Un projet d'envergure qui a pris part à l'expédition Amundsen 2024. Ce fût un plaisir de travailler avec vous à bord du NGCC Amundsen. . A major project that took part in the 2024 Amundsen expedition. It was a pleasure working with you on board the CCGS Amundsen.
POMP - Polar Ocean Mitigation Potential - Horizon Europe Project, and REFUGE-ARCTIC are joining forces to explore the impacts of climate change in the Last Ice Area. Key questions will be addressed together, such as how changes in sea ice dynamics affect the carbon cycle, contamination pathways, ecosystem dynamics and biodiversity. And how the integration of coastal and ocean research with advanced modelling will help us characterize the unique and changing Arctic land-ocean continuum. Sentinelle Nord | Sentinel North ArcticNet CNRS Université Laval Fondation BNP Paribas Centre National d'Études Spatiales European Research Council (ERC) Ifremer Institut nordique du Québec Québec Océan Institut polaire français Paul-Émile Victor European Commission Mikael Sejr Juliette Provencher