Defence for Children International - International Secretariat

Defence for Children International - International Secretariat

Internationale Angelegenheiten


Defence for Children International (DCI) is a leading child-rights focused, and membership-based grassroots Movement placing all members on equal footing. Created during the International Year of the Child (1979), DCI coordinated the NGO input for the drafting of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) - the most widely- ratified human rights treaty in history. DCI is based in Geneva, Switzerland and has a consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), UNICEF, UNESCO, ILO, and the Council of Europe. DCI’s mandate is to ensure the effective implementation of the human rights codified in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), by means developing children rights advocacy campaigns in the United Nations (Geneva), effective co-ordination between different levels (national, regional and international) and its active membership within key networks and fora. DCI believes in a holistic approach to the rights of the child, including empowerment of children as actors for justice and advocates of their own human rights. As an international Movement, DCI is composed by 35 National Sections in 5 continents, 4 Regional Desks, an International Secretariat in Geneva and a World Service Foundation in Brussels. DCI National Sections have their own legal status and are guided by local child rights defenders committed to upholding the rights of the child through strategic action and effective empowerment of children. In March 2017 at the DCI International GA held in Geneva, DCI defined 4 Thematic priorities for its Strategic Framework 2017- 2021 for the entire DCI movement: • JUSTICE FOR CHILDREN • VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN • CHILDREN ON THE MOVE • CHILDREN AFFECTED BY CONFLICT In addition, DCI promotes 3 cross-cutting issues: Gender, child participation and deprivation of liberty. (...) For more information on Defence for Children International (DCI) check out our website :

Internationale Angelegenheiten
2–10 Beschäftigte
Child Rights, Juvenile Justice, Human Rights, Advocacy und NGO


Beschäftigte von Defence for Children International - International Secretariat


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