Become ACTIVE and get your EARLY BIRD TICKET now! #iAHC2025! 🗓 WHEN? 23. – 25. September 2025 📍WHERE? Hamburg, Germany ⁉️WHY? To feel the haptics future 📢 FOCUS: Seat Haptics, Piezo Haptic Technology, and its symbiosis with the entire haptic variety. Smart Surfaces, Actuators, Engineering Tools, Science, and much more! Join us for three dynamic three days dedicated to the latest in haptics. Get your early bird ticket here:
Herstellung von Haushalts-, Elektro- und Elektronikgeräten
Hamburg, Hamburg 2.151 Follower:innen
Global ACOUSTICS and HAPTICS solution provider!
GREWUS GmbH was founded in Hamburg in 2007 and specializes in the development and distribution of individual solutions for acoustic signaling devices and active haptic feedback. In the automotive industry, medical technology, white goods, commercial vehicles and consumer goods, the acoustics and haptics experts support the implementation of a wide range of applications such as alarm signals in vehicles, blinker knocks, signaling devices in household appliances or haptic feedback in steering wheels or gaming controllers. GREWUS is a Tier 1 and Tier 2 supplier. At the company headquarters in Hamburg, the team, which has been operating as a Global Competence Center since 2016, has its own development laboratories for products such as piezo discs, microphones and electromagnetic actuators. In this context, the company works closely with German certification bodies such as TÜV, as well as with its customers' audit teams. In the context of various haptic technologies, the company cooperates internationally with Cypress/Infineon, various universities, Leonard Kurz / PolyIC and is a member of DVN (Driving Vision News), the Haptics Alliance, the Haptic Industry Forum and the EuroHaptics Society. GREUWS is also the organizer of the currently only international haptics conference, the interACTIVE HAPTICS Conference. As part of BeStar Holding, which has locations in China, South Korea, Hong Kong and the USA, GREWUS has access to global resources and produces around 30 million components per year. The group of companies employs a total of around 1,200 people worldwide.
- Website
Externer Link zu GREWUS GmbH
- Branche
- Herstellung von Haushalts-, Elektro- und Elektronikgeräten
- Größe
- 1.001–5.000 Beschäftigte
- Hauptsitz
- Hamburg, Hamburg
- Art
- Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
- Gegründet
- 2007
- Spezialgebiete
- Automotive, akustische Signale, Exciter, Piezo, Piezoelektrische Komponenten, Elektromagnetische Komponenten, Haptisches Feedback, Force Sensing, Pegel-Terz Rückfahralarm, Abbiegewarner, Sensoren, AVAS, Modulentwicklung, Quantifizierung von Haptik, Commercial Vehicles, White Goods, Gaming, Acoustics, Haptics, Seat Haptics, Haptic Feedback, Actuators, Gamification und SimRacing
Langenhorner Chaussee 40
Hamburg, Hamburg 22335, DE
Beschäftigte von GREWUS GmbH
We are delighted to be able to talk about the latest developments in the field of #haptics at the Electronic Display Conference. Let's discuss innovative solutions and exciting applications together! 🗓 WHEN? 13. March 2025 11.15 am 📍WHERE? Nürnberg, Germany 📢 SPEAK: Haptic Feedback: Electromagnetic Technologies for Displays
SAVE THE DATE FOR THE #iAHC2025! 🗓 WHEN? 23. – 25. September 2025 📍WHERE? Hamburg, Germany ⁉️WHY? To feel the haptics future 📢 FOCUS: Seat Haptics, Piezo Haptic Technology, and its symbiosis with the entire haptic variety. Smart Surfaces, Actuators, Engineering Tools, Science, and much more! Join us for three dynamic three days dedicated to the latest in haptics. Get your early bird ticket here:
HAMBURGER GRUß AN ALLE RHEINLÄNDER Ach guck, heut ist wieder die jecke Zeit, mit Schunkeln, Konfetti und Fröhlichkeit. Hier oben im Norden, da kennt man das nich’, doch gönnen wir’s euch – ganz feierlich! Während ihr tanzt und Kamelle fangt, stehn wir am Deich mit ‘nem Tee in der Hand. Kein Kostüm, keine Bütt, kein lautes „Helau“, nur Möwen und Wind – und ‘n Himmel so blau Konfetti im Bier? Nee, dat muss nich sein, lieber ‘n Tee – schön warm und fein. Doch feiert ihr ruhig, singt, lacht und tanzt, wir nicken euch zu – aber bleiben ganz entspannt. Also hoch die Pappnas, viel Freud und viel Glück, wir winken von hier, mit 'nem Lächeln zurück! Feiert schön weiter, mit Schunkeln und Sang, habt ‘nen tollen Rosenmontag – und das bitte lang! 🎉🍬🤡
TICKETING IS OPEN! 🥳 You can NOW secure your ticket for the iAHC2025! Ticketing is open and the number of places is limited as every year, so be quick and secure your ticket here:
Ticketing for #iAHC2025 opens on Sunday. From then on you will have the opportunity to get discounted tickets for one month! 😃 What can you expect? THREE DAYS FULL OF #HAPTCS! Topics such as #SeatHaptics, #Piezo Haptic, #SmartSurfaces, #Actuators, #Technologies, #Engineering and #Gamification are part of the program. We are looking forward to many #demonstrators to try everything out directly, because HAPTIC MUST BE FELT!
3 DAYS FULL OF HAPTICS! 🥳 Put it in your calendar! This year's conference will last a full three days! Three days full of haptic knowledge, technologies, exchange and lots of fun! 1️⃣FOCUS DAY Seathaptics, Automotive, Gamification 2️⃣FOCUS DAY Technologies, Science, Engineering 3️⃣FOCUS DAY Touch Haptics, Smart Surfaces, Piezo Haptics ...aaaand so much more! See you in Hamburg!
GREWUS GmbH hat dies direkt geteilt
I am delighted to be a speaker at the upcoming Electronic Display Conference! In my presentation, I will explain the exciting connection between #haptics and displays. I will show how haptic #feedback technologies can improve the user experience when interacting with #displays. By combining visual impression and haptic feedback, we create a new dimension of interactivity that could revolutionise both efficiency and user experience in various #application areas, from #smartphones to interactive retail displays. I look forward to sharing my knowledge with the participants and having exciting discussions! 🗓 WHEN? 13. March 2025 11.15 Uhr 📍WHERE? Nuremberg, Germany 📢 SPEAK: Haptic Feedback: Electromagnetic Technologies for Displays
We are pleased to announce that we will be giving a presentation at this year's Electronic Display Conference in Nuremberg as part of the embedded world Exhibition&Conference! Join us and learn all about electromagnetic #haptic #technologies for #displays! 🗓 WHEN? 13. March 2025, 11.15 am 📍WHERE? Nürnberg, Germany 📢 SPEAK! Haptic Feedback: Electromagnetic Technologies for Displays