Berghof Foundation hat dies direkt geteilt
I just completed this week the Transformative Peace Education course, facilitated by the Berghof Foundation . It was a journey of deep learning, self-reflection and connection with the teachers and the other participants. I learned that Peace Education can take many forms, from a general exchange about peace and conflict to workshops on specific topics related to peace. We discussed structural and non-structural peace education, acquired new tools to analyze conflict, and reflected together on the role of peace educator. I'm left inspired and motivated to actively participate in Peace Education. I'm particularly interested in shifting our vision of conflict. We often see conflict as a negative experience we try to avoid, but conflict can also be the opportunity to deeply understand an issue - what needs to change or grow - and to find creative solutions. A huge thanks to our guides, Dagmar Nolden and Cora Bieß , who both shared their knowledge and held space for us to create our own. #peaceeducation #peacebuilding #peaceeducationcourse #transformativepeaceeducation