7. PETRA 2014: Island of Rhodes, Greece

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Reasoning systems and machine learning for assistive environments

Wearable systems and monitoring devices

Ambient assisted living and smart homes

Workshop on Virtual Reality and Technologies for Health and Rehabilitation: Promises, Proofs, and Preferences (VRTHR)

Data modeling and information management for pervasive assistive environments

Signal and image processing for ambient intelligence and pervasive computing

Workshop on Affective Computing for Biological Activity Recognition in Assistive Environments (STHENOS)

Workshop on Robotics in Assistive Environments (RasEnv)

Usability and HCI issues

Workshop on Assistive Technologies for Safe Operation of Complex Technological Systems including Industrial Sites, Shipping, Off-Shore Platforms and Mining Activities (SafeOperation)

Robotic devices and multimodal interfaces

Tools, infrastructures, architectures and techniques for deploying pervasive applications in assistive environments I

Accepted posters

Healthcare and industrial innovations in assistive technologies

Tools, infrastructures, architectures and techniques for deploying pervasive applications in assistive environments I

Workshop on distributed sensor systems for assistive environments (Di-Sensa)

Accepted posters
