Glass Alliance Europe

Glass Alliance Europe

Glass Product Manufacturing

Glass Alliance Europe is the European Alliance of Glass Industries.

About us

Glass Alliance Europe is the European Alliance of Glass Industries. It has the unique feature of regrouping all the glass industries to work on common issues. It is composed of 14 national glass associations and of the 5 main sectors of the glass industries: container glass, flat glass, special glass, domestic glass and continuous filament glass fibres. These sectors are very different, be it in terms of manufacturing process, products, markets, economics of the sectors and manufacturers but they all have in common to transform raw materials into glass by a process of melting. In addition, thanks to the unlimited opportunities offered by the glass substance, all sectors are characterized by heavy investments in research and development to make available glass products fit for a sustainable, resource-efficient, low-carbon and culturally vibrant European society. Just think of it: fully recyclable bottles & jars, energy efficient glazing and windows, weight-lightening continuous filament glass fibres (CFGF) in reinforced plastic applications such as wind blades, flaconnage, tableware and art work, special glass (photovoltaic glass modules, glass for iphones, televisions and monitors, lighting glass, optical glass, laboratory and technical glassware and glass ceramic (cookware), etc. Aware of the great added-value of their products, the European glass industries come together in Glass Alliance Europe to highlight the importance of glass making across Europe and to promote an economic and policy environment allowing European-based glass manufacturing industries to continue flourishing and providing Europe with an innovative, stylish and sustainable material that is present in every aspect of our daily lives.

Glass Product Manufacturing
Company size
1 employee


Employees at Glass Alliance Europe


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