Contact Us

Please read the following carefully before sending us a support question.

  • If you are looking to cancel your account, log in and click here. Click “View” on your active account and then click the “Cancel” button. Your subscription will remain active until your renewal date at which point it will be automatically cancelled and you will no longer be billed.
  • If you are contacting us about a site error, please send us as many details as possible including the exact link to the page that is generating the error and the exact way you got to the page with an error. For instance, did you click on a link in the navigational header to get to the error page? What page was that header on? Was it on an article, was it on a player page, etc…. And if it’s a Member feature, please include the username and/or e-mail address tied to your account.
  • If you are contacting us about a stat you believe to be incorrect, please link to the exact page where you believe the stat to be incorrect.
  • If you are contacting us about missing players on the leaderboards, please set the PA/IP limit to 0 and see if they show up. You are probably looking at qualified players only.
  • Outside of one click data exports for FanGraphs Members, we do not support exporting data in any other way. We do not support web scraping, API endpoints, importing data automatically to Excel or Google Sheets, web queries, etc….
  • If you are reporting an advertisement that is objectionable in any way, whether that be the content, or behavior, please include a screenshot. All ads on FanGraphs are served programmatically and it is not possible to track down the issue without at least a screenshot.
  • If you don’t supply the required information we need to track down an issue, whether that be a link, a screenshot, and/or Member username/e-mail, we will be unable to help you resolve the issue.

If you are reporting an inaccuracy with our depth charts, RosterResource, or any contract data please e-mail

For all other inquiries please e-mail
