Convention Biological Diversity - Forest Ecosystem Restoration Initiative reposted this
An eventful COP-16 Restoration Day with over 500 participants moving through the room and over 1000 following online! High-level support from five Ministers through 7 thematic sessions, and we launched the GBF Target 2 Resource Guide “Delivering restoration outcomes for biodiversity and human well-being” developed by FAO UN Biodiversity Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) in consultation with CBD parties as a important contribution to the Global Biodiversity Framework, as well as the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. Read all about it: Big shout to the core drafting team: George D. Gann, CERP Bethanie Walder Jamal Annagylyjova Matheus Couto Yelena Finegold Zhuo Cheng Khalil Walji Lisa Janishevski Anita T. B. Diederichsen Pablo Innecken Maryia K. and the many contributions and suggestions from CBD parties. More outcomes from an eventful day on the way!