NCAP - For Safer Cars, Vans & Trucks unveiled its safety ratings for heavy goods vehicles. This initiative calls upon truck manufacturers, industry stakeholders, policymakers, and road authorities to collaborate in achieving the ambitious goal of Vision #ZeroAccident. 🚚 At ZF, we share this vision and are deeply committed to supporting our customers in meeting Euro NCAP safety criteria. Among these innovations, OnGuardMAX, ZF’s most advanced driver assistance system stands out as a key enabler of Euro NCAP safety standards. This advanced system offers: ⚙️ Automatic braking toward pedestrian and cyclists during vehicle move-off and near-turning scenarios ⚙️ Advanced Speed Assist with automatic speed adjustment ⚙️ Adaptive cruise control even in stop-and-go highway traffic ⚙️ Continuous lane-keeping assistance to prevent lane departure collisions 🚚 As the leading Tier 1 supplier to commercial vehicle OEMs, our latest technologies are designed to enable safer roads for everyone. For more information, please check #roadsafety #trucks #trucksafety #safetrucks #heavydutyvehicles #logistics #fleet #technologies
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Warum ist ein Porsche so sicher? 🛡️🚘 Assistenzsysteme im Test – Porsche Macan. Seit Mitte 2024 sind bestimmte Fahrerassistenzsysteme in Neuwagen Pflicht. Der vollelektrische Porsche Macan hat im Euro NCAP-Sicherheitstest die Bestnote von fünf Sternen ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ erhalten. 🚀 In diesem spektakulären Video zeigen wir, wie der ADAC Fahrerassistenzsysteme testet und welche Technologien im Macan für maximale Sicherheit sorgen 💡🔋. Großes 🍿 Kino, Andreas Rigling, Aaron Englisch ! 😉 Und selbstverständlich haben auch andere Hersteller tolle, sichere Autos, getestet mit Euro NCAP - For Safer Cars, Vans & Trucks: 👉 #Porsche #Macan #Sicherheit #Fahrerassistenzsysteme #ADAC #Elektroauto #ADAS #Innovation #EuroNCAP #Technologie #AutoTest Film: siehe YouTube Link 🔗
Euro NCAP - For Safer Cars, Vans & Trucks reposted this
After a busy year of testing, we’ve begun shortlisting for the Thatcham Research-sponsored What Car? 2025 Safety Award with the teams from What Car? and Euro NCAP - For Safer Cars, Vans & Trucks. This is our opportunity to celebrate car makers’ efforts to protect vehicle occupants and vulnerable road users, as well as the integration of cooperative Advanced Driver Assistance Systems. What we are looking for: ⭐ High-ranking 5-star safety ⭐ Protection for all occupants ⭐ Good on-road performance of active safety systems, across all price points ⭐ High UK sales volume – to bring safety to the masses ⭐ Safety innovations Stay tuned for more updates! #VehicleSafety #AutomotiveIndustry #Automotive | Richard Billyeald | Alex Thompson | Tom Flisher | Yousif Al-Ani | Richard Schram | Claire Evans |
Euro NCAP - For Safer Cars, Vans & Trucks reposted this
The What Van awards certainly didn't disappoint. A celebration of the manufacturers and service providers to the sector. Congratulations to our fellow table guests from Vauxhall Motors Ltd vans who won a special award for the new Movano hydrogen fueled vehicle. Thank you to Mark Cartwright and Driving for Better Business' Simon Turner MARRM MAFP for the invite and for sponsoring the fleet risk award. Was great to lunch with commercial fleet safety extraordinaire Rob Beckers CMILT and to hear from Matthew Avery on the excellent work of Euro NCAP - For Safer Cars, Vans & Trucks Good to catch up with Colin Paterson again too. Woodfines Solicitors
🏆 Euro NCAP and UK’s What Van? Applaud Ford's Commitment to Business Safety 🏆 At this time of year, in the festive season, when city and household deliveries are so prolific, a safer van is the perfect gift for all. Euro NCAP aims to provide safety information to individuals purchasing vans, whether as a single tradesman or as a fleet ordering a few thousand units. In collaboration with the UK’s What Van? Awards, today Matthew Avery, Euro NCAP’s Director of Strategic Development, presents Ford in Europe with the Safety Award for the Transit Courier. Ford also receives a ‘commended’ for the Transit Custom. On Ford's behalf, LCV Product Manager Laura Harrison accepts the award. 👏 "Congratulations once again to Ford for producing a highly safe van, ideal for businesses and fleets. This vehicle combines state-of-the-art active safety systems to keep drivers as well as company profits safe. This follows on from Euro NCAP’s successful launch of heavy goods vehicles testing last month. Euro NCAP now provides safety ratings for a wide range of vehicles, from vans (2 tonnes) to heavy trucks (up to 44 tonnes), ensuring safer options for business transport are always available," lauds Matthew Avery. 🚚🛻 Read the full press release here 👉 🚙 Know more about their results here 👉 🚙 #ncap #euroncap #safety #forsafercars #forsafervans #howsafeisyourcar #saferroads #safety #rating #roadsafety #drivesafely #cars #safercars #safetyratings #consumerprotection #electricvehicles #crashavoidance #vans #commercialvans #smallpanelvans #fleet #logistics #highways #city #fleetmarket #Ford