Congratulations to all the children and youth, as well as Abdul Manaff Kemokai Defence for Children International Sierra Leone (DCI-SL), Jennifer Davidson and all the colleagues form the Justice Action Coalition. On the road to #HLPF2024, we will join hand on #sdg16 for Peace and Justice, so much needed if we want to eliminate all violence against children with the UN SRSG on Violence against Children and work for #JusticeforChildrenJusticeforAll Alex KAMAROTOS
Executive Director, Institute for Inspiring Children’s Futures, OBE. Professor, University of Strathclyde. Founding Director, CELCIS.
On behalf of the SDG16 Working Group on Justice for Children, our many congratulations to the young people for your great work yesterday in partnership with the #SierraLeone Deputy #Minister of #Justice Alpha Sesay to meaningfully share and listen to children and young people's - and Ministers' - views about justice for children and the revision of the Child Rights Act. Brilliant to hear about the rich discussions, driven by young people's clear and informed views on: * Children's need for digital access to information to be able to access justice * The need for a range of alternatives to detention, so children can remain in the community * The importance of the age of 14 as minimum age of criminal responsibility, aligned with many other countries * The ambition for regular and systematic policy engagement of young people in the long-term ... and more! Fantastic to hear about the commitment of the government at Ministerial level that children will be actively involved in developing legislative reforms - captured well in the #Awoko and #Globaltimes newspapers today, and on the #SLBCnews and Radio. This demonstration of leadership is crucial globally to securing a hope for our children and #futuregenerations Very well done to Josephine, Thomas and others for your excellent facilitation, and to Children International Sierra Leone (DCI-SL) Abdul Manaff Kemokai for your ambitious and determined leadership. Enormous thanks to Shahid M. Korjie #JusticeActionCoalition for critical Justice Sector Coordination and your continued vision to ensure children are included meaningfully in the movement for people-centred justice #SDG16 Brilliant support from and thanks to Atieno Odhiambo #LegalEmpowermentFund The Fund for Global Human Rights and Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies and Defence for Children International - International Secretariat Defence for Children Alex KAMAROTOS and #intergenerational vision from Kristen Hope Marta Gil Cédric Foussard Terre des hommes foundation It will take all of us to achieve #SDG16J4C #OurCommonAgenda We look forward to hearing more about these inspiring #SDG16 #SierraLeone efforts from Josephine and Thomas at United Nations #HighLevelPoliticalForum #VNR in #July2024 #SavetheDate to hear more about this exciting project at #HLPF #SideEvent on #SDG16 #Justice for #Children *Wednesday 10 July 2024* #Intergenerational #Justice4Children #ChildrensRights #Agenda2030 #UN University of Strathclyde #Strategy2030 University of Strathclyde - Humanities & Social Sciences Swati Mehta Themba Mahleka Benoît Van Keirsbilck Ann Skelton Jayathma Wickramanayake More here: