FungiPack’s cover photo


Biotechnology Research

Louvain-La-Neuve, Brabant-Wallon 161 followers

Package the Future

About us

FungiPack offers biodegradable packaging to companies for packaging, protecting and transporting tomorrow's products. Our mission is to participate in the ecological transition by changing companies' habits in terms of plastic packaging consumption. We respond to the need for companies to participate in the innovation of environmentally responsible materials.

Biotechnology Research
Company size
2-10 employees
Louvain-La-Neuve, Brabant-Wallon


Employees at FungiPack


  • FungiPack reposted this

    On vous le répète souvent, les étudiants-entrepreneurs wallons ont beaucoup de talent. Ils sont accompagnés par les incubateurs étudiants wallons. Des structures spécialisées, soutenues par Wallonie Entreprendre, pour aider les étudiants à développer leurs projets entrepreneuriaux durant leurs études. Nous avons le plaisir ici de découvrir 6 projets d'étudiants incubés au VentureLab Belgium et à l' Yncubator qui ont remporté le prix "Prototyping the Future" de Foundation for Future Generations. Ce prix saluent les innovations d'étudiants-entrepreneurs qui rendent le monde : 🌎plus circulaire et moins consommateur de ressources 🌍moins polluant et consommateur d’énergie 🌏luttant contre le réchauffement climatique 🌏soucieux de la santé et du bien-être de toute personne Félicitations à : ◾ Allow Motion → ◾ FungiPack → ◾ Peach → ◾ P’Easy → ◾ Projet Pistil → ◾ Tucoo →

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  • FungiPack reposted this

    Exciting announcement to share! 🙌 We're delighted to announce that FungiPack is one of the winners of the "Prototyping the Future" grant from the Foundation for Future Generations. What’s the big dream driving us? 🌟 Picture this: a world where packaging isn’t just about protection, it’s about preserving our planet. Our mission? To revolutionize the industry with biodegradable packaging crafted from mycelium, the powerhouse root of mushrooms! Mycomaterial packaging represents a future solution for a more environmentally-friendly packaging sector. The "Prototyping the Future" grant is a key contribution to the development of our project. This grant will enable us to further develop our prototype, with the aim of offering a first MVP to eager costumers! 🍄 We're very grateful to the Foundation for Future Generations for this grant, special thanks to Mrs. Vanhee and Benoît Derenne. We'd also like to thank the Yncubator for enabling us to take up this challenge, and our coach Sophie Trenteseaux for supporting us in the development of this project. Got burning questions? We’re all ears! 

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  • Exciting announcement to share! 🙌 We're delighted to announce that FungiPack is one of the winners of the "Prototyping the Future" grant from the Foundation for Future Generations. What’s the big dream driving us? 🌟 Picture this: a world where packaging isn’t just about protection, it’s about preserving our planet. Our mission? To revolutionize the industry with biodegradable packaging crafted from mycelium, the powerhouse root of mushrooms! Mycomaterial packaging represents a future solution for a more environmentally-friendly packaging sector. The "Prototyping the Future" grant is a key contribution to the development of our project. This grant will enable us to further develop our prototype, with the aim of offering a first MVP to eager costumers! 🍄 We're very grateful to the Foundation for Future Generations for this grant, special thanks to Mrs. Vanhee and Benoît Derenne. We'd also like to thank the Yncubator for enabling us to take up this challenge, and our coach Sophie Trenteseaux for supporting us in the development of this project. Got burning questions? We’re all ears! 

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