Umsicht - Agentur für Umwelt und Kommunikation hat dies direkt geteilt
Thank you Marco Te Brömmelstroet for sharing our inspiring case example in Luzern: places for people have positive social, economical and ecological impact - it’s time to roll our sleeves and multiple this easy solution to unlock the potential of public places ✔️
Professor in Urban Mobility Futures, Academic director of Lab of Thought, Board Member of Urban Cycling Institute. (connections full)
If you think that changing your street from a car parking 🚗 into a pleasant space for people 🪑🌳🌻 hurts your business, you should really question if you are a good salesman 💸 . — Parkly - Transforming Urban Spaces in #Luzern (📸 by Päivi Raivio: )