Articles | Volume 21, issue 12
Research article
01 Jul 2024
Research article |  | 01 Jul 2024

Vegetation patterns associated with nutrient availability and supply in high-elevation tropical Andean ecosystems

Armando Molina, Veerle Vanacker, Oliver Chadwick, Santiago Zhiminaicela, Marife Corre, and Edzo Veldkamp

Data sets

Soil observatory Sigsihuaycu, Tropical Andes A. Molina and V. Vanacker

Short summary
The tropical Andes contains unique landscapes where forest patches are surrounded by tussock grasses and cushion-forming plants. The aboveground vegetation composition informs us about belowground nutrient availability: patterns in plant-available nutrients resulted from strong biocycling of cations and removal of soil nutrients by plant uptake or leaching. Future changes in vegetation distribution will affect soil water and solute fluxes and the aquatic ecology of Andean rivers and lakes.
Final-revised paper