GREWUS GmbH hat dies direkt geteilt
CES is a Wrap! Thanks to everyone who visited us the show to Experience the Language of Acoustics and Haptics. This busy event we engaged with a lot of top tier customers, startups, and a variety of industries looking for new technologies and the conversations were stimulating and exciting! Our top 4 most discussed technologies: * Our award nominated Seat haptics for safety and enhanced experiences in partnership with Hamso and Grewus * Advanced directional audio in partnership with Noveto enabling listening privately while driving, or beam formed audio messaging for digital signage (WOW you need to hear this) * Next generation AVAS allowing for creation of sounds specific to your brand * MEMS microphones for a variety of industries Whatever region you are in, we have teams ready to support your projects. We aren't just a hardware manufacturer, we are providing solutions to real world needs. Contact us for a discussion in your region (Resources throughout Asia, North America, & Europe) Many thanks to our global team for providing products and support for the show. See you next time! GREWUS GmbH / BESTAR Holdings 汉得利控股 / Noveto / Hamsø Engineering ApS #CES #CES2025 #HAPTICS #AVAS #DMS #ADAS