🌟 Pojďte si pohrát s budoucností! 🌟 21. a 22. ledna 2025 pořádáme další MAMA AI Academy – místo, kde se umělá inteligence stává vaším spojencem. 👩💻 Co vás čeká? Naučíte se vytvořit vlastního voicebota (a to za méně než 20 minut!). Srozumitelně vám přiblížíme základy AI a její praktické aplikace. Objevíte nové možnosti využití AI ve firmě i v osobním životě. Získáte inspiraci, jak AI využít pro zlepšení svých výsledků. Potkáte stejně naladěné nadšence z různých oborů. A když si přinesete notebook nebo tablet, budete si moci užít praktická cvičení naplno i bez znalosti programování. 👉 Detaily najdete na https://aiacademy.cz 🎯 Pro koho je Academy? Pro každého, kdo chce porozumět možnostem AI a naučit se ji efektivně využívat – manažery, IT specialisty i zvídavé laiky. 📍 Kde? Praha 🎫 Registrace: Napište na academy@themama.ai a zajistěte si své místo! 🌐 Chcete program na míru jen pro váš firemní tým? Žádný problém – připravíme AI zážitek šitý na míru vašim potřebám! #MAMAAIAcademy #AIHrou #InovaceAI #ArtificialIntelligence
O nás
The Mama of all AI
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Externí odkaz pro organizaci The MAMA AI
- Obor
- Vývoj softwaru
- Velikost společnosti
- 11 - 50 zaměstnanců
- Ústředí
- Prague 1, Prague
- Typ
- Soukromá společnost
- Datum založení
- 2021
- Speciality
- ai, ml, nlp, speech, artificial intelligence, machine learning, assistents, telephony, omnichannel, deep learning, NFT, Blockchain, conversation intelligence, voicebot, chatbot, telephony a aiops
Revoluční 17
Prague 1, Prague 110 00, CZ
Zaměstnanci společnosti The MAMA AI
Jakub Linhart
VP Customer Success at MAMA AI
Kuba Krchak
AI Enterpreneur | Automate communications through AI | Control LLMs for business | CEO TELMA AI | Co-Founder at The MAMA AI | Ex-IBM Watson | Ex-IBM…
Martin Čmejrek
Co-Founder and VP, AI & Data at The MAMA AI | Head of Research at Telma AI
Josef Vopička
Co-founder at The MAMA AI
Uživatel The MAMA AI to přesdílel
What Can Neural Network Embeddings Do That Fingerprints Can’t? "Fingerprints may retrieve molecules with electrostatically similar fragments or motifs; however, they cannot capture the overall ‘big picture.’ Tanimoto similarity is not always intuitive: parts of the retrieved molecules may contain the same chemical groups, but as a whole, they may represent an entirely different molecule chemically." Read the full blog: 👉 https://lnkd.in/ee_qx7p3 #cheese #drugdiscovery #fingerprints #techbio #chembl #pubchem #zinc #3Dshape #electrostatics #medchem #neuralnetworks #embeddings
Mama AI (with TELMA AI) is proud to be part of this successful project!
Virtuální náborové středisko Ministerstva obrany https://lnkd.in/epum6276? si včera v největší soutěži digitálních řešení u nás odneslo 2. místo v kategorii Autentická kariérní komunikace! 🥈 Děkujeme všem partnerům za dlouhodobou spolupráci a těšíme se na další kapitolu tohoto jedinečného projektu. Ministerstvo obrany České republiky LOM PRAHA s.p. FG Forrest a.s. The MAMA AI Recruitis.io s.r.o.
Uživatel The MAMA AI to přesdílel
Just recently, we published a preprint in ChemRxiv about the technical and performance details of CHEESE Search: CHEESE: 3D Shape and Electrostatic Virtual Screening in a Vector Space: Link to the preprint: https://lnkd.in/d5WjZ4BP We would like to take this opportunity and invite all interested experts in the fields of drug discovery, medicinal chemistry and others to a deep dive session on the preprint. The important part will be the Q&A session where we always enjoy very relevant and lively discussion. #DrugDiscovery #VirtualScreening #MolecularDesign #CHEESE #deepmedchem #AI #Biotech #MachineLearning
CHEESE: 3D Shape and Electrostatic Virtual Screening in a Vector Space
Uživatel The MAMA AI to přesdílel
A publication preprint about CHEESE Search is out! We at Deep MedChem are excited to share our most recent publication about CHEESE Search—an innovative framework for 3D shape and electrostatic virtual screening, is now available as a preprint on ChemRxiv! 🎉 https://lnkd.in/dBW9K7_V As many of you know—CHEESE (CHEmical Embeddings Search Engine) transforms ligand-based virtual screening by reformulating molecular similarity as an approximate nearest neighbour search, harnessing the power of vector databases. Unlike traditional methods limited by computational intensity, CHEESE offers orders of magnitude improvements in both speed and cost, effectively balancing precision and efficiency. Our preprint demonstrates its state-of-the-art performance across benchmarks like DUD-E and LIT-PCBA, with CHEESE excelling in both lead identification and resource optimisation. If you’re passionate about advancing molecular screening, take a closer look at CHEESE and benefit from us pushing the boundaries of what's possible in drug discovery. Try CHEESE Search here: https://lnkd.in/dZmNPuvp We are happy to hear your feedback and provide you with more details and options on how to use CHEESE. Feel free to reach out to me! #DrugDiscovery #VirtualScreening #MolecularDesign #CHEESE #deepmedchem #AI #Biotech #MachineLearning
Uživatel The MAMA AI to přesdílel
Na konci je vždy nejdůležitější spokojenost klienta. Dlouhodobě ji držíme velmi vysoko. Dnešní firemní MAMA AI Academy byla hybridní - s účastníky v místnosti i online. A je vždy o něco náročnější udržet pozornost online účastníků. Mentimeter nám v tom skvěle pomáhá, a to až do finálního hodnocení. Přihlaste se na naši nejbližší Academy ve dnech 19. a 20. 11. 2024, a to vždy odpoledne. Ale rádi pro vás provedeme tento workshop pouze pro váš tým a s programem podle vašeho přání. Napište na academy@themama.ai, těšíme se na vás. Jan Cuřín, Šimon Kos #AiAcademy
Uživatel The MAMA AI to přesdílel
We at Deep MedChem are working hard on making partnerships that bring value to our users. We are extremely proud to bring eMolecules to our platform by making eXplore datasets part of the molecular DBs accessible by CHEESE Search (go to https://lnkd.in/dZmNPuvp to test CHEESE Search yourself). This is a great addition to the datasets as you can see for yourself visually through the tool CHEESE Explorer which visualises the distribution of molecules for various datasets in 2D and 3D views. (go to https://lnkd.in/dMgDgxXz to test CHEESE Explorer yourself). As always, I am happy to hear your thoughts on this improvement! #cheese #deepmedchem #AI #VirtualScreening #DrugDiscovery #explore #Biotech #MachineLearning
Duo Martin Čmejrek and Jan Cuřín representing TELMA AI telephony and The MAMA AI NLP at Seyfor Data&AI Breakfast today.
Uživatel The MAMA AI to přesdílel
Jak zvýšit publikaci audiočlánků z 35 týdně na téměř 400 s využitím AI technologií si můžete poslechnout dnes na AI 4 Business v rámci #DnyAI
Uživatel The MAMA AI to přesdílel
I enjoy the time talking to experts in the field of drug discovery in the context of AI-tools they use in their research work. And I am pleased by the amount of value they see in the tools they have at their finger tips these days. Some of the tools are directed at the computational chemists and others are easy to use even for medicinal chemists. Some tools provide value after additional coding around their API (application programming interface, not active pharmaceutical ingredient :-) ) or CLI (command-line interface). Other tools come with easy-to-consume graphical user interface. We at Deep MedChem are spanning many of the modes with the goal to provide easy to use GUI and at the same time we provide APIs or CLIs for automation of workflows and for some more advanced use cases. Lets take CHEESE Search: - you can use the GUI to perform smaller scale similarity searches with 3D shape or 3D Electrostatic similarity (or to test the tool in the first place); - you can embed CHEESE Search into your workflow by the APIs and many integration option the tool offers; - you can “batch search” - query by a sets of molecules (imagine actives and inactives) - you can index your own molecular libraries (imagine you DEL screening libraries) through the CLI to make them part of the set of DBs available. - you can extract actual embeddings representation of the molecules in the similarity latent space (and use these as features in downstream classification tasks) - and more… Pls make sure to try CHEESE Search yourself and let me know your thoughts! https://lnkd.in/dZmNPuvp #cheese #deepmedchem #cheminformatics #artificialintelligence #ai #drugdiscovery #biotech #machinelearning