This is a tracking bug for Change: No more automagic Python bytecompilation (phase 3) For more details, see: See Changes/No_more_automagic_Python_bytecompilation and Changes/No_more_automagic_Python_bytecompilation_phase_2. Now, %global _python_bytecompile_extra 1 won't be allowed anymore and raises an error with a link to this change.
An announcement has been sent to devel@ and all affected <package>-owner. Affected packages: bugzilla calamares ceph chromium cinnamon-screensaver edk2 eog-plugins fish fleet-commander-admin fleet-commander-client freecad gaupol gdb gedit gedit-latex gedit-plugins git-cola glusterfs gnome-code-assistance gnome-devel-docs grass gtk-doc gtranslator ibus-anthy ibus ibus-hangul ibus-libpinyin ibus-libzhuyin ibus-pinyin ibus-table ibus-typing-booster ibus-uniemoji kajongg kdevelop-python klatexformula libpeas libreoffice libsmbios libunity lirc lyx mate-menu mingw-glib2 mirrormanager2 odcs onboard otf2 paraview pcs php-opencloud-openstack pygobject2 pygtk2 python-cherrypy python-flask-silk python-genshi python-pycurl python-reportlab qpid-dispatch rhythmbox sems sigul soundconverter sugar-maze sugar-measure sugar sugar-abacus sugar-browse sugar-calculator sugar-memorize sugar-castle sugar-moon sugar-chat sugar-nutrition sugar-paint sugar-clock sugar-colordeducto sugar-physics sugar-pippy sugar-playgo sugar-countries sugar-portfolio sugar-read sugar-deducto sugar-distance sugar-recall sugar-finance sugar-record sugar-flip sugar-ruler sugar-speak sugar-srilanka sugar-flipsticks sugar-fototoon sugar-fractionbounce sugar-getiabooks sugar-imageviewer sugar-implode sugar-infoslicer sugar-starchart sugar-stopwatch sugar-jukebox sugar-kuku sugar-labyrinth sugar-locosugar sugar-story sugar-terminal sugar-log sugar-turtleart sugar-words sugar-write sugar-pukllanapac sugar-typing-turtle sugar-view-slides sugar-visualmatch sugar-xoeditor sugar-xoirc sugar-yupana synfigstudio system-config-repo system-switch-java system-switch-mail texlive totem transmageddon ufw-kde variety virt-manager vtk xed
Branching F33 Change Tracker bugs. Today is the code complete (testable) deadline. All bugs should be at least in MODIFIED state by now to indicate they are testable.