Axel Springer

Axel Springer

Technologie, Information und Medien

Berlin, Berlin 54.978 Follower:innen

We empower free decisions.


Axel Springer is a media and technology company and active in more than 40 countries. By providing information across its diverse media brands (among others BILD, WELT, INSIDER, POLITICO) and classifieds portals (StepStone Group and AVIV Group) Axel Springer empowers people to make free decisions for their lives. Axel Springer wants to become global market leader in digital content and digital classifieds through accelerated growth. The company is headquartered in Berlin and employs more than 18,000 people worldwide.

Technologie, Information und Medien
10.001+ Beschäftigte
Berlin, Berlin
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Publishing, Media, Print, Online, Web-TV, Brands, Marketing, Classified Ads und Tech


Beschäftigte von Axel Springer


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    54.978 Follower:innen

    What’s it like to be a journalism student at the Axel Springer Academy of Journalism & Technology, which combines a school of journalism, an innovative program for tech talents, and employee upskilling while also bringing projects to life through interdisciplinary partnerships with tech companies?    To offer a glimpse into their training, Lisa Lütticke and Jasper Bennink— both current journalism students, who began their journey on July 1, 2024—captured a typical day at the Academy through their camera lens. Want to hear their thoughts on the Academy’s cutting-edge journalistic training, the evolving role of journalism in the age of AI, and the projects they’re working on? Watch the video or check out our latest corporate blog post:   ___ #Journalism #AxelSpringerAcademyOfJournalismAndTechnology #Technology #ArtificialIntelligence #AxelSpringer 

  • Axel Springer hat dies direkt geteilt

    Ich war fast 40 Jahre Journalist, jetzt bin ich Pressesprecher. Interessant, was man so über den Beruf lernt, wenn man auf der anderen Seite steht. Hier auf LinkedIn mein schlampig geführtes Tagebuch. Was schert uns die Wahrheit, wenn der Beitrag schon fertig ist? Die Recherchefähigkeit oder -Lust meines telefonischen Gegenübers bezweifelte ich schon, als er auf mein fröhliches „Hallo Köln“ ein genauso fröhliches „Hallo Hamburg“ erwiderte. Axel Springer ist seit gut zwei Jahrzehnten in Berlin. Aber ich, selbst einer, verzeihe Rheinländern grundsätzlich alles und erklärte sehr ausführlich im Hintergrund, was der Redakteur offenbar nicht wissen wollte: Wie nämlich das tatsächlich gewesen war, was er selbst natürlich viel besser wusste. So etwas erkennt man immer sehr schnell an kaum kaschierten Fangfragen. Ich bin dann immer etwas enttäuscht, dass sich die Journalisten nicht mehr Mühe geben. Jaja, neinnein, aberaber, sagte er, dankedanke, aber jetzt ist auch bald Deadline. Kenn´ ich doch, sagte ich und bot ihm an, meine Antworten on the record nochmal schriftlich zu schicken. Klar, sagte er, das wäre super. Später hörte ich den Beitrag. Alle Fragen wurden beantwortet. Nur nicht von mir. Sondern von einem Experten. Und zwar genau so, wie sie gestellt worden waren: Mit maximaler Empörung und minimalem Gehalt. Unser Gespräch kam gar nicht vor. Könnte es etwa sein, dass der Beitrag schon fertig war und einfach nicht mehr geändert wurde? Ich schrieb dem Kollegen, dass ich das seltsam fand. Schließlich hatte er mich angerufen und nicht ich ihn. Geantwortet hat er nicht. Vielleicht steht er ja mit einem Fässchen Kölsch vor dem Axel-Springer-Haus, um sich persönlich zu entschuldigen. Aber leider wohl in Hamburg.

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  • Axel Springer hat dies direkt geteilt

    Als der Journalist Peter Huth eines morgens aus unruhigen Träumen erwachte, fand er sich in seinem Bett zu einem ungeheuren Pressesprecher verwandelt. Klar, Kafka. Aber wie hardcore-Kafka, das wusste ich am Morgen des 1. November, meines ersten Arbeitstages, noch nicht. Und ja, zugegeben, so ganz überraschend kam die Verwandlung nicht. Nach ein paar Jahren als mit 55 frühvollendeter Publizist mit den Schwerpunkten bissiger Wochenrückblick, Innenpolitik, Richard Wagner und Krieg der Sterne sowie drei fertig geschriebenen Romanen, wollte ich mal wieder die Hitze des Tagesgeschäftes spüren. Welcome in der neuesten Volte meines Erwerbslebens: Kommunikationschef bei Axel Springer. Mal die Seite wechseln, neue Perspektiven erleben. Der Zeitpunkt war günstig, Axel Springer, wo ich seit 1997 arbeite, verändert sich, eine gute Gelegenheit, mich mitzuverändern. Man soll sich ja immer neu erfinden, sagt Kai Diekmann. Umgehend erfuhr ich allerdings, warum ich den Job wirklich bekommen hatte: weil Mathias Döpfner seine besten Kumpel und die bravsten Ja-Sager gerne mit hochdotierten Jobs versorgt und ich nun Teil einer Macho-Boygroup um ihn herum sei. So ungefähr schrieben es ein paar Mediendienste. Meinen neuen Kunden, sozusagen. Erster Gruß aus der Küche, guten Appetit, Herr Huth! Nach gut zwei Monaten kann ich Rutger Hauers todgeweihte Menschmaschine Roy Batty aus „Blade Runner“ zitieren: „Ich habe Dinge gesehen, die Ihr Menschen niemals glauben würdet.“ Also jetzt keine brennenden Kampfschiffe an der Schulter des Orion oder C-Beams beim Tannhäuser-Gate. Aber Einsichten in den Journalismus, die alles in den Schatten stellen, was ich in gut 30 Jahren Boulevard erlebt (und auch betrieben) habe. Frei nach Gertrude Stein: Ein Narrativ ist ein Narrativ ist ein Narrativ. Um nur ein Beispiel zu nennen. Journalist turns Comm - ich liebe wilde Abenteuer. Und noch mehr, darüber zu berichten. Ab sofort immer mal wieder hier.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Axel Springer anzeigen, Grafik

    54.978 Follower:innen

    This year has been a defining one for Axel Springer as we set the stage to shape the future of journalism in the AI age. Watch our CEO Mathias Döpfner reflect on 2024’s milestones and share his outlook for 2025. Joining him are some of our journalists—BILD’s Kilian Gaffrey, Patricia Platiel, and Paul Ronzheimer, Business Insider’s Grace Kay and James Rodriguez, POLITICO’s Ankush Khardori and Khushbu Shah, as well as Welt’s Leonie von Randow and Robin Alexander—as they reveal their most surprising, memorable, and moving moments of 2024 that brought politics, the economy, and culture to life. Thanks to all our colleagues at Axel Springer who made this year so successful and special. Here’s to a great start to 2025—we’re looking forward to even more great journalism!  ___  #AxelSpringer #BILD #BusinessInsider #POLITICO #WELT #Journalism #AI 

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    The BILD AI Masterclass series has officially wrapped up! Over the past weeks, our BILD colleagues had the chance to delve into eight tailored modules, exploring hands-on AI applications and engaging in discussions about its role in journalism. In collaboration with the Upskilling Team of the Axel Springer Academy of Journalism & Technology, BILD’s AI experts designed the masterclass to meet the brand’s unique needs: from understanding what AI can (and can’t) do, discovering the best tools, and advancing research with AI, to exploring use cases like GPTs, videos, and avatars. This series was all about leveraging technology for future-proof journalism and seamlessly integrating AI into daily workflows. Swipe through the slides for more insights.  ____  #AxelSpringer #BILD #AxelSpringerAcademy #Journalism #AI #Upskilling  Mandy Sachse Daniel Böcking Vivienne Goizet Patrick Markowski Ekaterina Schneider Anna Lissner Pauline B. Mina Saidze Dr. Dietrich von Klaeden Benedicta von Rauch Helena von Hardenberg Alisha Kunstmann 

  • Unternehmensseite von Axel Springer anzeigen, Grafik

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    Futureproofing journalism means combining the strengths of journalism and technology—a principle also embraced by the Axel Springer Academy of Journalism & Technology. Over the past months, the academy's journalism students and tech talents, in collaboration with our brands BILD, B.Z., and Welt as well as Snap Inc., have developed three interdisciplinary projects. These projects demonstrate how innovative approaches at the intersection of technology and journalism not only reach new, younger audiences but also foster significant societal impact. Today, these ideas took center stage at the Axel Springer Academy’s “Project Demo Day,” where all the projects were showcased. To learn more about each project, swipe through the slides for the details.  ____  #AxelSpringer #Journalism #Technology #AI 

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    Empathy and social commitment took center stage yesterday as the annual TV fundraising gala „Ein Herz für Kinder“ (A Heart for Children) concluded with an impressive 23,627,158 Euros raised! Founded in 1978 by Axel Springer, the Hamburg-based organization BILD hilft e.V. “Ein Herz für Kinder” has grown into a global aid network, supporting children’s hospitals, kindergartens, soup kitchens, schools, and families in need. The annual fundraising gala organized by BILD, first held in 1997, took place for the 24th time yesterday and was broadcast live on the German TV channel ZDF. During the event, more than 80 guests from entertainment, business, and politics joined forces to collect donations from callers and raise awareness to national and international aid projects. Soccer star Toni Kroos was honored with the “Goldenes Herz” (Golden Heart) award for his dedication to helping critically ill children through the Toni Kroos Foundation. Since 2015, the foundation, funded entirely by Kroos, has provided swift aid to families facing hardship. The fundraising gala culminated in TV host Johannes B. Kerner and guests, including Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, Friedrich Merz, Chairman of the CDU, and Manuela Schwesig, Minister-President of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, announcing the final sum donated, surpassing last year’s donations: 23,627,158 Euros. Thank you to all those who donated, the dedicated volunteers, and everyone who participated in demonstrating the power of empathy! ___ #EinHerzFürKinder #EHFK24 #EHFK #Charity #ChildrenInNeed #Fundraising #BILD #AxelSpringer Dr. Markus Söder Christian Lindner Franca Lehfeldt Dr. Wladimir Klitschko Carolin Hulshoff Pol Marion Horn // Photos by Daniel Biskup, Niels Starnick, and Ralf Günther

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    Today, on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, we reaffirm our commitment to fostering an inclusive and equitable workplace. At Axel Springer, we are dedicated to fostering an environment where everyone is respected, valued, and empowered to reach their full potential.   In the latest edition of our What’s Up series, we spoke with Babette Cyrek, our Group Representative for Severely Disabled People, about her role and her vision for a more accessible and inclusive workplace. Swipe through the slides for a sneak peek or read the full interview on our corporate blog here:   ____  #AxelSpringer #PeopleOfAxelSpringer #IDPwD #Diversity #Inclusion 

  • Unternehmensseite von Axel Springer anzeigen, Grafik

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    At Axel Springer, more than 18,000 employees in over 40 countries are shaping our future. And we’re always on the lookout for talent—not only in journalism, but also in fields like technology, marketing and, this might come as a surprise, gastronomy within our in-house catering and event agency, PACE Paparazzi Catering & Event GmbH (short for “People At Axel Springer Creating Catering And Events”). One of these new talents is Mujtaba Yousufi. Originally from Afghanistan, Mujtaba completed his apprenticeship in Germany and now works as a chef at PACE. He was featured in a five-part series by the regional broadcaster rbb media GmbH, which highlights individuals from around the world who are helping to bridge Germany's skilled labor gap. The series followed Mujtaba through his day, also offering a behind-the-scenes look at our PACE operations in the new Axel Springer building in Berlin. Catch Mujtaba’s story here (in German):

    Neue Heimat Berlin & Brandenburg - Ein Afghanischer Koch

    Neue Heimat Berlin & Brandenburg - Ein Afghanischer Koch

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    At Axel Springer, we believe in the future of digital journalism in the AI age. To further advance this vision in the German market, we are proud to announce the formation of the PREMIUM-GRUPPE, bringing together the collective strengths of the Welt Group, POLITICO Germany, and Business Insider Deutschland. With a combined reach of more than 40 million monthly users, these three brands will continue to deliver high-quality journalism across digital, TV, and print through their own distinctive products and platforms. At the same time, they will contribute their specialized expertise through Competence Centers for the PREMIUM-GRUPPE under the leadership of CEO Peter Würtenberger. What Will Each Brand Focus On in the PREMIUM-GRUPPE? ➡️ The WELT Group will focus on video and broadcast content, while reinforcing its role as a leading medium for opinion, debate, and discourse, especially in the areas of science, culture, lifestyle, and luxury. ➡️ POLITICO Germany will continue to deliver nonpartisan, investigative political journalism to an audience of influential decision-makers. ➡️ As leading medium for digital business journalism, Business Insider Germany will expand the coverage of business, technology, and innovation. Why is This the Right Move? The 360° model of the PREMIUM-GRUPPE harnesses the excellence, network, technological edge, and creativity of three media powerhouses across all formats. It aligns with our commitment to harnessing AI to empower our newsrooms, enabling our journalists to focus on what matters most: Creating impactful, relevant content. In this way, the PREMIUM-GRUPPE will also be uniquely positioned to offer unparalleled solutions to the German advertising markets. Learn more in our press release, including who will lead these efforts: ___ Jakob Wais Daniel Mussinghoff Cecil V. Knut Döring Frank Hoffmann ulf poschardt Dr. Jan Philipp Burgard Jacques Dr. Schuster Jennifer Wilton Oliver Michalsky Alexander Wurzbacher Gordon Repinski Klaus Geiger Moritz Seyffarth Kayhan Özgenc Business Insider POLITICO 

    WELT Group, POLITICO Germany, and Business Insider Germany are Collectively Advancing as PREMIUM-GRUPPE

    WELT Group, POLITICO Germany, and Business Insider Germany are Collectively Advancing as PREMIUM-GRUPPE

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