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JEF Belgium

JEF Belgium

Non-profit Organizations

Brussels, Brussels Region 476 followers

Want to help us build a strong, peaceful and prosperous Europe? Join us now and be part of the Youth European Network!

About us

JEF (Young European Federalists) Belgium is a youth NGO that strives for federalism at the European level as a first step to a free and more equitable society. JEF Belgium remains ideologically neutral. To encourage a collective European conscience, JEF Belgium and his local sections in Brussels, Liège, Leuven, Louvain-la-Neuve and Gent organise debates, street actions, seminars and learning weekends for young people. In Belgium, our national section is the youth committee of the European Movement-Belgium (EMB). Want to know more? Send us an email to

Non-profit Organizations
Company size
2-10 employees
Brussels, Brussels Region
Public Company


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    Rue des Deux Eglises 14

    Brussels, Brussels Region 1000, BE

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  • English, French and Dutch version below: 106 years ago, on November 11, 1918, the armistice was signed, bringing an end to the First World War. Today, we honor the soldiers who gave their lives for their country and the civilians who tragically lost theirs. May we remember the lessons of this devastating conflict and never repeat the mistakes of the past. -------------------- Il y a 106 ans, le 11 novembre 1918, l’armistice était signé, mettant fin à la Première Guerre mondiale. Aujourd’hui, nous rendons hommage aux soldats qui ont donné leur vie et aux civils qui ont tragiquement perdu la leur. Puissions-nous nous souvenir des leçons de ce conflit dévastateur et ne jamais répéter les erreurs du passé. -------------------- 106 jaar geleden, op 11 november 1918, werd de wapenstilstand getekend, waarmee een einde kwam aan de Eerste Wereldoorlog. Vandaag eren we de soldaten die hun leven gaven voor hun land en de burgers die op tragische wijze hun leven verloren. Mogen we de lessen van dit verwoestende conflict onthouden en nooit de fouten uit het verleden herhalen.

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    We want to congratulate Kalojan Hoffmeister on his appointment as President of JEF Belgium! His presentation in English, French, Dutch and German below: Kalojan has been active in JEF since 2017. First on a regional level in Berlin before then becoming chair of JEF Europe’s Political Commission 1 on institutional affairs (2019-2023). He has been invited to the European Parliament’s committee on constitutional affairs both in 2018 and 2021 as a “your idea giver” to promote the view of young European on the future of Europe. Also whilst in Berlin , he had the pleasure of representing Jef Berlin at the Senate of Berlin when it decided to introduce a new article in its constitutional relating to more European integration. Kalojan speaks four languages fluently and is currently doing a Master of Artificial Intelligence at KU Leuven. Kalojan est actif au sein de JEF depuis 2017, d’abord au niveau régional à Berlin, avant de devenir président de la Commission politique 1 de JEF Europe, chargée des affaires institutionnelles (2019-23). Il a été invité à la Commission des affaires constitutionnelles du Parlement européen en 2018 et 2021 en tant que « donneur d’idées » pour promouvoir la vision des jeunes Européens sur l’avenir de l’Europe. Toujours à Berlin, il a eu l'honneur de représenter JEF Berlin au Sénat allemand lorsque ce dernier a décidé d’introduire un nouvel article dans sa constitution relatif à une plus grande intégration européenne. Kalojan parle couramment quatre langues et poursuit actuellement un master en intelligence artificielle à la KU Leuven. Kalojan is sinds 2017 actief binnen JEF, eerst in Berlijn, later als voorzitter van de Policy Commission 1, verantwoordelijk voor institutionele zaken, van JEF Europe (2019-2023). In 2018 en 2021 werd hij uitgenodigd door de Commissie Constitutionele Zaken van het Europees Parlement als "ideeëngever" om de visie van jonge Europeanen op de toekomst van Europa te promoten. Ook in Berlijn had hij de eer om JEF Berlin te vertegenwoordigen in de Duitse Senaat toen deze besloot een nieuw artikel in de grondwet op te nemen met betrekking tot verdere Europese integratie. Kalojan spreekt vloeiend vier talen en volgt en Master in artificiële intelligentie aan de KU Leuven. Kalojan ist seit 2017 bei JEF aktiv, zunächst auf regionaler Ebene in Berlin, bevor er von 2019 bis 2023 Vorsitzender des politischen Ausschusses 1 von JEF Europe für institutionelle Angelegenheiten wurde. 2018 und 2021 wurde er als „Ideengeber“ in den Ausschuss für konstitutionelle Fragen des EU Parlaments eingeladen, um die Vision der jungen Europäer zur Zukunft Europas zu fördern. In Berlin hatte er die Ehre, JEF Berlin im Berliner Abgeordnetenhaus zu vertreten, als dieses beschloss, einen neuen Artikel über eine stärkere europäische Integration in seine Verfassung aufzunehmen. Kalojan spricht fließend vier Sprachen und macht derzeit einen Master in Künstlicher Intelligenz an der KU Leuven.

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  • JEF Belgium reposted this

    🇪🇺Join us for an engaging post-election event with representatives of the European Commission, Members of the European Parliament and youth leaders. 🇪🇺 This event co-organised by alda* - European Association for Local Democracy, Stand Up For Europe, JEF Belgium and KMOP Policy Centre and it aims to discuss the future legislative priorities of the European Commission for the period 2024-2029 and the young people's opinions on how the EU should move Forward as well as the future of the Cohesion Policy. Drinks and snacks are on us! When? - 15/10, from 17h00 to 20h00 Where? - STAM Europa, Rue d'Arlon 104, Brussels (Metro Maalbeek) Register here: We’ll be looking forward to see you all there!

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  • We want to thank our president and of course the board for their commitment, enthousiasm and European spirit during the last year🇪🇺 Wishing you all the best and every success💚

    View profile for Mara Grimminger

    I am determined, committed and European. I want to broaden my horizons and evolve in a multicultural environment.

    Today, I’m closing a significant chapter in my life as I step down from my voluntary engagement with JEF after 5 incredible years, most of which I had the honor of serving as President. 🌟 JEF Belgium JEF Bayern JEF Europe Junge Europäische Föderalisten - JEF Deutschland This journey has been filled with unforgettable experiences, some challenges that made me stronger, and a lot of friends. Together, we’ve fostered a vibrant community, advocated for youth voices, and made steps towards a better Europe🇪🇺 I am immensely grateful to all the passionate and dedicated people I’ve had the privilege to work with. Your commitment and enthusiasm have been truly inspiring. As I move forward, I carry with me the invaluable lessons and memories from this remarkable journey. Thank you all for the support, trust, and friendship. Here’s to the continued success of the Europen project and to a bright future ahead for all of us. Onward and upward! 🌍✨ #YouthEmpowerment #VolunteerWork #Leadership #Gratitude #EuropeanYouth #NewBeginnings

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  • EF Belgium General Assembly Date: Sunday, 30 June  Location: JEF Europe Office, Rue des Deux Églises 14, 1000 Brussels Organizational Information: •⁠ ⁠Registration: Register here to attend the General Assembly. •⁠ ⁠Recruitment We are actively recruiting for the new team!  - Apply Here: Apply here Membership and Voting Rights: •⁠ ⁠Voting Eligibility:* Only members in order of membership have the right to vote and run for the board. •⁠ ⁠Membership Fee:  - Credit Card Payment Pay your membership fee [here](#).  - Bank Transfer: If you prefer to pay by bank transfer, fill in the form [here](#) and mention “name + SURNAME + membership 2024” in the bank communication. Stay Updated Keep an eye on our social media in the coming weeks for updates! For any further questions or assistance, please contact us through our official channels. We look forward to seeing you at the General Assembly!

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  • 📅 Save the date: On Wednesday 17th April, 7.00 p.m., 👥 We discuss the implications of the European elections on the war in Ukraine, Europe's geopolitical future, and how to deal with a growing far right in Europe. Our president Mara Grimminger will moderate the panel with: - Sandro Gozi , Member of European Parliament (Renew), Chair of the Spinelli Group - ⁠Suzana Carp, Volt Belgium - Yannis Karamitsios , Co-Founder of Alliance4Europe, Lawyer at DG Sante, Author of "Time for a European Federation" - Mariia Koshkina , Campaigner for Make Russia Pay 📌 Where: JEF Europe office, Rue de Deux Eglises 14 Thanks for organising JEF Brussels and for the venue JEF Europe

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  • JEF Belgium reposted this

    ⭐ What a great start to the "Encouraging youth participation in Europe" events! The panel discussion at the #EESC with MEP João Albuquerque, researcher Ondřej Bárta, Gaia Ramón Reis member of Organising Bureau of European School Student Unions and Mara Grimminger from JEF Belgium moderated by Chiara Piccolo from the Learning for Well-being Foundation was full of great points of views on youth participation, representation and the role of citizenship education and engagement between elections. #EESCPartnership Stay tuned for tomorrow with the kick-off meeting of the Alliance for Youth Vote! #EUElections #COYVConference #YouthVote

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  • JEF Belgium reposted this

    View profile for Mara Grimminger

    I am determined, committed and European. I want to broaden my horizons and evolve in a multicultural environment.

    🎙️Europe is us! But who are we? Listen to the international podcast focusing on youth. I had the honour to participate in their new season with a special focus on the European elections. 🗳️ In their 43rd episode, What is Gen Z expecting from the EU, I was interviewed in my role as President of Young European Federalists in Belgium.🇪🇺 In this episode, you can also hear from other young Europeans: Lara Heising from Germany, Anej Irgolic from Slovenia, and Andrei Stupu from Romania. Will they go vote and why or why not? Listen to this episode to find out more. Brought to you by Euranet Plus. Host: Dino Subašić Photo: Euranet Plus with Canva images. JEF Belgium JEF Europe Euranet Plus - The leading Radio network for EU news

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