Convention Biological Diversity - Forest Ecosystem Restoration Initiative’s cover photo
Convention Biological Diversity - Forest Ecosystem Restoration Initiative

Convention Biological Diversity - Forest Ecosystem Restoration Initiative

International Affairs

FERI supports developing country Parties to develop and implement national targets and plans for ecosystem restoration.

About us

The Forest Ecosystem Restoration Initiative (FERI) was welcomed by the Conference of the Parties to the CBD at its twelfth meeting in decision XII/19. Supported by the Korea Forest Service and implemented by the Secretariat of the CBD, it aims to support developing country Parties as they operationalize national targets and plans for ecosystem restoration in line with decision XI/16, and, since 2016, to implement decision XIII/5. Long-term goal : By 2025, all Parties to the Convention have developed specific and ambitious ecosystem restoration targets that contribute to an ambitious yet realistic global restoration target under the new global biodiversity framework, together with detailed implementation, funding and monitoring plans, and the sum of efforts at national level is sufficient to put the world on course to achieving the 2030 Mission and 2050 Vision for Biodiversity. The scope of FERI is forest ecosystems within a landscape/ecosystem approach, thereby also indirectly including a variety of interlinked ecosystems. FERI focuses on supporting developing country Parties and Parties with economies in transition.

International Affairs
Company size
2-10 employees
Montreal [Quebec]
ecosystem restoration


Employees at Convention Biological Diversity - Forest Ecosystem Restoration Initiative


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