Atrineo AG

Atrineo AG


Karlsruhe, Baden Württemberg 458 Follower:innen


Atrineo AG is a Karlsruhe-based independent, owner-managed company specialised in the commer-cialisation of technology and knowledge and active in European markets. The identification, assessment, further development and commercialisation of technologies and knowledge is our core business. We offer our services both to leading public research organisations and internationally oriented companies, both corporates and SMEs. Through strategic cooperation, technology transactions (deals) and / or start-up creation, we are able to unlock in partnership with our customers the full commercial potential of technologies and inventions maximising value creation for all involved partners. Atrineo’s core principles are: * Customer-centric partnerships * Obsession with quality excellence * Creativity with an entrepreneurial focus * Openness and transparency * Pragmatic and result-oriented

2–10 Beschäftigte
Karlsruhe, Baden Württemberg
Strategy Consulting, Technology Commercialization, Market Research, Start-up Creation, Energy Technology Commercialization, IT Technology Commercialization, Materials Technology Commercialization, Start-up Management, Interims Management und Early Stage Coaching


Beschäftigte von Atrineo AG


  • Unternehmensseite von Atrineo AG anzeigen, Grafik

    458 Follower:innen

    Profil von Nestor Rodriguez anzeigen, Grafik

    Managing Director at Atrineo AG - RTTP

    🌟 Estamos encantados de anunciar que Atrineo Iberia SL es ahora un miembro de la comunidad del Parque Científico y Tecnológico de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria! 🚀 Unirnos a este centro innovador marca un hito significativo para nosotros, mientras continuamos impulsando avances tecnológicos y fomentando la colaboración entre la investigacion y la industria. 🤝 Un gran agradecimiento a todos los que nos han apoyado en este viaje. Esperamos contribuir y crecer con esta vibrante comunidad. ¡Juntos, podemos lograr grandes cosas! 🌐💡 Lee más sobre nuestro emocionante nuevo capítulo aquí: 😎 #Innovación #Tecnología #Colaboración #AtrineoIberiaSL #ULPGC #ParqueCientífico

    Nueva empresa se une al Parque Científico Tecnológico: Atrineo Iberia SLU

    Nueva empresa se une al Parque Científico Tecnológico: Atrineo Iberia SLU

  • Unternehmensseite von Atrineo AG anzeigen, Grafik

    458 Follower:innen

    It feels not so long ago...wait a minute, it was literally two days ago, when we were writing this post, marveling about the music generation capabilities with Suno: Two days later, we are wowed again by the advances in AI-driven song generation showcased by Udio🎵. Using the same initial prompt, we've crafted a new version of the 90s boy band song about tech transfer that is not just different, but vastly more complex and engaging 🎶. here you will find the new version for the side by side comparison. The sad or funny thing is, it took me longer to write this post, than to generate the music. The thing is, this isn't just about music; it's a vivid, real-life demonstration of the compounding effects of AI innovation. As each day passes, the advancements are not just continuing; they seem to be accelerating 🚀. Today's marvel quickly becomes tomorrow's baseline. What will AI do next in our industry? We're on the edge of our seats, and you should be too. Stay tuned for what's coming! 🌐🤔 Our summary to all tech transfer professionals is: "Get with the program, or the program will get you." You can quote me on that #AIInnovation #TechTrends #MusicTech #CreativeAI #FutureOfMusic #90sboybands

    Profil von Nestor Rodriguez anzeigen, Grafik

    Managing Director at Atrineo AG - RTTP

    At Atrineo AG, we are deeply impressed by the latest developments in artificial intelligence, especially regarding its capabilities in song generation 🎵. These advancements have exceeded our expectations and demonstrate how AI can reshape the creative landscape 🌐. The ability to create unique musical pieces from a single simple prompt 🎶 opens new avenues not only for artists and producers, but also for industries utilising creative content. Shout out to Suno for building this great technology and making it happen 🎧. We would like to take this opportunity to share a song on the topic of KTT generated by AI, highlighting the versatility and creative potential of this technology, from an easy prompt ✨. Enjoy the creation here: In case you are wondering, what is that catchy text those people are singing, here are the "priceless" lyrics for your enjoyment. [Verse] You're my scientific inspiration In a lab We'll find our destination With beakers and Bunsen burners aglow Let's take our tech and let it flow [Verse 2] Your intellect It drives me crazy We'll make PhDs look easy From the ivory tower to the stage We'll go viral with our knowledge exchange [Chorus] Tech transfer Baby Let's make it real Academic love with a commercial appeal We're a boy band of innovation Taking academia to a whole new generation This was all produce from a single one sentence prompt. How do you think AI will reshape our industry beyond 3 minute song writting? I wonder what will happen next 🤔

    Cutting Edge Love | Suno

    Cutting Edge Love | Suno

  • Unternehmensseite von Atrineo AG anzeigen, Grafik

    458 Follower:innen

    Profil von Nestor Rodriguez anzeigen, Grafik

    Managing Director at Atrineo AG - RTTP

    🚀🚀🚀🚀 Nos emociona anunciar que Atrineo Iberia esta estrenando su presencia en la nueva oficina del parque tecnológico de la ULPGC, ubicada en C/ Practicante Ignacio Rodríguez s/n, edificio polivalente III, 3º planta, Campus Universitario de Tafira, 35017-Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Es un espacio que nos recuerda mantener nuestras ambiciones altas, incluso cuando los techos son bajos, y aprovechar cada metro cuadrado. Brindemos por los grandes sueños que crecen en lugares compactos. Nos encontramos en excelente compañía de algunas de las mejores start-ups y empresas tecnológicas de la ULPGC en este parque, y estamos ansiosos por ser una parte activa del ecosistema. Y por cierto, parece que por una vez, aterrizan los alemanes en Gran Canaria para trabajar... ¡y no solo para el sol y playa! #NuevosComienzos #InnovaciónTecnológica #ComienzosModestos #Atrineo #AtrineoIberia

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  • Unternehmensseite von Atrineo AG anzeigen, Grafik

    458 Follower:innen

    Profil von Nestor Rodriguez anzeigen, Grafik

    Managing Director at Atrineo AG - RTTP

    🚀🚀🚀🚀 We're excited to announce that Atrineo Iberia has planted its flag in the new office at the technology park of the ULPGC, located at C/ Practicante Ignacio Rodríguez s/n, edificio polivalente III, 3º planta, Campus Universitario de Tafira, 35017-Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. It's the kind of space that reminds us to keep our ambition high, even when the ceilings are low, and to make every square meter count — because for now, we can certainly do that without taking a single step! Here's to large dreams that grow in compact places. We in great company of some of the best start-ups and technology companies from the ULPGC at that park, and we look forward to being an active part of the ecosystem. #NewBeginnings #TechInnovation #HumbleStarts #Atrineo #AtrineoIberia

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