Imagine a workplace where every breath you took was a risk to your health – would you still do that job? For healthcare professionals across Europe, this isn’t an option due to surgical smoke in their operating rooms. Surgical smoke exposes our healthcare heroes to risks they shouldn’t be facing, like chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD). Together, we can pledge for smoke-free operating rooms and help protect those who dedicate their lives to protecting us. Sign our pledge today: #WorldCOPDDay #SurgicalSmoke #SurgicalSmokeCoalition #SurgicalSafety ESNO, European Specialist Nurses Organisation European Union of Private Hospitals (UEHP) Deutscher Berufsverband Anästhesietechnischer und Operationstechnischer Assistenz European Medical Association (EMA). Medical Association for Doctors and Medical Industry Personnel. Medtronic Asociación Española de Enfermería Quirúrgica AFISO (Association belge francophone des infirmières de salle d'opération)
Surgical Smoke Coalition
Hospitals and Health Care
Working to minimise the risk of harm from exposure to surgical smoke in operating rooms for healthcare professionals
About us
The Surgical Smoke Coalition is a pan-European movement bringing together different members who are concerned by the important issue of surgical smoke and the hazards it poses to those exposed. The mission of the Surgical Smoke Coalition is to minimise the risk of harm from exposure to surgical smoke, in particular with regard to healthcare professionals working in operating rooms. Surgical smoke, also known as diathermy plume, occurs during surgery and is produced by using surgical devices such as lasers, electrosurgical units, ultrasonic units, cautery units, and high-speed drills and burrs used to cut and dissect tissue. Surgical smoke can cause direct harms from the particles it contains. It can cause irritation to the eyes, respiratory tract, and skin of hospital operating room staff and has been linked to diseases including occupational asthma and chronic pulmonary conditions. The Surgical Smoke Coalition brings together 10 members: •MEP Marianne Vind(S&D, Denmark), co-chair of the Coalition •MEP Dennis Radtke(EPP, Germany), co-chair of the Coalition •EORNA(European Operating Room Nurses Association) •ESNO(European Specialist Nurses Organisations) •Stryker(One of the world’s leading medical technology companies) •EMA(European Medical Association) •UEHP(European Union of Private Hospitals) •UNAIBODE(National Union of Associations of State Certified Operating Room Nurses) •Constance Held(Operating Room nurse) •ATA|OTA(German Professional Association of Anaesthetic and Operating Room Technicians)
- Website
External link for Surgical Smoke Coalition
- Industry
- Hospitals and Health Care
- Company size
- 2-10 employees
- Headquarters
- Brussels
- Type
- Nonprofit
Brussels, BE
Employees at Surgical Smoke Coalition
¿Sabías que un día en el quirófano es equivalente a fumar hasta 30 cigarrillos? Debido al humo quirúrgico, los profesionales sanitarios están arriesgando sus vidas para salvar las de otras personas, pero no tiene por qué ser así. Juntos, podemos proteger a enfermeros/as, médicos, cirujanos/as y al personal sanitario de toda Europa. Firma nuestro compromiso hoy: #SurgicalSmokeCoalition #SurgicalSafety #SurgicalSmoke #SSCPledge
Did you know one day in the operating room is equivalent to smoking up to 30 cigarettes? Due to surgical smoke, medical professionals are putting their lives at risk to save the lives of other people – but it doesn’t have to be like this. Together, we can protect nurses, doctors and surgeons and OR staff across Europe. Sign our pledge today: #SSCPledge #SurgicalSmoke #SurgicalSafety #SurgicalSmokeCoalition
Saviez-vous qu'une journée passée dans une salle d'opération équivaut à fumer jusqu'à 30 cigarettes ? En raison de la fumée chirurgicale, les professionnels de santé mettent leur vie en danger pour sauver celle des autres – mais cela ne doit pas être ainsi. Ensemble, nous pouvons protéger les infirmiers, infirmières, médecins, chirurgiens et tout le staff de la salle d’opération à travers l'Europe. : #SSCPledge #SurgicalSmoke #SurgicalSafety #SurgicalSmokeCoalition
Surgical smoke, a gaseous by-product caused by heat-producing equipment, puts healthcare workers at risk every time they step into an operating room. While protecting us, they’re putting their lives on the line. With a unified voice, together with the Surgical Smoke Coalition, we can protect our surgeons, nurses, and doctors. Find out more on our website: ESNO, European Specialist Nurses Organisation European Union of Private Hospitals (UEHP) Deutscher Berufsverband Anästhesietechnischer und Operationstechnischer Assistenz European Medical Association (EMA). Medical Association for Doctors and Medical Industry Personnel. Medtronic Asociación Española de Enfermería Quirúrgica AFISO (Association belge francophone des infirmières de salle d'opération) #SurgicalSmokeCoalition #SurgicalSmoke #SurgicalSafety
La fumée chirurgicale, générée par les équipements produisant de la chaleur, met les professionels de la santé en danger chaque fois qu'ils entrent dans une salle d'opération. En nous protégeant, ils mettent leur vie en jeu. Avec une voix unifiée, et en collaboration avec la Surgical Smoke Coalition, nous pouvons protéger nos chirurgiens, infirmières et médecins: European Union of Private Hospitals (UEHP) European Medical Association (EMA). Medical Association for Doctors and Medical Industry Personnel. AFISO (Association belge francophone des infirmières de salle d'opération) #SurgicalSmokeCoaliton #SurgicalSafety #SurgicalSmoke
El humo quirúrgico, un subproducto gaseoso generado por equipos que producen calor, pone en riesgo al personal sanitario cada vez que entran en un quirófano. Al protegernos, ellos arriesgan sus propias vidas. Con una voz unida, junto con la Coalición de Humo Quirúrgico, podemos proteger a nuestros cirujanos, enfermero/as y médicos: Asociación Española de Enfermería Quirúrgica, Stryker, Medtronic #SurgicalSmokeCoalition #SurgicalSmoke #SurgicalSafety
Are you a healthcare worker with a spare five minutes? If so, we want to hear from you about your awareness of surgical smoke and the dangers it poses. Your answers will help us understand how healthcare workers across Europe are currently protected so we can advocate for better working conditions Help us keep our operating rooms safer by taking part in our survey: #SurgicalSmokeCoalition #SurgicalSmoke #SurgicalSafety
Saviez-vous que des recherches montrent que les infirmières de bloc opératoire courent un risque plus élevé d’asthme persistant sévère que les autres infirmières* ? Cela est dû à la fumée chirurgicale, un sous-produit gazeux généré par les dispositifs chirurgicaux produisant de la chaleur, qui contient des composants chimiques augmentant le risque d’asthme et de BPCO. En conséquence, les chirurgiens et les infirmières risquent leur vie en essayant de sauver celle des autres. Nous devons tout faire pour protéger nos professionnels de la santé des dangers de la fumée chirurgicale. Engagez-vous à soutenir l’élimination de la fumée chirurgicale de nos blocs opératoires : * #FuméeChirurgicale #EngagementFuméeChirurgicale #EvacuationFuméeChirurgicale #SurgicalSmokeEvacuation #SurgicalSmokeCoalition
Did you know that research shows that operating room nurses are at higher risk of severe persistent asthma than other nurses*? This is because surgical smoke, a gaseous by-product caused by heat-producing surgical devices, contains chemicals that increase the risk of asthma and COPD. As a result, surgeons and nurses risk their lives while trying to save others. We must do all we can to keep our medical professionals safe from the dangers of surgical smoke. Pledge your support to keep surgical smoke out of our operating rooms: * #SurgicalSmoke #SSCPledge #SurgicalSmokeCoalition #SurgicalSmokeEvacuation