
BirdSlide completely protects the ledge against all bird species; they simply can't get a grip and slide right off the ledge. When color matched to the structure, BirdSlide looks like it's part of the architecture.

  • Where to Use: Edges, eaves, angle irons, I-Beams and most “L” shaped ledges where total exclusion is the goal
  • Target Bird: All species, including swallows
  • Bird Pressure: All pressure levels
  • Material: UV-stabilized polycarbonate
  • Installation: Base is glued to any surface
  • Installation Level: easy to moderate
  • How it Works: Birds can't get a grip and slide right off the ledge
  • Customizable: Can be ordered in lengths up to ten feet (extra freight charges apply) and can be painted to match any surface
  • For narrow ledges the “fin” can be trimmed down; for wider ledges an extension can be added. BirdSlide can be screwed to wood
BirdSlide Installation Options

(A) Ledges 3” to 6” Wide: Cut trim area at the appropriate width.
(B) 6” Ledges: Use BirdSlide exactly as it comes out of the box.
(C) Ledges Wider than 6”: Attach these special extensions for even wider coverage.
(D) Eaves: BirdSlide can be installed under eaves to exclude mud swallows. It can easily be cut to accommodate beams and other building features.

If adding a third extension as shown here, please contact a Bird Barrier representative for advice on providing proper support.

BirdSlide Seam Connectors

Gaps can appear between sections of BirdSlide when mounting to uneven surfaces. These new molded connectors lock the ends together and fill in the seam.

BirdSlide Extensions

For wider ledges (see above), BirdSlide Extensions can be added to increase the size and coverage. Extensions are 6” wide, and now they just slide on to the top of the BirdSlide. This is a fast and easy process which looks attractive and professional.


Use BirdSlide on ledges, eaves, angle irons, I-beams and most "L" shaped ledges where total exclusion is the goal. BirdSlide is sold in five-foot sections. BirdSlide completely protects the ledge against all bird species; they simply can't get a grip and  slide right off the ledge. When color matched to the structure, BirdSlide usually looks like it's a part of the building. It comes in gray or beige, but can be primed and painted to match any color. Easy to Install: For ledges six inches wide, the flat base simply glues to any clean surface using Bird Barrier bond. For narrow ledges the fin can be trimmed down; for wider ledges an extension can be added. BirdSlide can be screwed to wood. Made from UV-stabilized polycarbonate. Two-year warranty against UV breakdown. Paint the product to extend its life.

End Caps

Color-matched end-caps enable the applicator to install a seamless, attractive solution. The tube slides snugly into the triangular base opening.

Mounting Hardware

Used to support BirdSlide when it is installed in the eaves and to secure the top edge to the structure when BirdSlide is installed on a ledge.

Seam Connectors


An exceptionally strong but flexible, adhesive. It handles dramatic temperature changes without cracking and adheres Bird Barrier products to most surfaces. For best results the mounting surface must be dry, completely clean and prepped. Full cure is in 24 hours at normal temperatures, but under some circumstances it can be usable in as little as four hours.
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