Principles for Peace

Principles for Peace

Zivilgesellschaftliche und soziale Organisationen

An independent initiative to develop a new set of standards for more effective peace processes.


The Principles for Peace (P4P) is a global participatory initiative that was set up to develop new principles, standards, and norms to fundamentally reshape peace processes and chart a path to lasting peace. It brings together a broad coalition of actors across political, diplomatic, academic, defence and security, civil society, and multilateral organisations. The global, inclusive process of developing the Principles for achieving lasting peace was led by the International Commission on Inclusive Peace and the P4P Secretariat. The approach anchored the initiative in both realpolitik and real society. It leveraged cutting edge research, including 700 case studies distilled and 150 consultations in more than 60 countries. The Principles for Peace Foundation is a catalyst, custodian and curator of these Principles, the alliances built around them, and the broader peace and security ecosystem. It promotes and oversees the uptake and implementation of the Principles and acts as a global peace monitor to enhance the quality and effectiveness of peace-making policy and action. The Principles for Peace Foundation is a synergist of partnerships, it engages a diversity of actors – mediators, security forces, governments, civil society, and businesses – to develop country, constituency, and thematic specific roadmaps to translate these Principles into practical action and enhance the quality and durability of peace processes.

Zivilgesellschaftliche und soziale Organisationen
2–10 Beschäftigte


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