Monday, September 12, 2022

Thirty Years of Dagstuhl


Dagstuhl old-timers at the original castle

I'm back at Dagstuhl for the seminar on Algebraic and Analytic Methods in Computational Complexity. My first seminar at Dagstuhl was back in 1992. I've been coming for thirty years and have been here roughly thirty times. My last trip was pre-covid (virtual Dagstuhls don't count) and I really needed this chance to hang out and talk complexity with colleagues old and new.

Some changes since my last trip. The room doors have locks (there are rumors of an incident). You have to create your own keycard on a new machine logging into your Dagstuhl account. I had a long random password through a password manager and it was not so easy as process.

The main conference room has been updated with tech for hybrid meetings, and new led lights. Books were removed from the library to create a coffee breakout space.

No Bill this time so no typecasts. Still the best part of the week is talking and hearing about complexity. Today I learned about the orientations of Sperner's lemma, that there is one more triangle oriented according to the direction of the corner vertices than those oriented the other way. Christian Ikenmeyer used this fact to motivate a study of closure properties of #P-functions.

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