Chair of Steel and Composite Structures at ETH Zurich hat dies direkt geteilt
I am excited to share that our paper "Variation in the cross-sectional geometry of hot-rolled I-sections: Measurements, statistics, probabilistic modelling", co-authored by Andreas Taras, has been published with open access in the Journal of Constructional Steel Research: As the title suggests, this research work, conducted at the Chair of Steel and Composite Structures at ETH Zurich, investigates the dimensional variability in the cross-section of steel beams. We measured a total of 561 I-section profiles representing a wide range of sizes and manufacturers. In addition to an in-depth statistical analysis, the accuracy of various options for probabilistic modelling is assessed. We are confident that this study will serve as a valuable resource for constructional steel research. At this point, we would also like to extend our gratitude to Spaeter AG, Debrunner Acifer AG and FERROFLEX Group for granting access to their steel product inventories.