Titelbild von Alpiness ColivingAlpiness Coliving
Alpiness Coliving

Alpiness Coliving

Hotel- und Gaststättengewerbe

Les Haudères, Valais 184 Follower:innen

A community focused Coliving and Coworking space at the heart of the swiss Alps


Hotel- und Gaststättengewerbe
2–10 Beschäftigte
Les Haudères, Valais


Beschäftigte von Alpiness Coliving


  • 2024 at Alpiness coliving : our year in review 🥳 Woww 2024 was a year for the books and it's honestly hard to put words on all the things that happened in the past 12 months. More than 100 people came to colive with us in our small mountain village, some of them even settled down in our valley (and one became our business partner 😍). We tried to take a step back, reflect and write down our thoughts in 2 blog posts we'll share with you below (Fabienne on the Alpiness blog and Ben on our travel blog): - https://lnkd.in/eF_XMeh8 - https://lnkd.in/e-HwkEzW We hope you'll enjoy the read 😁

  • Alpiness Coliving hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Benoit Luisier anzeigen

    Web Developer, Blogger, Author and founder of Alpiness coliving

    The foundations of a #Community focused #Coliving I can relate so much to what Jon Hormaetxe Castells and Morgane Oléron shared about community focused coliving in their last discussion ☺️ 🙏. I would warmly recommend any coliving owner / operator to listen to this: --> https://lnkd.in/eT8w5Dj5 They touch very interesting points: - how to attract the right people (that share the same passions and values) - how to care for people, make them feel at home and be truly themselves - the challenges that operators/owners will eventually face (and I felt relieved to hear that even Jon is still a bit confused about the meaning of community for him 😜) Ultimately, I think you can have the best space design, the best location, the most beautiful terrace and so on... But what's the most important is to be surrounded by the right people (both staff and guests)... Because that's what create in the end this home/family feeling and will provide the best community experience. And I'll take this chance to thank Fabienne Luisier (Rohner), Austris Cirulnieks, Louis, Lucie, Carmen Delgado Bermúdez, Holly, Marcis Nimants, Alejandra Viejo Lopez De Roda and all the other people that got involved in Alpiness Coliving. You guys are the soul of the coliving and the reason why people feel at home in our small mountain village 🫶

  • Alpiness Coliving hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Benoit Luisier anzeigen

    Web Developer, Blogger, Author and founder of Alpiness coliving

    Venez débattre avec nous du tourisme de demain le Mardi 26 Novembre sur le site de l'UNIL à Sion dans le cadre du cycle de conférence: "Tourismes en transition : vers un changement de paradigme ?" Ca nous ferait très plaisir de vous y retrouver 😁 (et n'hésitez pas à partager l'info autour de vous 🙏 ) - Plus d'infos: --> https://lnkd.in/eY8tpvNp - Inscription gratuite: --> https://lnkd.in/eK6n2pmr

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  • In March 2023 we did the biggest move of our lives and bought an old hotel in a remote mountain village to create Alpiness Coliving. We announced our upcoming summer plans for renovations, and little did we know, fate had a quirky surprise in store. 🤯 6 days after posting our first ever picture, we received a message from a guy called Austris Cirulnieks. He wrote something along the line "Your project looks cool, if you need help I could maybe come over for a couple weeks this summer in exchange of a roof and wifi? Let me know what you think!" 🤣 Fast forward to the summer, he arrived with his car packed up to the roof and the intention to stay "a couple weeks, let's see how things go...". Well... I think things went pretty well because it turns out Austris never really left! 🤪 If you stayed at Alpiness during this first year, chances are high you met this amazing soul! Since the very first day, Austris has been nothing else than the most perfect coliver and became a true friend that was here with us for all the ups and downs of this first coliving year. Whether reaching high shelves or climbing mountains, he's been the glue holding us together. Whenever he left for just a few weeks to run some errands or climb some other mountains, the house all of a sudden no longer felt complete. An important part of it was simply missing. Long story short, Austris will no longer be a "our longest staying guest". Is he leaving for good? Naaaahhhh... much better than that! We are absolutely over the moon to announce that Austris is officially moving to les Haudères later this spring and joining the Alpiness founder team. 🧡 Finding the perfect business partner seemed like a distant dream until Austris walked through our doors. His dedication, spirit, and love for adventure make him the ideal fit. Cheers to endless adventures and wild projects ahead! 🧡 Thank you, Austris Cirulnieks, for choosing to call Alpiness home. Here's to the next chapter filled with laughter, growth, and unforgettable memories. Let the journey continue!"

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