At Nimble Outdoor Snacks, we are reminded of the importance of mental well-being. The month is almost over and Men's Mental Health Month hasn't received the attention it requires, and we want to emphasize that this is a serious topic for men today.
As two young male entrepreneurs who founded Nimble, we’ve experienced the highs and lows that come with building a business from the ground up. The journey is rewarding, but it also comes with challenges that can take a toll on our mental health. Therefore, maintaining mental health has become key to staying sane and being able to keep pursuing our dreams every day.
💡 Did you know?
77% of men polled have suffered from symptoms of common mental health conditions such as anxiety, stress, or depression.
Taking care of our mental health is crucial. Nowadays, we can become submerged in the routine, living life on autopilot, and just waiting for the weekend to come. The truth is, mental health needs daily attention.
Here are some tips that have helped us, and we hope they help you too if you need them:
🌲 Spend Time Outdoors: Nature has a calming effect. Even a short walk can boost your mood and reduce stress.
🧠 Seek Therapy: Talking to a professional can provide you with tools to manage stress and anxiety.
📚 Read: Diving into a good book can be an escape and a way to learn new perspectives.
🧘 Practice Mindfulness and Meditation: These practices can help you stay grounded and present, and keep your mind at lower revs.
📵 Limit Screen Time: Reduce time spent doom scrolling and engage in activities that uplift your mind and spirit. Social media is often used as an escape, but the content we consume typically won't teach us anything and may leave us feeling worse after spending hours without recalling what we watched, leading to a sense of lost time, therefore anxiety can be felt.
😴 Prioritize Sleep: Going for weeks or months as a night owl and then trying to be an early riser the next day will not be appreciated by anyone! Your body will catch up with you down the road.
We know that starting is often the hardest part, but taking the first step towards growth and well-being is always, and I mean always, worth it. Make time for activities that fuel your mind, body, and spirit. Remember, productivity thrives when you prioritize your mental health. We are not machines and have limited fuel; we cannot keep going if we are drained inside.
Our mind, spirit, and body are all interconnected. Taking care of one aspect will help the other two, so every moment you take for yourself is guaranteed to be appreciated by you.
Start today by walking a couple of miles, reading 10 pages, listening to a guided meditation, or going to the gym and starting to lift weights, even if it's late at night and that makes you feel more comfortable.
#MensMentalHealthMonth #NimbleOutdoorSnacks #MentalHealthMatters #EntrepreneurLife #Wellbeing #Mindfulness #OutdoorTherapy