As #NationalDialogues and #TransitionalJustice are increasingly implemented at the same time, policymakers and practitioners often face practical challenges related to institutional coordination, overlapping mandates, and sequencing of steps. 👉Join our online launch event on 📅11 March at 14:00 CET to learn more about how these processes can be better integrated:
Berghof Foundation
Gemeinnützige Organisationen
Berlin, Berlin 22.162 Follower:innen
Creating space for conflict transformation
The Berghof Foundation is an independent, non-profit organisation working to prevent political and social violence and to achieve sustainable peace around the world. While we consider conflict to be an integral and often necessary part of life, we believe that violence in conflict is not inevitable. Our vision is a world in which people maintain peaceful relations and overcome violence as a means of political and social change. We have over 45 years of experience in conflict research, peace support and peace education. We work with like-minded partners around the world. Local needs guide our engagement. By combining our regional experience with thematic expertise on cutting-edge issues, we strive to create the conditions for conflict stakeholders and actors to constructively engage with one another and ultimately peace.
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Externer Link zu Berghof Foundation
- Branche
- Gemeinnützige Organisationen
- Größe
- 51–200 Beschäftigte
- Hauptsitz
- Berlin, Berlin
- Art
- Nonprofit
- Gegründet
- 1971
- Spezialgebiete
- Peacebuilding, conflict transformation, mediation, peace education, conflict research, dialogue sup-port, peace support
Lindenstrasse 34
Berlin, Berlin 10969, DE
Corrensstraße 12
Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg 72076, DE
Beschäftigte von Berghof Foundation
Director-General of AGDA
Veronique Dudouet
Ekrem Eddy Güzeldere
Münchner Kindl, Project Manager at Berghof in two Iraq projects on the climate-conflict nexus funded by Oxfam and IOM, PhD Uni Hamburg (Turkey-Brazil…
Rachel Gasser
Senior Adviser at the Berghof Foundation
#RamadanMubarak to everyone who is celebrating! We’re wishing you and your loved ones a blessed and happy #Ramadan 2025.
While it remains uncertain whether #Niger's #NationalDialogue will lead to genuine democratic reform, the process has set the foundation for the country's transition and provided participants with a rare sense of unity and ownership over their future. Read more from our Associate Researcher Antje Herrberg:
Berghof Foundation hat dies direkt geteilt
In welcher Gesellschaft möchtet Ihr leben? Und was kann man selbst tun, um eine solche Gesellschaft zu schaffen? 🤝 In einer Welt, die immer komplizierter zu werden scheint, sehen sich besonders Jugendliche mit diesen Fragestellungen und den damit verbundenen Zukunftsängsten konfrontiert. Wie können Schulen damit umgehen und wie finden Jugendliche Antworten auf ihre Fragen? 🤔 ➡️ Auf der didacta 2025 hat Moderator Jan Krebs (Gesicht Zeigen! Für ein weltoffenes Deutschland e.V.) mit Dr. Heike Dörrenbächer (Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e.V.), Martin Köhler (Realschule Eberbach) und Anne Kruck (Berghof Foundation) über diese Themen gesprochen: auf dem Forum Bildungsperspektiven, innerhalb der Podiumsdiskussion "Mit unruhigen Zeiten umgehen – Demokratie- und Friedensbildung an außerschulischen Lernorten". Bei der von unserem Ausschuss "Außerschulisches Lernen" organisierten Runde ging es insbesondere darum, wie außerschulische Lernorte den Schulunterricht mit historisch-politischer Bildung in regionaler, bundesweiter oder internationaler Perspektive ergänzen können.💡 Lernorte, wie Bildungsstätten, Museen, Gedenk- und Kriegsgräberstätten, bieten oft praxisorientierte Workshops für Schulen an und können damit Antworten auf viele Fragen der jungen Schülerinnen und Schüler geben – und ihnen somit auch in unruhigen Zeiten eine Perspektive für die Zukunft verschaffen. 💬 Jährlich 38.000 Schülerinnen und Schüler werden so beispielsweise über den Lernort Kriegsgräberstätte erreicht, es finden internationale Projekte sowie Lehrerfortbildungen statt, verriet Dr. Heike Dörrenbächer, Abteilungsleiterin Gedenkkultur und Bildung des Volksbunds, auf dem Podium. Martin Kohler arbeitet als Lehrer schon seit Jahren mit dem Volksbund zusammen. Auch er betonte auf der didacta, wie wichtig die außerschulischen Lernorte für den Unterricht sind: Man sei nicht nur in Archiven oder nutze Google, sondern könne die Jugendlichen in Kontakt mit Angehörigen bringen und so einen direkten Bezug zur Geschichte erzeugen. Er merke oft auch, wie Schülerinnen und Schüler sich nach den Projektarbeiten verändern. Wir bedanken uns bei allen Podiumsgästen für die spannenden Einblicke in ihre Arbeit an und mit den außerschulischen Lernorten; auch wir sind von dem hohen Wert dieser Orte für die Bildung und Gesellschaft überzeugt. 🙌 #AußerschulischesLernen #AußerschulischeLernorte #didactaMesse
On #WorldNGODay, we reflect on the crucial role NGOs play in building peace and supporting communities. Recent funding cuts have threatened global peacebuilding efforts. We must ensure that adequate resources are allocated to support lasting peace. Learn more about our work where we help facilitate peace from our Annual Report:
Berghof Foundation hat dies direkt geteilt
🌏 Last week, I had the opportunity to travel to Doha for the annual Partner Days organised by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Afghanistan, together with my colleagues from The Hague Mohamed Mahamuud and Marc van Loon 🇳🇱 We had the chance to meet with humanitarian partners working in Afghanistan such as Cordaid Afghanistan, INTERSOS AFGHANISTAN, Save the Children in Afghanistan, World Vision Afghanistan, Terre des hommes foundation, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies - IFRC, Berghof Foundation, Afghan Reach, Aga Khan - 🫱🏽🫲🏾 all organisations providing vital support in basic needs and livelihoods, especially for women and girls in Afghanistan. Hearing about their work firsthand was both impressive and deeply meaningful, especially given the difficult circumstances in which they operate. Working on Afghanistan from The Hague has its constraints, which made it so much more valuable to learn from those directly working on the ground. In a shrinking humanitarian space, and in a complex environment, they manage to reach tremendous results for #women and #girls - and I deeply appreciate the time they took to share their experiences with us.
Berghof Foundation hat dies direkt geteilt
Meanwhile in #Niger in the Sahel region….And shifting attention from Washington and New York. Niger is taking steps to redefine its future-it is calling this a process of refoundation- steps that some might call it a new stage of decolonialisation. The Assisses Nationales can be seen as a type of national dialogue that brought together an impressive 700 participants, marking an important moment and dynamic after considerable stagnation following the military coup in July 2023. It has largely flown under the radar of Western commentators, whilst at the announcement many have been instantly very sceptical. I argue that we should not judge too early, indeed its a process that seeks to assert a genuine Nigerien identity and statehood, whilst openly adressing critical issues. There are big questions indeed: Can Niger and other Sahelian nationals chart a path towards true sovereignity and statehood asserting their national identities, while forging stronger, more equal partnerships, including with Europe, coming out of this refoundation? The Berghof Foundation has followed and studied many national dialogues worldwide and has given me the opportunity to share first insights which come from close observation in Niamey. More to come once we see the new ‘Charter’ or roadmap in order to appreciate this process fully. #peacemediation #nationaldialogue
Are you a student with a passion for research and knowledge of radicalisation and extremism? 👉Join our #ConflictTransformation research department and help assist our work on monitoring radicalisation trends in #Germany: ⏰Apply now! Deadline is today.
Together with Peace Paradigms, we're facilitating a roundtable in #Iraq, bringing together governmental actors to assess governorate-level needs for effective climate governance by tackling climate security risks and climate-related conflicts, as well as promoting resilience.
How did civil society succeed in the #BasqueCountry's #ConflictTransformation process? Our Senior Research Advisor Veronique Dudouet spoke with Beyond Compliance Consortium amongst other experts about how the conflict moved towards peace, lessons learned and the role of international law in the process. 👂Listen now: