Hurry up now ⏲️ and submit your abstracts for Europe #Biobank Week 2025 in Bologna until 31 January 2025! Early bird tickets at a reduced price can also be booked until 31 January. 👉 Programme overview: 👉 Session descriptions: 👉 Submit an abstract: 👉 Registration: #Biobanking #ResearchInfrastructure #RI #PersonalisedMedicine BBMRI-ERIC ESBB - European, Middle Eastern & African Society for Biopreservation and Biobanking
German Biobank Node (GBN)
Berlin, Berlin 1.132 Follower:innen
Next Generation Biobanking
The German Biobank Node serves as a central cooperation platform for the German biobank community, representing their interests in the European biobank network BBMRI-ERIC. GBN's commitment to biobanking fosters scientific progress on the path to precision medicine. Under the leadership of the German Biobank Node (GBN), eleven German biobanks and two IT expert centres have merged to form the German Biobank Alliance (GBA) to make biomaterials and associated data available for (inter)national biomedical research. The alliance partners are establishing joint quality standards and building a networked IT infrastructure. GBN and GBA are funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Taking into account the interests of all stakeholders involved, GBN also advocates the concerns of biobanks beyond the biobanking scene. Moreover, GBN lobbies for biobanking on the European level by representing German interests in the biobank network BBMRI-ERIC. Thus, GBN creates standards for the further development and quality assurance of biobanking in Germany and Europe.
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- Branche
- Forschungsdienstleistungen
- Größe
- 11–50 Beschäftigte
- Hauptsitz
- Berlin, Berlin
- Art
- Bildungseinrichtung
- Gegründet
- 2014
- Spezialgebiete
- Biobanking und Biomedical Research
Augustenburger Platz 1
Berlin, Berlin 13353, DE
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German Biobank Node (GBN) hat dies direkt geteilt
Das erwartet euch bei der NUM Convention 2025 (Teil 1) 🙌🏻 Für die #NUM-Community und alle weiteren an #Medizinforschung Interessierten steht bald ein erster Jahreshöhepunkt an: die NUM Convention am 25. und 26. Februar 2025 im bcc (Berlin Congress Center) am Alexanderplatz. Wir freuen uns schon sehr darauf, unter dem Motto »Kooperation im NUM: Interdisziplinär und multizentrisch neue Wege gehen« mit euch ins Gespräch zu kommen. 🤝🏻 📅 Ab heute stellen wir euch nach und nach die Programmpunkte der NUM Convention vor, um euch bei der Planung eurer Veranstaltungstage zu unterstützen. Am Dienstag, 25.02., starten wir am Vormittag mit folgendem Programm: ⏰ 11:00 – 11:15 Uhr Begrüßung durch Prof. Dr. Heyo Kroemer, Vorstandsvorsitzender der Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin ⏰ 11:15 – 11:30 Uhr Begrüßungsrede aus dem Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung ⏰ 11:30 – 13:00 Uhr Podiumsdiskussion: Die Rolle des NUM im klinischen Forschungssystem in 10 Jahren: Wo muss es hingehen? Ordnungspolitische und strategische Einordnung des NUM in das deutsche Gesamtumfeld der klinischen Forschung mit: Prof. Dr. Heyo Kroemer, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Jens Scholz, Prof. Dr. Blanche Schwappach, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Martin Hrabě de Angelis, Prof. Dr. Juliane Fluck, Dr. Katja Hartig, Wolfgang Prof Wick Nach der Mittagspause finden den ganzen Nachmittag über verschiedene Parallel-Sessions statt. Weitere Infos dazu gibt's in unseren nächsten Posts. ➡️ Hier findet ihr das komplette Programm für beide Tage: 📌 Bitte beachtet, dass die NUM Convention derzeit bereits ausgebucht ist. Hier könnt ihr euch auf die Warteliste für Tickets setzen lassen: #NUMConvention #NUMConvention2025 #NUMCommunity
The report of the German #Biobank Alliance (GBA) meeting in Bonn in December is now available in English (link in comments)! "The meeting impressively demonstrated the importance of exchange within the GBA. Issues such as quality, IT networking and sustainability will determine the future of #biobanking. Only by working together can we develop solutions that will make research more efficient and biomedical innovation faster," said Dr. Gabi Anton, member of the GBN Executive Board. The next GBA meeting will take place in Jena on 9-10 April 2025. Save the date! 📅
Network meeting of the German #Biobank Alliance (GBA) on 4-5 December in Bonn: Many thanks to all speakers and participants for the insightful exchange - as always, it was a pleasure! And of course many thanks to our hosts, the BioBank Bonn under the leadership of Sarah Eickhoff! What were the two days about? 💡 Introduction by Bernd Weber, Dean of the medical faculty of Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn 💡 Insights from the Bonn site - from the University Hospital and the biobank to the #Biorepository of the DZNE (Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen (DZNE)) and the Bonn Study Centre (including the national KKS network, presented by Christine Fuhrmann) #ClinicalTrials 💡 A GBN/GBA report with a focus on key figures for 2023 and the BBMRI-ERIC quality label for biobanks 💡 The connection of NAPKON - Nationales Pandemie Kohorten Netz (Netzwerk Universitätsmedizin (NUM)) sample data to BBMRI-ERIC 💡 An "excursion" into non-human #biobanking with a presentation of the Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change at the Museum Koenig by Jonas Astrin #OneHealth 💡 An international guest lecture by Peggy van Bijnen-Manders of Health-RI on "Recommendations to evaluate the scientific value of biobank collections: retain or terminate?" #GreenBiobanking 💡 And much more - stay tuned for the full report! The varied programme and lively discussions once again made this GBA meeting a great success. We are already looking forward to the next one in spring 2025! 📅
We wish all our colleagues, partners, stakeholders and other interested parties a happy and healthy #NewYear! We are excited to see what 2025 has in store! #biobanking #biobank
German Biobank Node (GBN) hat dies direkt geteilt
Am Nikolaustag stand bei der #ZeBanC ein inspirierender Teamtag auf dem Programm! Unser Weg führte uns zum Leibniz-Institut für Zoo- und Wildtierforschung, genauer gesagt in die Abteilung für Reproduktionsmanagement. Dort gewährten uns Frau Schrade und Frau Kichler spannende Einblicke in ihre beeindruckende Arbeit zur Erhaltung gefährdeter Tierarten. Mit großer Begeisterung und Neugier stellten wir zahlreiche Fragen und konnten viel über die bedeutende Rolle wissenschaftlicher Forschung im Artenschutz lernen. Dieser Tag hat uns nicht nur fachlich bereichert, sondern auch gezeigt, wie wichtig interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit für den Erhalt unserer Biodiversität ist. Vielen Dank an das Team des Leibniz-Instituts für die Gastfreundschaft und die wertvollen Einblicke! #Artenschutz #WissenschaftVerbindet #ZeBanC #Biobanking
Congratulations to the Integrated #Biobank Mannheim (IBM), which became a new partner biobank of the German Biobank Alliance (GBA) in December! The biobank previously had observer status. Thanks to a successfully completed 'friendly audit', it is now a partner! "The audit programme is a great support in setting up a biobank QM system," said IBM Director Dr. Romy Kirsten. "The atmosphere of trust among the GBA biobanks creates a constructive framework in which suggestions for improvement are encouraged. We are happy to invest our time and, as part of the community, to support other biobanks as auditors." #biobanking
Season's greetings! Our last newsletter of the year is out (link in the comments). As 2024 draws to a close, it also marks the end of the 10th anniversary year of the German #Biobank Node (GBN) - so we present 🎄 the last video of our anniversary series with wishes for the future from the community. #GBNniversary 🎄 Also in this issue: a report from the meeting of the German Biobank Alliance (GBA) in Bonn, where important developments were discussed. 🎄 We also report on the meeting of our Scientific and Ethical Advisory Board, which provided important impetus for the future. 🎄 We share BBMRI-ERIC news such as the call for abstracts for the Europe Biobank Week, information on "Quality Labels" for biobanks, and the annual report 2023. 🎄 And much more in this newsletter! We look forward to tackling new challenges together in 2025 and continuing to drive GBN/GBA forward. We wish you a happy and relaxing holiday season and a good start to a successful new year! #biobanking
German Biobank Node (GBN) hat dies direkt geteilt
Wir stellen ein! Wir sind auf der Suche nach einer/einem neue/n KollegIn. Darf gerne geteilt werden. #hiring
German Biobank Node (GBN) hat dies direkt geteilt
Great example of the importance of discussing across national borders about topics that are relevant to all #biobank communities. Thanks for the invitation. BBMRI-NL HEALTH-RI German Biobank Node (GBN)
Network meeting of the German #Biobank Alliance (GBA) on 4-5 December in Bonn: Many thanks to all speakers and participants for the insightful exchange - as always, it was a pleasure! And of course many thanks to our hosts, the BioBank Bonn under the leadership of Sarah Eickhoff! What were the two days about? 💡 Introduction by Bernd Weber, Dean of the medical faculty of Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn 💡 Insights from the Bonn site - from the University Hospital and the biobank to the #Biorepository of the DZNE (Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen (DZNE)) and the Bonn Study Centre (including the national KKS network, presented by Christine Fuhrmann) #ClinicalTrials 💡 A GBN/GBA report with a focus on key figures for 2023 and the BBMRI-ERIC quality label for biobanks 💡 The connection of NAPKON - Nationales Pandemie Kohorten Netz (Netzwerk Universitätsmedizin (NUM)) sample data to BBMRI-ERIC 💡 An "excursion" into non-human #biobanking with a presentation of the Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change at the Museum Koenig by Jonas Astrin #OneHealth 💡 An international guest lecture by Peggy van Bijnen-Manders of Health-RI on "Recommendations to evaluate the scientific value of biobank collections: retain or terminate?" #GreenBiobanking 💡 And much more - stay tuned for the full report! The varied programme and lively discussions once again made this GBA meeting a great success. We are already looking forward to the next one in spring 2025! 📅
Network meeting of the German #Biobank Alliance (GBA) on 4-5 December in Bonn: Many thanks to all speakers and participants for the insightful exchange - as always, it was a pleasure! And of course many thanks to our hosts, the BioBank Bonn under the leadership of Sarah Eickhoff! What were the two days about? 💡 Introduction by Bernd Weber, Dean of the medical faculty of Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn 💡 Insights from the Bonn site - from the University Hospital and the biobank to the #Biorepository of the DZNE (Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen (DZNE)) and the Bonn Study Centre (including the national KKS network, presented by Christine Fuhrmann) #ClinicalTrials 💡 A GBN/GBA report with a focus on key figures for 2023 and the BBMRI-ERIC quality label for biobanks 💡 The connection of NAPKON - Nationales Pandemie Kohorten Netz (Netzwerk Universitätsmedizin (NUM)) sample data to BBMRI-ERIC 💡 An "excursion" into non-human #biobanking with a presentation of the Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change at the Museum Koenig by Jonas Astrin #OneHealth 💡 An international guest lecture by Peggy van Bijnen-Manders of Health-RI on "Recommendations to evaluate the scientific value of biobank collections: retain or terminate?" #GreenBiobanking 💡 And much more - stay tuned for the full report! The varied programme and lively discussions once again made this GBA meeting a great success. We are already looking forward to the next one in spring 2025! 📅