ARQUE Systems GmbH

ARQUE Systems GmbH

Herstellung von Computerhardware

We develop and commercialize revolutionary Quantum Computing systems based on electron spins in silicon.


Our mission is to develop and commercialize Quantum Computing systems reaching far beyond current capabilities based on electron spins in silicon. Our patented, highly scalable qubit architecture addresses key challenges associated with the scaleup required for broad quantum advantage on relevant real-world problems. ARQUE Systems is a spin-off of the JARA-Institute for Quantum Information of RWTH Aachen University and Research Center Jülich. The founders of ARQUE have decades of experience with semiconductor qubit technology.

Herstellung von Computerhardware
2–10 Beschäftigte
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)


Beschäftigte von ARQUE Systems GmbH


  • 🌟 Happy International Year of Quantum Science & Technology! 🎉    2025 is a very special year: The International Year of Quantum Science and Technology (#IYQ2025) offers a unique opportunity to highlight the importance and potential of this fascinating future technology.    At ARQUE Systems GmbH, we are committed to advancing the fundamentals of quantum physics, developing innovative technologies, and creating quantum computing solutions that drive progress in both science and industry. Our mission for 2025? To find new ways to unlock the full potential of quantum computers and make their capabilities usable for real-world applications.    An example of this is our work on cutting-edge semiconductor technology:   🔍 What you see here is the basis of modern microelectronics. On this silicon wafer, the foundation for one of the most exciting future technologies is being built: #QuantumComputing! Infineon Technologies   This wafer features #QuantumChips fabricated with innovative shuttling technology. These semiconductor-based #Qubits are not only incredibly small but also allow for the integration of classical control electronics directly onto the chip.    In tiny tiles measuring just 100 µm², qubits and electronics come together. Connected by shuttle tracks that transport electrons like on a conveyor belt, these chips can potentially be built from millions of such tiles – laying the groundwork for scalable and powerful quantum computers.    Together with the Forschungszentrum Jülich and the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC), we are working to make these technologies a reality. This year, a 5-qubit #QuantumComputer from ARQUE Systems will be integrated into the JUNIQ research platform, combining #quantum and #Supercomputing to provide science and industry with access to state-of-the-art technologies.    💡 This quantum computer is designed to scale up to #hundreds of #qubits in the future – a development with tremendous potential for optimizing processes, advancing fundamental research, and enabling AI applications.    Let’s use this year to promote curiosity, progress, and collaboration together. Here’s to a successful and inspiring quantum year! 🚀✨ Dr.-Ing. Markus Beckers Simon Humpohl Till Huckemann Lars Schreiber Sebastian Kindel Sebastian Luber EIN Quantum NRW ...   #IYQ2025 #QuantumComputing #Innovation #ScienceAndTechnology #ARQUESystems #FutureTech 

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  • 🌟 ARQUE Systems is Revolutionizing Quantum Computing! 🌟 We are thrilled to announce a significant development partnership with Forschungszentrum Jülich. Next year, a patented semiconductor-based quantum computer with a 5-qubit quantum processor will be integrated into the JUNIQ (Jülich Unified Infrastructure for Quantum Computing) research platform at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre. This quantum computer is truly one of a kind – based on our groundbreaking processor architecture, published in Nature Communications, which enables the integration of millions of qubits on a single chip in the future. Our semiconductor qubits are built on transistor-like structures, closely tied to existing semiconductor manufacturing processes. This technology allows us to develop quantum processors that are scalable, robust, and suitable for industrial applications. Collaborations with partners such as the Helmholtz Nano Facility and Infineon Technologies Dresden drive the development of #scalable #quantum #computing solutions forward. We are particularly proud to enable access to state-of-the-art quantum systems for both science and industry through JUNIQ – paving the way for hybrid applications in supercomputing and quantum computing. We firmly believe that quantum computing will shape the future, whether in industrial process optimization, materials research, or artificial intelligence. Many thanks to everyone involved for their confidence in our vision. The journey has only just begun - we remain humble and continue to work diligently on the unique technology for a better society -  we look forward to everything that lies ahead! We would like to sincerely thank all our partners and friends for their unique support throughout this successful year. Together, we have achieved remarkable things – and we are very proud of that! We wish you all a joyful and peaceful holiday season, relaxing moments with your loved ones, and a wonderful start to the new year. 🎉 Here’s to continuing our inspiring collaboration in 2025! 🚀 🚀 🚀 Forschungszentrum Jülich Infineon Technologies RWTH Innovation EIN Quantum NRW NMWP.NRW Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Industrie, Klimaschutz und Energie des Landes NRW Daniel Stadler Sebastian Luber Steffen Murke

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  • 🚀 Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Industrie, Klimaschutz und Energie fördert QuCam – Quantentechnologie made in NRW! 🚀 Heute war ein Meilenstein für die Zukunft der Quantentechnologie: Unser Geschäftsführer Dr.-Ing. Markus Beckers durfte den offiziellen Bewilligungsbescheid für das Projekt QuCam aus den Händen von NRW-Wirtschaftsstaatssekretärin Silke Krebs entgegennehmen. Wir freuen uns riesig über die Förderung in Höhe von 676.000 Euro, die uns ermöglicht, gemeinsam mit dem Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnologie IPT und dem 2. Physikalischen Institut der RWTH Aachen University dieses visionäre Projekt zu realisieren. QuCam wird als Monitoring-Tool kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen (KMUs) helfen, das Potenzial der Quantentechnologie zu erkennen, zu bewerten und zu nutzen. Damit schließen wir die Lücke zwischen #Spitzenforschung und #industrieller #Anwendung und schaffen echte Mehrwerte für die Unternehmen in unserer Region. Silke Krebs betonte heute: „NRW treibt mit QuCam die Entwicklung wichtiger Schlüsseltechnologien voran. Solche Projekte sind essenziell, um KMUs Zugang zu Zukunftstechnologien zu verschaffen.“ Wir könnten nicht mehr zustimmen! 💡 Unser Ziel: Wir möchten nicht nur neue Perspektiven aufzeigen, sondern auch eine nachhaltige Transformation in der Industrie anstoßen. Ein herzliches Dankeschön an unsere Partner EIN Quantum NRW Daniel Stadler Steffen Murke Frederik Bennemann Stefan Schröder, an die Landesregierung NRW für das Vertrauen – und natürlich an unser #Team, das schon voller Energie an den nächsten Schritten arbeitet. 💪 Die Zukunft der Quantentechnologie beginnt hier – und wir sind stolz, sie mitzugestalten! 🌍✨ #Quantentechnologie #Innovation #NRW #QuCam #Forschung #KMU #Industrie4_0 #Zukunftstechnologien

    NRW fördert Quantentechnologie-Projekt QuCam! Der Strukturwandel in Nordrhein-Westfalen ist in vollem Gang – und neue Technologien wie die Quantentechnologie leisten dazu einen wichtigen Beitrag. NRW-Wirtschaftsstaatssekretärin Silke Krebs überreichte nun einen Förderbescheid über 676.000 Euro an das Verbundvorhaben QuCam – ein gemeinsames Projekt der ARQUE Systems GmbH, des Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnologie IPT und des 2. Physikalischen Institut der RWTH Aachen University. Ziel ist es, ein innovatives Monitoring-Tool zu entwickeln. Dieses soll dabei helfen, künftige Quantencomputing-Anwendungsfälle zu erkennen, zu bewerten und zu visualisieren. Staatssekretärin Krebs: „Nordrhein-Westfalen ist ein wichtiger Forschungs- und Entwicklungsstandort und treibt die Entwicklung wichtiger Schlüsseltechnologien voran. Komplexe Technologien wie die Quantentechnologie leisten einen wichtigen Beitrag für eine erfolgreiche Transformation der Industrie. Wir möchten auch kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen Zugang zu diesen wichtigen Zukunftstechnologien verschaffen und ihnen spannende Anwendungsmöglichkeiten aufzeigen. Dass dieses innovative Projekt nun starten kann, ist ein starkes Signal für den Standort NRW.“ Das frei zugängliche Werkzeug richtet sich insbesondere an kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen (KMUs) und wird ihnen ermöglichen, mit begrenzten Ressourcen fundierte Entscheidungen über den Einsatz von Quantentechnologie treffen zu können. KMUs können so ihre Kernkompetenzen stärken, Ressourcen effizienter nutzen und zugleich von den Möglichkeiten der Quantentechnologie profitieren. Darüber hinaus soll das Tool dazu beitragen, die exzellente Grundlagenforschung in Nordrhein-Westfalen in konkrete wirtschaftliche Wertschöpfung zu überführen und die Technologie nachhaltig in der Industrielandschaft zu verankern.

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  • What a week: Berlin, Bonn, or Sydney – the Main Thing is Quantum! This week was filled with inspiring events and forward-thinking discussions on quantum technology – from Bonn to Berlin to Sydney. 🚀 Bechtle Quantum Technology Workshop in Bonn The week kicked off with the Quantum Technology Workshop by Bechtle, where our CEO Dr.-Ing. Markus Beckers presented the diverse opportunities and challenges of current quantum computing platforms, with a special focus on #semiconductor #technologies and their #scalability #potential. It was a fantastic opportunity to showcase our SpinBus architecture and progress in electron-shuttling technology, developed in collaboration with partners like Forschungszentrum Jülich and RWTH Aachen University. Jonas van Bebber Sebastian Dittrich Daniel Stadler 🌏 SpinQubit6 – 6th International Conference on Spin-Based Quantum Information Processing in Sydney Meanwhile, Lars Schreiber and Hendrik Bluhm were in Australia attending the SpinQubit6 conference, sharing the latest developments in spin-based quantum information processing. Topics included implementations of spin qubits in silicon and germanium, fabrication techniques, and cryogenic control electronics. Our team presented the advances in our SpinBus architecture, achieving an impressive fidelity of 99.3% over a distance of about 500 nm, demonstrating the significant potential for scaling. Infineon Technologies Claus Dahl Pascal Muster 🌍 Falling Walls Conference in Berlin In the latter part of the week, Dr.-Ing. Markus Beckers attended the Falling Walls Foundation Conference in Berlin, which focused on crucial topics such as Artificial Intelligence, renewable energy, quantum technology, and science diplomacy. It was an honor to carry the title "2024 Winner in the Category Science Start-ups" and represent Forschungszentrum Jülich in his pitch "Breaking the Wall to Scalable Quantum Computing Systems". Thank you for your support on site: Sebastian Luber Sabine Kaiser Bram Wijlands Miroslava Saager Sabrina Röttger-Wirtz! The conference featured groundbreaking talks, providing insights into scientific breakthroughs and their impact on today’s major global challenges – from climate change to health crises. Exciting news: the title "Science Breakthrough of the Year 2024" went to ActiTrexx for its groundbreaking cell therapy to prevent graft-versus-host disease following stem cell transplants. It’s inspiring to see how closely connected the quantum technology community is, and this week has contributed greatly to advancing our shared mission. Huge thanks to all organizers and participants – looking forward to the developments ahead! #QuantumComputing #Innovation #SpinQubit6 #BechtleWorkshop #FallingWalls #ScienceStartups #QuantumCommunity #TechTransfer #ARQUESystems

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  • 🚀 A groundbreaking week for 200-300mm silicon foundries – #qubit #scaling is #becoming a #reality! #QuantumComputing #SpinQubits #SiliconQubits #Scalability   🔬 The team led by Hendrik Bluhm and Lars Schreiber from ARQUE Systems GmbH, Forschungszentrum Jülich, and RWTH Aachen University , with big support from Infineon Technologies, has achieved another major milestone. They demonstrated a new method for producing single-electron quantum dots made of silicon/silicon-germanium, this time on a 200mm production line. A key step forward for #spin #qubit #scaling! Dr.-Ing. Markus Beckers Claus Dahl Sebastian Luber Sebastian Kindel Simon Humpohl   💡 Over 99% fidelity for 300mm foundry silicon spin qubits! These incredible results come from Diraq, Andrew Dzurak, UNSW, and imec. First authors Paul S. and Nard Dumoulin Stuyck, along with their team, have shown just how far spin qubits have progressed toward scalability. A true breakthrough! See you in Australia in a fortnight and look forward to the exchange!   🌌 Intel Corporation is setting new standards with a 12-spin-qubit array, also fabricated on a 300mm semiconductor production line. First author Hubert C. George, together with James Clarke and team, presented the method for 2D qubit arrays.   There’s exciting progress in quantum research – qubit scaling is becoming a reality!    #QuantumComputing #SpinQubits #SiliconQubits #Scalability #Innovation    

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  • 🎉 Day 1 at the Smart Country Convention was a huge success!🚀   We look back on an exciting first day at the Smart Country Convention 2024 in Berlin! 🙌   📍 At Bechtle’s booth in hub27 | Stand 401, we had engaging discussions and were thrilled to showcase ARQUE Systems GmbH and Infineon Technologies innovative quantum computing solutions to numerous public sector and tech industry professionals.   Our scalable quantum computer architecture generated a lot of interest. By utilizing electron shuttling and semiconductor spin qubits based on proven CMOS technology, we are paving the way for the next generation of information processing. Our SpinBus architecture demonstrates how quantum computers can scale to millions of qubits in the future to solve complex industrial problems.   Why ARQUE Systems is groundbreaking: Our technology enables solutions to computational problems that are beyond the reach of traditional computers. The first day showed us just how much interest and potential there is in this field.   About Bechtle: Bechtle is one of Europe’s leading IT service providers with over 100 IT system houses and IT e-commerce companies across 14 countries. With headquarters in Neckarsulm, Bechtle supports over 70,000 customers on their digital transformation journey.   We’re excited for the next few days and look forward to many more engaging conversations! Be sure to visit us if you want to learn more about ARQUE Systems future technologies. Dr.-Ing. Markus Beckers Sebastian Luber   📅 When? October 15-17, 2024 📍 Where? Messe Berlin, hub27 | Stand 401, Bechtle booth   © images: Jonas van Bebber

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  • The first day of Quantum Effects 2024 is coming to an end – and we are thrilled with the amazing response at our booth! 🎉 #QuantumTechnologies #QuantumComputing #TechnologyTransfer #Innovation #EINQuantumNRW #ARQUESystems #QuantumEffects2024 #MesseStuttgart #StartupsNRW #SuccessfulDay Our team from ARQUE Systems GmbH, together with our partners Infineon Technologies, Forschungszentrum Jülich, is showcasing the latest advancements in quantum technologies. We are especially grateful to EIN Quantum NRW for the excellent organization of our booth, ensuring everything runs smoothly. Daniel Stadler Markus Bau A key highlight has been demonstrating the technology transfer from Forschungszentrum Jülich and RWTH Aachen University to real-world applications through ARQUE Systems. It’s also been great to meet other innovative startups from NRW, such as eleQtron GmbH and duotec group, and exchange ideas. We're looking forward to another exciting day tomorrow, with more inspiring conversations and new connections. Visit us at booth 2B15 and dive into the future of quantum technologies with us! 📍 Quantum Effects 2024, Messe Stuttgart  📅 October 8–9, 2024  📍 Booth: 2B15 Dr.-Ing. Markus Beckers Sebastian Luber Tim Leonhardt

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    🚀 Panellist at the Bitkom: AI & Data and Quantum Summit 2024 - A Deep Dive into Quantum Technologies 🧠 #QuantumComputing #Innovation #TechTransfer #QuantumTechnologies #AI #Data #FZJ #RWTH #ARQUESystems #BerlinQuantumSummit It was an honour for us to have our CEO Dr.-Ing. Markus Beckers as a panellist at the Bitkom AI & Data and Quantum Summit in Berlin to discuss the topic: ‘Lab to Fab for Quantum: How to Bridge the Gap from Research to Market?’ and to show how an outstanding technology transfer from the Forschungszentrum Jülich and RWTH Aachen University has made a significant contribution to the emergence of ARQUE Systems GmbH. The event brought together high-calibre experts, decision-makers and executives from industry, politics and science to discuss the latest trends in the fields of AI, data and quantum computing. 🔍 Our key takeaways: - Germany is making progress in quantum technology, but there is still room for improvement:  - A swift and clear stance on export controls and regulations is essential to strike a balance between global market access and technological sovereignty.  - Success requires the right technology, the right people and the right attitude. More incentives are needed for joint development between industry and academia.  - The business perspective should be included in the research phase, not afterwards, to identify market needs at an early stage. At ARQUE Systems, we play a central role in this ecosystem by developing scalable semiconductor-based quantum processors through our innovative SpinBus architecture and strategic collaborations with leading institutions such as the Forschungszentrum Jülich and strong industrial partners such as Infineon Technologies. Our work not only advances quantum technology, but also actively drives its commercialisation from research to market, increasing the visibility of our efforts and contributing to Forschungszentrum Jülich's and Germany's leadership in this field. 📅 Future outlook: With initiatives such as the QLSI2 EU project, which aims to demonstrate a 200-qubit semiconductor quantum computer by 2027, we, ARQUE together with Forschungszentrum Jülich, Infineon Technologies and many more, continue to lead the way and create the conditions for Europe to secure a leading position in the quantum competition. Our ongoing efforts to scale to over 1000 qubits by 2031 reflect our commitment to translating cutting-edge research into impactful industrial applications. Mark your calendars for the next AI & Data and Quantum Summits on 17 and 18 September 2025! Let's drive innovation forward together. 💡 Sebastian Luber Magdalena Dellinger Michael Mei Dr. Jacob L. Gorenflos López Dr. Vladimir Voroshnin Dr. Marck Lumeij Roberta Caterino Sebastian Kindel Simon Humpohl Lars Schreiber Robert Harrison Andre Luckow Roman Pašek Julian Teske

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  • 🚀 Pioneering the Future of Quantum Computing in Jülich and Aachen: First Workshop on Theory of Spin Qubit Shuttling! 🧠   We are thrilled to have hosted world-leading experts on spin qubit shuttling in Aachen for the inaugural Workshop on Theory of Spin Qubit Shuttling! This event marked a significant milestone, bringing together top minds to discuss one of the most promising approaches to scaling quantum computing architectures with spin qubits.   🔍 Why Spin Qubit Shuttling? As quantum computing continues to advance, scalability remains a key challenge. Spin qubit shuttling is emerging as a crucial technology, allowing the precise movement of qubits over larger distances, which enhances connectivity and paves the way for more complex and scalable quantum processors. This approach integrates seamlessly with existing semiconductor technology, making it a game-changer for the future of quantum hardware.   🗣️ What We Achieved:  During the workshop, we exchanged groundbreaking ideas, debated theoretical approaches, and explored innovative solutions that will drive the next generation of quantum processors. Discussions ranged from the latest experimental results to novel theoretical models, all aimed at overcoming current limitations and pushing the boundaries of what is possible in quantum technology.   🌐 Collaborating for a Quantum Future: The workshop was not just about sharing knowledge; it was about building a collaborative community dedicated to advancing spin qubit shuttling. By connecting researchers, industry experts, and thought leaders, we are fostering an environment where innovation thrives and new ideas can take flight.   👏 Thank You to Our Participants: A huge thank you to all the experts, speakers, and attendees who made this workshop a success. Your contributions are instrumental in shaping the future of quantum computing, and we are excited to see how these discussions will influence ongoing research and development.   👉 Looking Ahead: As we continue to explore the potential of spin qubit shuttling, we are committed to driving forward with collaborative efforts, cutting-edge research, and real-world applications. Together, we are making scalable quantum computing a reality.   Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to lead the charge in quantum innovation! 💡✨ Lars Schreiber Arnau Sala Seyed Akbar Jafari Dr.-Ing. Markus Beckers Sebastian Kindel Simon Humpohl Guido Burkard   #QuantumComputing #SpinQubits #Innovation #ScalableQuantumArchitecture #Research #Technology #Collaboration

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  •  🚀 Latest Research on Atomic Composition and Its Importance for Spin Qubits! 🚀 #QuantumComputing #Research #Innovation #SpinQubits #QuantumTechnology #ScienceBreakthrough #ARQUESystems We are excited to announce that our colleague Lars Schreiber, along with an international team of scientists, has contributed to a groundbreaking paper recently published in the prestigious journal Advanced Science. 🌟 The paper, titled "Atomistic Compositional Details and Their Importance for Spin Qubits in Isotope-Purified Silicon Quantum Wells," explores the significance of atomic-level details in Si/SiGe for the development of stable and scalable spin qubits. Using state-of-the-art techniques such as Atom Probe Tomography (APT) and Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (ToF-SIMS), the researchers gained deeper insights into the isotope composition and its impact on qubit properties. Specifically, the study shows by simulation and by experiment that even minimal additions of germanium atoms into the SI quantum well can significantly increase valley splitting without losing the qubit coherence. This is crucial for developing high-performance quantum processors. These findings are an important step toward realizing quantum computers that offer reliable and repeatable performance while utilizing a large number of qubits. A big congratulations to Lars Schreiber and the entire team for this significant work advancing the future of quantum computing! 💡 📖 Read the full paper here:

    Atomistic Compositional Details and Their Importance for Spin Qubits in Isotope‐Purified Silicon Quantum Wells

    Atomistic Compositional Details and Their Importance for Spin Qubits in Isotope‐Purified Silicon Quantum Wells

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