🇺🇦 It’s been nearly three years since #Russia launched its all-out war on #Ukraine. We have not forgotten, We stand #TogetherForUkraine! 🇨🇿🤝🇺🇦 If you feel the same, join us! 🗓️23/2/2025 ⏰15:00 📌Old Town Square, Prague 🔗https://buff.ly/3PKvwl5 #StandwithUkraine
Člověk v tísni
Neziskové organizace
Prague, Prague 64 225 sledující uživatelů
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O nás
Společnost Člověk v tísni je nevládní nezisková organizace vycházející z myšlenek humanismu, svobody, rovnosti a solidarity. Od doby svého vzniku v roce 1992 se vyvinula a etablovala jako jedna z největších neziskových organizací ve střední Evropě, respektovaná především pro svou schopnost flexibilně a efektivně přinášet konkrétní výsledky. Člověk v tísni poskytuje humanitární pomoc v krizových oblastech, bojuje s chudobou, posiluje občanskou společnost a věnuje se rozvojové spolupráci. Dále podporuje dodržování lidských práv ve světě a v neposlední řadě se zaměřuje také na oblasti vzdělávání v České republice a pomoci spoluobčanům žijícím v sociálním vyloučení. Doposud již tato organizace působila ve více než 60 městech České republiky a ve více než 50 zemích světa. Dnes se činnost Člověka v tísni zaměřuje na čtyři základní oblasti: Humanitární pomoc a rozvojová spolupráce; Podpora lidských práv; Programy sociální integrace; Vzdělání a osvěta. Pro více informací navštivte www.clovekvtisni.cz
- Web
Externí odkaz pro organizaci Člověk v tísni
- Obor
- Neziskové organizace
- Velikost společnosti
- 1 001–5 000 zaměstnanců
- Ústředí
- Prague, Prague
- Typ
- Neziskové organizace
- Datum založení
- 1992
- Speciality
- humanitární pomoc, rozvojová spolupráce, obrana lidských práv, podpora vzdělávání, sociální práce, humanitarian organization, social work, human rights a development
Safarikova 635/24
Prague, Prague 120 00, CZ
Šafaříkova 24
Prague 2, Prague 12000, CZ
Zaměstnanci společnosti Člověk v tísni
🇪🇺 🇨🇿 🇺🇦 Yesterday, at the European Parliament in #Brussels, we organised an event called “Ukraine: Three Years of Struggle, Strength, and Solidarity and Ways Forward.” The event took place under the auspices of Members of the #EuropeanParliament Ondřej Kolář and Luděk Niedermayer. It provided the audience with a first-hand account of what humanitarian and human rights support looks like on the ground in Ukraine in the three years since the Russian full-scale invasion. 📽️Opening remarks by Weronika Frydryszek, representing the Polish presidency of the Council of the European Union were followed by a screening of the documentary film, Hезламні - One Mission, Four Lives. This film tells the story of four of our colleagues living and working as aid workers in Ukraine. 🎤The film was followed by a panel discussion with Nadiia Ivanova , Director of the PIN Centre for Human Rights and Democracy; Alyona Budagovska, Head of the Communication and Advocacy Department of PIN Ukraine; Luděk Niedermayer, Czech MEP; Vojtěch Srnka, Member of the cabinet of #EU Commissioner Jozef Sikela (International Partnership); and Boriša Falatar, Member of the cabinet of EU Commissioner Hadja Lahbib (Preparedness, Crisis Management, Equality). 📷Participants also had a chance to see the photographic exhibition “Peace. Now! How?” This exhibition is a testament to the resilience of the Ukrainian people.
In #Bosnia, our colleagues teamed up with the #Czech company Fly4Future to provide training to local emergency services on how to use #drones to respond to natural disasters, specifically #fires. The training took place in #BlidinjeNaturePark and focused on live demonstrations and practical exercises to really help people understand how to use the drones to complete specialised tasks. After the training,a custom-made drone was presented to the Municipality of Jablanica. It is our sincere hope that this training combined with the bespoke drone will significantly enhance the capabilities of rescuers and improve response times to fires.
🌿 #Greening your NGO operations 🌿 ♻️ 📉Do you want to know how to help your NGO reduce the waste it produces? Visit our Civil Society Now (CSN)) Eco-Friendly Waste Management page⬇ https://buff.ly/3NKvXuu 💡Here, you can explore our practical guides, tools and webinars designed to help NGOs manage their waste sustainably and reduce the environmental footprint of their operations. Learn about: ✔️ Effective waste-management measures ✔️ How much time & money they require ✔️ How you can implement them 💚 Together, we can do more for our planet! 🌍 #Ecofriendly #Wastemanagement #Wastereduction #sustainability #sustainablechoices
We welcome the ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas while acknowledging significant uncertainties regarding its implementation and sustainability, including ceasefire maintenance, hostage release, and humanitarian access in Gaza. Humanitarian needs in Gaza remain enormous. UN OCHA reports that the war has killed tens of thousands since October 2023, injured more than 100,000, and displaced over 90% of the population. The conflict has destroyed critical infrastructure, reduced homes to ruins, and shuttered schools. Local population is in urgent need of humanitarian aid. Since January 2024, we have been working with our partner, War Child Alliance, to provide psychosocial and psychological first aid to children and their families in the Gaza Strip. We are currently identifying opportunities to expand our assistance in Gaza. Along with other humanitarian organisations, we joined ICVA Collective NGO Statement: https://buff.ly/4auwwTM We have opened the SOS Gaza fundraiser to help people affected by the conflict. Donors can contribute to account number 62621515/0300.
🚸🎒We are proud to be members of the #EiEHub and look forward to our continued cooperation ✨
📚In 2024, EiE Hub members: ✅broadened the coalition for EiE ✅strengthened connections across global hubs ✅mobilised key partners to strengthen protection of education ✅continued to bridge the ‘research-policy-practice’ gap ✅advanced EiE in human rights discussions ▶️Learn more: https://buff.ly/3WqQ4m8
🌊 Jak obnovit obydlí a krajinu po povodních a lépe se připravit na budoucí přírodní katastrofy? Společně s Informačním centrem #OSN jsme dnes zorganizovali kulatý stůl o obnově krajiny a sídel po povodních. Starostové a starostky ze zasažených obcí, zástupci a zástupkyně ministerstev, odborníci a odbornice, krajinářští architekti a architektky a další se sešli, aby diskutovali o tom, jaké bariéry přinesly povodně ze září 2024 na všech úrovních – a jak zvládnout podobné katastrofy v příštích letech lépe. Debatovali jsme o klíčových tématech, jako jsou: ✅ Dotace a jejich efektivní využití ✅ Územní plánování a architektura ✅ Poradenství ze strany krajů a státu ✅ Pozemkové úpravy 📋 Zlepšení fungování současných opatření Výstupem tohoto setkání je seznam konkrétních doporučení, která vycházejí z praktických zkušeností všech zúčastněných stran. Tato doporučení budeme v následujících týdnech sdílet, aby pomohla aktérům na všech úrovních reflektovat, co zlepšit a jak se lépe připravit na příští povodně. Děkujeme všem, kteří se do této diskuse zapojili! 🙏
+ 3
💡Together with Luděk Niedermayer and Ondřej Kolář, we invite you to our event: Ukraine: Three Years of Struggle, Strength, Solidarity and Ways Forward. This event marks three years since the Russian invasion of #Ukraine in the context of #humanitarian and #humanrights aid. 🗓️ When: Monday, January 27, from 18:00 📍 Where: European Parliament (#Brussels), Room PHS 7C050 As part of the event, we will premiere our documentary film Hезламні—One Mission, Four Lives. This film tells the story of four of our colleagues who live and work in Ukraine. A panel discussion on humanitarian and human rights work in Ukraine and #EU support for the country will follow the screening. The programme also includes a photographic exhibition that captures the resilience of the Ukrainian people during the war. ✍️Register here: 🔗 https://bit.ly/4hq6x2h ⚠️If you need an access card to the European Parliament, please register by the end of the working day on 22 January.
🌿 #Greening your NGO operations 🌿 Is your organisation looking to save energy in the new year? Let #CSN guide you on measures to make your offices more #EcoFriendly Visit our Civil Society Now (CSN) Making Your Event Eco-Friendly page ⬇ https://buff.ly/4gSSTEG.. 💡Here, you can explore our practical guides, tools, and webinars designed to help NGOs organise their events and reduce their environmental footprint. Learn about: ✔️ Which measures can save the most energy 🔋 ✔️ How much time and money they require ⏳ ✔️ How you can implement them 💡 ✔What you should be careful about 🦺 💚 Together, we can do more for our planet! 🌍 #EngergySavings #RenewableEnergy #EcoFriendly #EnvironmentalFootprint
🌿 #Greening your NGO operations 🌿 ♻️ 🚰Do you want to know how to help your NGO save water in your offices? Visit our Civil Society Now (CSN)) Saving Water page⬇ https://buff.ly/48vFMGr 💡Here, you can explore our practical guides, tools and webinars designed to help NGOs manage their water sustainably and reduce the environmental footprint of their operations. Learn about: ✔️ Useful water-saving measures🚰 ✔️ How can you implement them 🚰 ✔️ How much time and money do they require 🚰 💚 Together, we can do more for our planet! 🌍 #Ecofriendly #Watermanagement #WaterConservation #sustainability #sustainablechoices
Member_Saving Water in Your Offices — Civil Society Now