Herstellung von Bauteilen für die Luft- und Raumfahrt

Braunschweig, Lower Saxony 1.593 Follower:innen



Shaping a sustainable future will call for hi-tech fibre composite products which make both ecological and economic sense. These products must be able to meet the highest demands under extreme conditions. INVENT GmbH is a privately owned German SME allocated in Braunschweig in northern Germany and was founded in 1996 as Spin-Off from the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) Institute of Structural Mechanics. As a recognised engineering specialist for innovative fibre composite technologies, INVENT develops high-precision structural components for aerospace and customer-specific lightweight applications. INVENT has many years of experience in the field of fibre composite technology and has built up an extensive range of services: Products and Services and R&D: • Customer-specific part design and development • Prototype construction of lightweight structures (FRP and metal) • Serial production of lightweight structures (FRP and metal) • Paint shop • Construction of lightweight structures • FEM Simulations • Design support • Development and qualification of materials and processes • Trainings in fibre composites and quality assurance • Piezo-electric patch actuators • Destructive component testing • Non-destructive component testing In-house Infrastructure and Equipment: • 3 Autoclaves (medium and large sized) & 3 ovens • 200 m² clean room (ISO class 8) • Injection installation • CNC controlled filament winding machine and raw material cutting for composite production • CNC mills and lathes (also for Titanium and Invar) • Several NDT and DT facilities • Paint shop • Thermal chamber (-140°C/+180°C)

Herstellung von Bauteilen für die Luft- und Raumfahrt
51–200 Beschäftigte
Braunschweig, Lower Saxony
Lightweight Structures Manufacturing and Testing, Composites & Metals, Structural Engineering, Smart Structures, Instrument / Payload Stuctures, Structural Panels, Central Tubes, Struts, Booms, CCORE, Radiators, Thermal Hardware, Aircraft Structures, Demisable Structures, Space Paints, Tanks, Prototype Manufacturing und Series Manufacturing


  • Primär

    Christian-Pommer-Str. 47

    Braunschweig, Lower Saxony 38112, DE


Beschäftigte von INVENT GmbH


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    Danke für Ihren Besuch und den wertvollen Austausch Thorsten Kornblum und Gerold Leppa. Wir freuen uns, dass wir Ihnen unsere Expertise im Bereich Faserverbundtechnologien näherbringen durften. Solche Besuche stärken nicht nur die Verbindung zwischen Wirtschaft und Politik, sondern auch die Bedeutung unserer Stadt als High-Tech-Standort.

    Profil von Thorsten Kornblum anzeigen, Grafik

    Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Braunschweig

    Anfang Dezember habe ich mit unserem Wirtschaftsdezernenten Gerold Leppa die INVENT GmbH in Braunschweig besucht. Der Leichtbau-Spezialist für innovative Faserverbundtechnologien der Branchen Luft- und Raumfahrt, Automotive, Maschinenbau, Schienenfahrzeuge und Schiffbau entwickelt und produziert seit 1996 hochpräzise Strukturkomponenten. Die Kunden kommen aus Europa, Asien und aus dem Nahen Osten. Das Unternehmen, das als High-Tech-Ausgründung aus dem Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt hervorging, hat mehr als 100 Beschäftigte. Aufgrund der Expertise in der Luft- und Raumfahrt ist die INVENT GmbH auch Mitglied im Forschungsflughafen Braunschweig e. V. und somit Teil des europaweit bedeutsamen Mobilitätsclusters am Research Airport. Vielen Dank für den Austausch und die interessanten Einblicke! 😊 #Braunschweig #StadtBraunschweig #Oberbürgermeister #Unternehmensbesuch #Unternehmen #Industrie #inventgmbh

  • Unternehmensseite von INVENT GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Last week we had the pleasure of hosting an insightful and dynamic workshop on #REACH and #SCIP at the INVENT GmbH premises. The session was expertly led by our esteemed colleague Michal Gabčo and Hans-Dieter Herrmann from German Aerospace Center (DLR), bringing together members of the Association of German Space SME (AKRK) for a full day of knowledge sharing and collaborative discussions. We are grateful to DLR for their valueable support and expertise, and to all participants for contributing to the workshop’s success. The active discussions and shared insights highlighted the importance and benefits of collaboration on these crucial topics. Are you well-prepared and informed about REACH?? Let’s keep the conversation going... We’re looking forward to the next round and future activities 🚀

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  • Unternehmensseite von INVENT GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    🚀 Sentinel-1C: Ready for Launch! 🌍 The Copernicus Sentinel-1C satellite, part of the Copernicus Programme by the European Union and European Space Agency - ESA, is poised for launch on December 4, 2024 aboard the Vega-C rocket from Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana. On November 29, the final assembly of the 35-meter-tall Vega-C launcher was completed, with Sentinel-1C installed at its pinnacle—like the cherry on a cake. As preparations continue, technicians are performing final connections, tests, and checks to ensure a flawless launch. 🌟 Mission Objectives Once in orbit, Sentinel-1C will extend the Sentinel-1 mission’s legacy of delivering all-weather, day-and-night radar imagery to support a wide range of applications: - Monitoring climate change impacts, such as glacier dynamics and Arctic sea ice. - Providing critical data for disaster response and humanitarian aid. - Enhancing maritime safety with integrated Automatic Identification System (AIS) technology. 🛠 INVENT’s Contribution As a long-term subcontractor of Airbus Defence and Space, INVENT supplied hundreds of precision components for Sentinel-1C’s radar system, including: 1️⃣ CFRP waveguides for reliable signal transmission. 2️⃣ Thermal mounting plates for efficient heat management. 3️⃣ Cross-stiffeners ensuring exceptional structural stability and minimal thermal expansion. Our advanced CDP-RTM manufacturing process ensures these components meet the stringent demands of space applications. 🌍 A Mission with Global Impact Sentinel-1C supports critical environmental and scientific initiatives as part of the Copernicus Programme, demonstrating Europe’s leadership in Earth observation. By providing essential data, it empowers decision-makers, researchers, and industries to address challenges like climate change and maritime security effectively. With the return to flight of Vega-C, this mission also signifies Europe’s commitment to independent access to space and continued exploration. We’re honored to contribute to this landmark project and eagerly await Sentinel-1C’s successful journey into orbit! #Sentinel1C #Copernicus #EarthObservation #ESA #EU #SpaceInnovation #VegaC #RadarSatellite #INVENT Photo: unfolded 12 m long SAR antenna of Sentinel 1A with more than 1000 H/V-polarised slotted waveguides, ©ESA–S. Corvaja, 2014

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  • Unternehmensseite von INVENT GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Space Tech Expo Europe 2024 - In a Wrap🚀 This week, our team had the privilege of attending the 2024 Space Tech Expo in Bremen! From reconnecting with long-standing partners to meeting potential new suppliers and customers, and motivated students, the experience was nothing short of incredible. The star of our booth? Our tested tank demonstrator! This unique piece, which underwent a controlled burst test, grabbed everyone’s attention. Visitors couldn’t help but ask, “What happened? Is it normal?” It was the perfect icebreaker to share what we’re working on and our PASSION FOR COMPOSITES. A massive thank you to the organizers for delivering such a flawless and inspiring event. Bremen, as always, proved to be the perfect stage for meaningful connections and discussions about the future of space business. Looking forward to seeing you all next year! 🌍✨

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  • Unternehmensseite von INVENT GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    INVENT has successfully manufactured and delivered the second and for the time being last satellite structure for the #CO2M mission of the European Space Agency - ESA . “As a subcontractor in this ESA mission, we have assumed responsibility for the production and assembly of the CO2M satellite structure for the CO2M mission,” says Christoph Tschepe, Head of Space at INVENT GmbH. “We are aware of the importance of this mission and have used our technical expertise and state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities to ensure a precise and robust structure.”   The CO2M satellite is equipped with state-of-the-art sensor technology to carry out high-precision measurements of carbon dioxide emissions on Earth. The satellite's central structure, manufactured by INVENT, plays a crucial role as it forms the basis for integrating the sensitive instruments. It consists of a large number of milled and turned aluminum components as well as aluminum sandwich panels manufactured by INVENT and meets the highest standards of precision, stability and reliability. Read the whole article:

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  • Unternehmensseite von INVENT GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Coming soon – Europe’s largest B2B event for the aerospace industry 🚀🛰, Space Tech Expo Europe will open its doors on 19 November 2024 in Bremen. Visit us at our booth G11 in hall 5. For B2B meetings use the B2B matchmaking platform or contact our team directly ✔ Christoph TschepeMartin SauerbreyDomitille Callieu We are looking forward to seeing you 👋 ! #spacetechnology #spaceinnovation #spacetechexpoeurope

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  • Unternehmensseite von INVENT GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Have you seen the first HERA images provided by ESA? 📸 Launched on October 7th, the mission is already over millions kilometers away, and captured stunning views of the Earth and the Moon. 🌍 🌝 At INVENT, we’re excited to have contributed to this ESA mission by manufacturing the main reflector dish of the HPS High Performance Space Structure Systems GmbH High Gain Antenna 📡  and providing structural panels and struts for the spacecraft 🛰️ in subcontract with OHB Czechspace. As HERA continues its journey to Didymos, we can’t wait to see what’s next and the exciting developments for science and planetary defense! ☄️

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  • Unternehmensseite von INVENT GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

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    Ende August wurde das vom BMWK-geförderte Vorhaben mibos - Mikrobohren von Sandwichwerkstoffen - erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Die Projektpartner KMS Automation GmbH, Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. (LZH) und INVENT GmbH stellten hierzu beim Abschlusstreffen in Hannover ihre Ergebnisse live vor. Die Ergebnisse kurz gefasst: ✔ Steifigkeitsoptimierte FVK-Gehäusestruktur für den Laserbearbeitungskopf umgesetzt. ✔ FVK-Sandwichstrukturen lassen sich mittels Laser schnell, präzise und verschleißfrei bohren. ✔ Mikroperforierte FVK-Sandwichstrukturen haben eine integrierte und anpassbare schallreduzierende Wirkung. ✔ Strukturmechanische Analyse und zerstörende Prüfung ergab keine Beeinflussung der mechanischen Kennwerte an der Sandwichstruktur. ✔ Industriell anwendbare Verfahren zur Qualitätssicherung und Bauteilprüfung von mikroperforierten FVK-Sandwichstrukturen umgesetzt. Ziel erreicht: Vor dem Hintergrund einer “umweltfreundlichen Luftfahrt“ leisten die Ergebnisse einen positiven Beitrag durch: ✈ Reduktion von störendem Lärm, der sich negativ auf Mensch und Umwelt auswirkt. ✈ Effizientere und damit nachhaltigere Fertigung von schallabsorbierenden FVK-Strukturen.   Das Projekt “Mikrobohren von Sandwichwerkstoffen” (miBoS) wird gefördert vom BMWK.

    • miBoS-Abschlusstreffen der Projektpartner beim LZH in Hannover
    • Mikroperforierte FVK-Sandwichstrukturen mit schallreduzierender Wirkung
    • Steifigkeitsoptimierte FVK-Gehäusestruktur für den Laserbearbeitungskopf

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