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33rd DAC 1996: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
- Thomas Pennino, Ellen J. Yoffa:
Proceedings of the 33st Conference on Design Automation, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Las Vegas Convention Center, June 3-7, 1996. ACM Press 1996, ISBN 0-89791-779-0
Executive Forum, Panel: The EDA Year in Review: CEO's, The Press, and Users
High Speed Interconnect
- Mattan Kamon, Steve S. Majors:
Package and Interconnect Modeling of the HFA3624, a 2.4GHz RF to IF Converter. 2-7
Panel: PCB Synthesis - Is the Technology Ready for High Speed Design?
Power Analysis
- Janardhan H. Satyanarayana, Keshab K. Parhi:
HEAT: Hierarchical Energy Analysis Tool. 9-14 - Andrew Wolfe:
Opportunities and Obstacles in Low-Power System-Level CAD. 15-20 - Sasan Iman, Massoud Pedram:
POSE: Power Optimization and Synthesis Environment. 21-26 - David Lidsky, Jan M. Rabaey:
Early Power Exploration - A World Wide Web Application. 27-32
Current Directions in High Level Synthesis
- Raul Camposano:
Behavioral Synthesis. 33-34 - Ehat Ercanli, Christos A. Papachristou:
A Register File and Scheduling Model for Application Specific Processor Synthesis. 35-40 - Mahesh Mehendale, G. Venkatesh, Sunil D. Sherlekar:
Optimized Code Generation of Multiplication-free Linear Transforms. 41-46 - Chuck Monahan, Forrest Brewer
Concurrent Analysis Techniques for Data Path Timing Optimization. 47-50 - Jian Li, Rajesh K. Gupta:
HDL Optimization Using Timed Decision Tables. 51-54
Analysis and Synthesis of Asynchronous Circuits
- Eric Verlind, Gjalt G. de Jong, Bill Lin:
Efficient Partial Enumeration for Timing Analysis of Asynchronous Systems. 55-58 - Alexei L. Semenov, Alexandre Yakovlev:
Verification of asynchronous circuits using Time Petri Net unfolding. 59-62 - Jordi Cortadella, Michael Kishinevsky, Alex Kondratyev, Luciano Lavagno, Alexandre Yakovlev:
Methodology and Tools for State Encoding in Asynchronous Circuit Synthesis. 63-66 - Prabhakar Kudva, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, Hans M. Jacobson:
A Technique for Synthesizing Distributed Burst-mode Circuits. 67-70 - Michael Theobald, Steven M. Nowick, Tao Wu:
Espresso-HF: A Heuristic Hazard-Free Minimizer for Two-Level Logic. 71-76 - Prabhakar Kudva, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, Hans M. Jacobson, Steven M. Nowick:
Synthesis for Hazard-free Customized CMOS Complex-Gate Networks Under Multiple-Input Changes. 77-82
New Frontiers in Partitioning
- Frank M. Johannes:
Partitioning of VLSI Circuits and Systems. 83-87 - Jianmin Li, John Lillis, Lung-Tien Liu, Chung-Kuan Cheng:
New Spectral Linear Placement and Clustering Approach. 88-93 - Michael D. Hutton, Jerry P. Grossman, Jonathan Rose, Derek G. Corneil:
Characterization and Parameterized Random Generation of Digital Circuits. 94-99 - Shantanu Dutt, Wenyong Deng:
A Probability-Based Approach to VLSI Circuit Partitioning. 100-105
Trends in Verification
- Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Patrick C. McGeer, Alexander Saldanha:
Verification of Electronic Systems. 106-111
Panel: Hot New Trends in Verification
Specialized Design Techniques for Speed and Power
- Anantha P. Chandrakasan, Isabel Y. Yang, Carlin Vieri, Dimitri A. Antoniadis:
Design Considerations and Tools for Low-voltage Digital System Design. 113-118 - Bernhard Wunder, Gunther Lehmann, Klaus D. Müller-Glaser:
VAMP: A VHDL-Based Concept for Accurate Modeling and Post Layout Timing Simulation of Electronic Systems. 119-124 - Madhav P. Desai, Yao-Tsung Yen:
A Systematic Technique for Verifying Critical Path Delays in a 300MHz Alpha CPU Design Using Circuit Simulation. 125-130
Test and Fault Tolerance in High Level Synthesis
- Kenneth D. Wagner, Sujit Dey:
High-Level Synthesis for Testability: A Survey and Perspective. 131-136 - Balakrishnan Iyer, Ramesh Karri
Introspection: A Low Overhead Binding Technique During Self-Diagnosing Microarchitecture Synthesis. 137-142 - Ishwar Parulkar, Sandeep K. Gupta, Melvin A. Breuer:
Lower Bounds on Test Resources for Scheduled Data Flow Graphs. 143-148
Issues in Discrete Simulation
- Antonio R. W. Todesco, Teresa H.-Y. Meng:
Symphony: A Simulation Backplane for Parallel Mixed-Mode Co-Simulation of VLSI Systems. 149-154 - Peter Dahlgren:
Oscillation Control in Logic Simulation using Dynamic Dominance Grahps. 155-160 - Shi-Yu Huang, Kuang-Chien Chen, Kwang-Ting Cheng
, Tien-Chien Lee:
Compact Vector Generation for Accurate Power Simulation. 161-164 - Chi-Ying Tsui, Radu Marculescu, Diana Marculescu
, Massoud Pedram:
Improving the Efficiency of Power Simulators by Input Vector Compaction. 165-168
Issues in Design Environments
- Idalina Videira, Paulo Veríssimo, Helena Sarmento:
Efficient Communication in a Design Environment. 169-174 - Peter R. Sutton, Stephen W. Director:
A Description Language for Design Process Management. 175-180 - John W. Hagerman, Stephen W. Director:
Improved Tool and Data Selection in Task Management. 181-184 - Eric W. Johnson, Luis A. Castillo, Jay B. Brockman:
Application of a Markov Model to the Measurement, Simulation, and Diagnosis of an Iterative Design Process. 185-188
Panel: Gearing Up for the Technology Explosion
Tutorial: The SPICE FET Models: Pitfalls and Prospects
Combinational Logic Synthesis I
- Richard L. Rudell:
Tutorial: Design of a Logic Synthesis System. 191-196 - Olivier Coudert:
On Solving Covering Problems. 197-202
Pattern Generation for Test and Diagnosis
- Sungju Park:
A New Complete Diagnosis Patterns for Wiring Interconnects. 203-208 - Chih-Ang Chen, Sandeep K. Gupta:
A Satisfiability-Based Test Generator for Path Delay Faults in Combinational Circuts. 209-214 - Irith Pomeranz, Sudhakar M. Reddy:
On Static Compaction of Test Sequences for Synchronous Sequential Circuits. 215-220
CAD for Analog and Mixed Signal ICs
- Bülent Basaran, Rob A. Rutenbar:
An O(n) Algorithm for Transistor Stacking with Performance Constraints. 221-226 - Paolo Miliozzi, Iasson Vassiliou, Edoardo Charbon, Enrico Malavasi, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli:
Use of Sensitivities and Generalized Substrate Models in Mixed-Signal IC Design. 227-232 - Sanjay Sawant, Paul Giordano:
RTL Emulation: The Next Leap in System Verification. 233-235 - Carsten Borchers, Lars Hedrich, Erich Barke:
Equation-Based Behavioral Model Generation for Nonlinear Analog Circuits. 236-239
Panel: Core-Based Design for System-Level ASICs - Whose Job Is It?
Panel: A Common Standards Roadmap
Combinational Logic Synthesis II
- Chien-Chung Tsai, Malgorzata Marek-Sadowska:
Multilevel Logic Synthesis for Arithmetic Functions. 242-247 - Jeffery P. Hansen, Masatoshi Sekine:
Synthesis by Spectral Translation Using Boolean Decision Diagrams. 248-253 - Shashidhar Thakur, D. F. Wong
, Shankar Krishnamoorthy:
Delay Minimal Decomposition of Multiplexers in Technology Mapping. 254-257 - Shi-Yu Huang, Kuang-Chien Chen, Kwang-Ting Cheng
Error Correction Based on Verification Techniques. 258-261
Design for Testability
- Chau-Shen Chen, Kuang-Hui Lin, TingTing Hwang:
Layout Driven Selecting and Chaining of Partial Scan. 262-267 - Chih-Chang Lin, Malgorzata Marek-Sadowska, Kwang-Ting Cheng, Mike Tien-Chien Lee:
Test Point Insertion: Scan Paths through Combinational Logic. 268-273 - Huoy-Yu Liou, Ting-Ting Y. Lin, Chung-Kuan Cheng:
Area Efficient Pipelined Pseudo-Exhaustive Testing with Retiming. 274-279
Advances in Electrical Simulation
- Kevin J. Kerns, Andrew T. Yang:
Stable and Efficient Reduction of Large, Multiport RC Networks by Pole Analysis via Congruence Transformations. 280-285 - Jaijeet S. Roychowdhury, Robert C. Melville:
Homotopy Techniques for Obtaining a DC Solution of Large-Scale MOS Circuits. 286-291 - Ricardo Telichevesky, Kenneth S. Kundert, Jacob White:
Efficient AC and Noise Analysis of Two-Tone RF Circuits. 292-297
Mixed Signal Design
- L. Richard Carley, Georges G. E. Gielen, Rob A. Rutenbar, Willy M. C. Sansen:
Synthesis Tools for Mixed-Signal ICs: Progress on Frontend and Backend Strategies. 298-303
Panel: Mixed Signal Designs: Are There Solutions Today?
Functional Verification of Microprocessors
- Anoosh Hosseini, Dimitrios Mavroidis, Pavlos Konas:
Code Generation and Analysis for the Functional Verification of Microprocessors. 305-310 - Val Popescu, Bill McNamara:
Innovative Verification Strategy Reduces Design Cycle Time for High-End Sparc Processor. 311-314 - Gopi Ganapathy, Ram Narayan, Glenn Jorden, Denzil Fernandez, Ming Wang, Jim Nishimura:
Hardware Emulation for Functional Verification of K5. 315-318 - James Monaco, David Holloway, Rajesh Raina:
Functional Verification Methodology for the PowerPC 604 Microprocessor. 319-324 - Michael Kantrowitz, Lisa M. Noack:
I'm Done Simulating: Now What? Verification Coverage Analysis and Correctness Checking of the DECchip 21164 Alpha Microprocessor. 325-330
High Level Power Optimization
- Anand Raghunathan
, Sujit Dey, Niraj K. Jha:
Glitch Analysis and Reduction in Register Transfer Level. 331-336 - Christos A. Papachristou
, Mark Spining, Mehrdad Nourani:
An Effective Power Management Scheme for RTL Design Based on Multiple Clocks. 337-342 - Mani B. Srivastava, Miodrag Potkonjak:
Power Optimization in Programmable Processors and ASIC Implementations of Linear Systems: Transformation-based Approach. 343-348 - José Monteiro, Srinivas Devadas, Pranav Ashar, Ashutosh Mauskar:
Scheduling Techniques to Enable Power Management. 349-352 - Aurobindo Dasgupta, Ramesh Karri
Electromigration Reliability Enhancement via Bus Activity Distribution. 353-356
3-D Parasitic Extraction
- Byron Krauter, Yu Xia, E. Aykut Dengi, Lawrence T. Pileggi
A Sparse Image Method for BEM Capacitance Extraction. 357-362 - Narayan R. Aluru, V. B. Nadkarni, James White:
A Parallel Precorrected FFT Based Capacitance Extraction Program for Signal Integrity Analysis. 363-366 - Johannes Tausch, Jacob K. White:
Multipole Accelerated Capacitance Calculation for Structures with Multiple Dielectrics with high Permittivity Ratios. 367-370 - Weikai Sun, Wayne Wei-Ming Dai, Wei Hong II:
Fast Parameters Extraction of General Three-Dimension Interconnects Using Geometry Independent Measured Equation of Invariance. 371-376 - Joel R. Philips, Eli Chiprout, David D. Ling:
Efficient Full-Wave Electromagnetic Analysis via Model-Order Reduction of Fast Integral Transforms. 377-382
Routing Optimization for Performance
- Joe G. Xi, Wayne Wei-Ming Dai:
Useful-Skew Clock Routing With Gate Sizing for Low Power Design. 383-388 - Madhav P. Desai, Radenko Cvijetic, James Jensen:
Sizing of Clock Distribution Networks for High Performance CPU Chips. 389-394 - John Lillis, Chung-Kuan Cheng, Ting-Ting Y. Lin, Chin-Yen Ho:
New Performance Driven Routing Techniques With Explicit Area/Delay Tradeoff and Simultaneous Wire Sizing. 395-400 - Jaewon Oh, Iksoo Pyo, Massoud Pedram:
Constructing Lower and Upper Bounded Delay Routing Trees Using Linear Programming. 401-404 - Chung-Ping Chen, Yao-Wen Chang, D. F. Wong
Fast Performance-Driven Optimization for Buffered Clock Trees Based on Lagrangian Relaxation. 405-408
Tutorial: How to Write Awk and Perl Scripts to Enable Your EDA Tools to Work Together
- Robert C. Hutchins, Shankar Hemmady:
How to Write Awk and Perl Scripts to Enable Your EDA Tools to Work Together. 409-414
Functional Verification Techniques
- K. D. Jones, J. P. Privitera:
The Automatic Generation of Functional Test Vectors for Rambus Designs. 415-420 - Françoise Casaubieilh, Anthony McIsaac, Mike Benjamin, Mike Bartley, François Pogodalla, Frédéric Rocheteau, Mohamed Belhadj, Jeremy Eggleton, Gérard Mas, Geoff Barrett, Christian Berthet:
Functional Verification Methodology of Chameleon Processor. 421-426 - Stephen Brown, Naraig Manjikian, Zvonko G. Vranesic, S. Caranci, A. Grbic, R. Grindley, M. Gusat, K. Loveless, Zeljko Zilic, Sinisa Srbljic:
Experience in Designing a Large-scale Multiprocessor using Field-Programmable Devices and Advanced CAD Tools. 427-432
Power Estimation
- Alessandro Bogliolo, Luca Benini, Bruno Riccò:
Power Estimation of Cell-Based CMOS Circuits. 433-438 - David Ihsin Cheng, Kwang-Ting Cheng, Deborah C. Wang, Malgorzata Marek-Sadowska:
A New Hybrid Methodology for Power Estimation. 439-444 - Yong Je Lim, Kyung-Im Son, Heung-Joon Park, Mani Soma:
A Statistical Approach to the Estimation of Delay Dependent Switching Activities in CMOS Combinational Circuits. 445-450
Optimization of Sequential Circuits
- Sunil P. Khatri, Amit Narayan, Sriram C. Krishnan, Kenneth L. McMillan, Robert K. Brayton, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli:
Engineering Change in a Non-Deterministic FSM Setting. 451-456 - Mahesh A. Iyer
, David E. Long, Miron Abramovici:
Identifying Sequential Redundancies Without Search. 457-462 - Hiroyuki Higuchi, Yusuke Matsunaga:
A Fast State Reduction Algorithm for Incompletely Specified Finite State Machines. 463-466 - Fabrizio Ferrandi, Franco Fummi, Enrico Macii, Massimo Poncino, Donatella Sciuto:
Symbolic Optimization of FSM Networks Based on Sequential ATPG Techniques. 467-470
Topics in Physical Design
- Andreas Koch:
Module Compaction in FPGA-based Regular Datapaths. 471-476 - Ming-Ter Kuo, Lung-Tien Liu, Chung-Kuan Cheng:
Network Partitioning into Tree Hierarchies. 477-482 - Danny Z. Chen, Xiaobo Hu
Efficient Approximation Algorithms for Floorplan Area Minimization. 483-486 - Chung-Ping Chen, Yao-Ping Chen, D. F. Wong
Optimal Wire-Sizing Formular Under the Elmore Delay Model. 487-490
Consumer Product Design
- Tetsuya Fujimoto, Takashi Kambe:
VLSI Design and System Level Verification for the Mini-Disc. 491-496 - Hisakazu Edamatsu, Satoshi Ikawa, Katsuya Hasegawa:
Design Methodologies for consumer-use video signal processing LSIs. 497-502 - Yasunori Miyahara, Yoshimoto Oumi, Seijiro Moriyama:
Design Methodology for Analog High Frequency ICs. 503-508
Tutorial: Issues and Answers in CAD Tool Interoperability
- Mike Murray, Uwe B. Meding, Bill Berg, Yatin Trivedi, Bill McCaffrey, Ted Vucurevich:
Issues and Answers in CAD Tool Interoperability. 509-514
Hardware-Software Co-Design
- Jay K. Adams, Donald E. Thomas:
The Design of Mixed Hardware/Software Systems. 515-520 - Steven Vercauteren, Bill Lin, Hugo De Man:
Constructing Application-Specific Heterogeneous Embedded Architectures from Custom HW/SW Applications. 521-526 - Nguyen-Ngoc Bình, Masaharu Imai, Akichika Shiomi, Nobuyuki Hikichi:
A Hardware/Software Partitioning Algorithm for Designing Pipelined ASIPs with Least Gate Counts. 527-532
Timing and Power
- Andrew B. Kahng, Sudhakar Muddu:
Analysis of RC Interconnections Under Ramp Input. 533-538 - Bernard N. Sheehan:
An AWE Technique for Fast Printed Circuit Board Delays. 539-543 - Florentin Dartu, Bogdan Tutuianu, Lawrence T. Pileggi
RC-Interconnect Macromodels for Timing Simulation. 544-547 - Yi-Kan Cheng, Chin-Chi Teng, Abhijit Dharchoudhury, Elyse Rosenbaum, Sung-Mo Kang:
iCET: A Complete Chip-Level Thermal Reliability Diagnosis Tool for CMOS VLSI Chips. 548-551
Verification of Sequential Systems
- Jerry R. Burch:
Techniques for Verifying Superscalar Microprocessors. 552-557 - Jeremy R. Levitt, Kunle Olukotun:
A Scalable Formal Verification Methodology for Pipelined Microprocessors. 558-563 - C. Norris Ip, David L. Dill:
State Reduction Using Reversible Rules. 564-567 - Felice Balarin, Harry Hsieh, Attila Jurecska, Luciano Lavagno, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli:
Formal Verification of Embedded Systems based on CFSM Networks. 568-571
Panel: Electronic Connectivity + EDA Data = Electronic Commerce
Experience with High Level Synthesis
- Elisabeth Berrebi, Polen Kission, Serge Vernalde, S. De Troch, Jean-Claude Herluison, Jean Fréhel, Ahmed Amine Jerraya, Ivo Bolsens:
Combined Control Flow Dominated and Data Flow Dominated High-Level Synthesis. 573-578 - Jos A. Huisken
, F. Welten:
FADIC: Architectural Synthesis applied in IC Design. 579-584 - Mike Tien-Chien Lee, Yu-Chin Hsu, Ben Chen, Masahiro Fujita:
Domain-Specific High-Level Modeling and Synthesis for ATM Switch Design Using VHDL. 585-590
Analysis and Compilation for Embedded Software
- Guido Araujo, Sharad Malik
, Mike Tien-Chien Lee:
Using Register-Transfer Paths in Code Generation for Heterogeneous Memory-Register Architectures. 591-596 - Clifford Liem, Pierre G. Paulin, Ahmed Amine Jerraya:
Address Calculation for Retargetable Compilation and Exploration of Instruction-Set Architectures. 597-600 - Rajesh K. Gupta:
Analysis of Operation Delay and Execution Rate Constraints for Embedded Systems. 601-604 - Kei Suzuki, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli:
Efficient Software Performance Estimation Methods for Hardware/Software Codesign. 605-610
Timing Modeling and Optimization
- Bogdan Tutuianu, Florentin Dartu, Lawrence T. Pileggi
An Explicit RC-Circuit Delay Approximation Based on the First Three Moments of the Impulse Response. 611-616 - V. Chandramouli, Karem A. Sakallah:
Modeling the Effects of Temporal Proximity of Input Transitions on Gate Propagation Delay and Transition Time. 617-622 - José Luis Neves, Eby G. Friedman:
Optimal Clock Skew Scheduling Tolerant to Process Variations. 623-628
Decision Diagrams and Their Application
- Yusuke Matsunaga:
An Efficient Equivalence Checker for Combinational Circuits. 629-634 - Jagesh V. Sanghavi, Rajeev K. Ranjan, Robert K. Brayton, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli:
High Performance BDD Package By Exploiting Memory Hiercharchy. 635-640 - Tony Stornetta, Forrest Brewer
Implementation of an Efficient Parallel BDD Package. 641-644 - Edmund M. Clarke, Manpreet Khaira, Xudong Zhao:
Word Level Model Checking - Avoiding the Pentium FDIV Error. 645-648
Formal Methods
- Manish Pandey, Richard Raimi, Derek L. Beatty, Randal E. Bryant:
Formal Verification of PowerPC Arrays Using Symbolic Trajectory Evaluation. 649-654 - Ilan Beer, Shoham Ben-David, Cindy Eisner, Avner Landver:
RuleBase: An Industry-Oriented Formal Verification Tool. 655-660 - Randal E. Bryant:
Bit-Level Analysis of an SRT Divider Circuit. 661-665 - Ásgeir Th. Eiríksson:
Integrating Formal Verification Methods with A Conventional Project Design Flow. 666-671
Applications for Hardware/Software Codesign
- Bill Lin:
A System Design Methodology for Software/Hardware Co-Development of Telecommunication Network Applications. 672-677 - Steven Vercauteren, Bill Lin, Hugo De Man:
A Strategy for Real-Time Kernel Support in Application-Specific HW/SW Embedded Architectures. 678-683 - Benny Schnaider, Einat Yogev:
Software Development in a Hardware Simulation Environment. 684-689 - Vojin Zivojnovic, Heinrich Meyr:
Compiled HW/SW Co-Simulation. 690-695
Power Estimation and Retiming
- Diana Marculescu
, Radu Marculescu, Massoud Pedram:
Stochastic Sequential Machine Synthesis Targeting Constrained Sequence Generation. 696-701 - Huzefa Mehta, Robert Michael Owens, Mary Jane Irwin:
Energy Characterization based on Clustering. 702-707 - Soha Hassoun, Carl Ebeling:
Architectural Retiming: Pipelining Latency-Constrained Circuts. 708-713 - Kumar N. Lalgudi, Marios C. Papaefthymiou, Miodrag Potkonjak:
Optimizing Systems for Effective Block-Processing: The k-Delay Problem. 714-719
Technology Dependent Performance Driven Synthesis
- Peichen Pan, C. L. Liu:
Optimal Clock Period FPGA Technology Mapping for Sequential Circuits. 720-725 - Jason Cong, Yean-Yow Hwang:
Structural Gate Decomposition for Depth-Optimal Technology Mapping in LUT-based FPGA Design. 726-729 - Christian Legl, Bernd Wurth, Klaus Eckl:
A Boolean Approach to Performance-Directed Technology Mapping for LUT-Based FPGA Designs. 730-733 - Olivier Coudert, Ramsey W. Haddad, Srilatha Manne:
New Algorithms for Gate Sizing: A Comparative Study. 734-739 - Koichi Sato, Masamichi Kawarabayashi, Hideyuki Emura, Naotaka Maeda:
Post-Layout Optimization for Deep Submicron Design. 740-745
Layout Analysis and Optimization
- Cyrus Bamji, Enrico Malavasi:
Enhanced Network Flow Algorithm for Yield Optimization. 746-751 - Chin-Chi Teng, Yi-Kan Cheng, Elyse Rosenbaum, Sung-Mo Kang:
Hierarchical Electromigration Reliability Diagnosis for VLSI Interconnects. 752-757 - Arjan J. van Genderen, N. P. van der Meijs:
Using Articulation Nodes to Improve the Efficiency of Finite-Element based Resistance Extraction. 758-763 - P. J. H. Elias, N. P. van der Meijs:
Extracting Circuit Models for Large RC Interconnections that are Accurate up to a Predefined Signal Frequency. 764-769
Panel: System Synthesis: Can we Meet the Challenges to Come?
Hardware Description Language Techniques
- Douglas J. Smith:
VHDL & Verilog Compared & Contrasted - Plus Modeled Example Written in VHDL, Verilog and C. 771-776 - Hans Sahm, Claus Mayer, Jörg Pleickhardt, Johannes Schuck, Stefan Späth:
VDHL Development System and Coding Standard. 777-782
Power Minimization in IC Design
- De-Sheng Chen, Majid Sarrafzadeh:
An Exact Algorithm for Low Power Library-Specific Gate Re-Sizing. 783-788 - Bernhard Rohfleisch, Alfred Kölbl, Bernd Wurth:
Reducing Power Dissipation after Technology Mapping by Structural Transformations. 789-794 - Xiangfeng Chen, Peichen Pan, C. L. Liu:
Desensitization for Power Reduction in Sequential Circuits. 795-800
Advanced Test Solutions
- Luc Burgun, Frédéric Reblewski, Gérard Fenelon, Jean Barbier, Olivier Lepape:
Serial Fault Emulation. 801-806 - Dong Xiang, Srikanth Venkataraman, W. Kent Fuchs, Janak H. Patel:
Partial Scan Design Based on Circuit State Information. 807-812 - Laurence Goodby, Alex Orailoglu:
Pseudorandom-Pattern Test Resistance in High-Performance DSP Datapaths. 813-818
Technology Optimization for Cells and Systems
- Aurobindo Dasgupta, Ramesh Karri
Hot-Carrier Reliability Enhancement via Input Reordering and Transistor Sizing. 819-824 - Arun N. Lokanathan, Jay B. Brockman, John E. Renaud:
A Methodology for Concurrent Fabrication Process/Cell Library Optimization. 825-830 - Mien Li, Linda S. Milor
Computing Parametric Yield Adaptively Using Local Linear Models. 831-836

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