Yesterday, on July 9, 2024, in Washington, D.C., The Atlantic Treaty Association co-sponsored with the Fund for American Studies an event to celebrate 75 years of NATO on the eve of the NATO Summit 2024. The distinguished speakers included: Mr. Roger Ream, President of The Fund for American Studies Mr. Theodossios Georgiou, President of the Atlantic Treaty Association Dr. Werner Fasslabend, Vice President of ATA and former Austrian Minister of Defense Amb. John Bolton, former United States Ambassador to the United Nations and former National Security Advisor Randal C. Teague, Chairman of the Board The event was a great success with 120 attendees, including the ATA Board of Directors, Presidents and Secretaries General of ATA member organizations, members of the the Youth Section of ATA, the Board of TFAS, Young executives from U.S, representatives from Allied Command Transformation, representatives from embassies, diplomats, academics, and individuals from various civil society organizations and think tanks. #NATOSummit #WeareNATO #1NATO75Years YATA International GLOBSEC Center for a New American Security (CNAS) NATO German Marshall Fund of the United States Atlantic Council Hudson Institute Euro - Atlantic Council Of North Macedonia Atlantische Commissie / Netherlands Atlantic Association Euro-Atlantische Vereniging van België - Association Euro-Atlantique de Belgique The Atlantic Club of Bulgaria NATO Association of Canada Atlantsammenslutningen Atlantic Council of Finland Deutsche Atlantische Gesellschaft e.V. Hungarian Atlantic Council Latvian Transatlantic Organisation (LATO) Atlantic Council of Montenegro Den norske Atlanterhavskomité Euro-Atlantic Council of Slovenia Jagello 2000 Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy (AIES) Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association (EATA) Comitato Atlantico Italiano Greek Association for Atlantic and European Cooperation Marie-Doha Besancenot THEODOSSIS GEORGIOU Terhi Suominen Emir Abbas Gürbüz Elena Poptodorova Werner Fasslabend Anna van Zoest Krista Mulenok Johannes Kahrs Alex Serban David Stefansson