This Wednesday we had the great opportunity to visit Métropole Européenne de Lille (MEL)'s headquarters in Lille to discuss areas of common interests and to make two field trips to two sites of excellence. It was interesting to learn more about the Lille Metropole’s attractiveness strategy and impressive how it is implemented in practice, as well as seeing two great examples of how to bring new business to restored industrial areas. The transformation is very inspiring. Many thanks to our partners at Lille Metropole EU Office in Brussels Wim De Jaeger Marine Martin organising the visit, to their colleagues in Lille Maxence THOORIS Nathalie Pruvost for welcoming us with great hospitality and to Steven Bourgeois, Public Affairs Director EuraTechnologies and to Emmanuel DELAMARRE, General Director at Plaine Images (Lille métropole) for showing us around their sites. #urbanplanning #industri #startups #creativeplaces #eu #europe