The Ariadne project hosted a three-day event on #EU #climate and #energy #policy in #Brussels from Monday 9 to Wednesday 11 December 2024. The three days covered different thematic focuses, ranging from the integration of #CDR in the EU #ETS over to distributional aspects of the net-zero transition to industrial policy and sector specific topics.
Over 240 participants, not including members of the consortium, had registered for the event, both in-person and online. They represented national ministries of EU Member States, the #EuropeanCommission and #EuropeanParliament, think tanks, consultancies, private businesses, business associations, and NGOs. Geographical representation was equally broad, and besides Germany covered countries from all across Europe (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, UK) and even countries outside of Europe (e.g. Mexico and the United States). This event was part of a series of workshops intended to share and discuss Ariadne research insights with relevance for European discourse. The aim is to connect the research more tightly to climate and energy policy discussions in Brussels, and to develop directions for future research.
Key takea ways and slides now online:
PIK - Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research Ecologic Institute
Michael Pahle Benjamin Görlach Flora Dicke Johannes Seilnacht