PDPTA 2010: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

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Worldcomp/PDPTA Keynotes

Distributed Processing + Systems and Applications + Clusters + Grid and Cloud Computing

Fault-Tolerant Methods + Fault Detection and Recovery + Systems

Computational Science

Multi-Core Systems + GPU + FPGA + SOC and Applications

Resource Allocation and Management + Scheduling

Architectures, Programming Languages, Compilers, and OS Issues

High Performance and Concurrent Systems: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications

Parallel Processing, Architectures, Applications + Supercomputing

Communication Models, Systems, Routing, P2P and Protocols + Related Issues

Interconnection Networks + Graph Algorithms

Applications in Multimedia + VOD + Streaming + Mobile Systems + Video

Ultra Low Power Data-Driven Networking System and Architecture, ULPDDNSA

Workshop on Mathematical Modeling and Problem Solving

RAID Systems, Energy Conservation, Parallel/Distributed Processing, Multi-Core Systems, Grid Workflow, Agent Technolgies, Nonlinear Analysis Methods, PLANETLAB, and Scheduling
